Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Bologna, Italy – 2nd August and State massacres   

Banners and leaflets at the August 2 demo in remembrance of the massacres at the station of Bologna
If our solidarity with and closeness to the families and friends of the victims of State massacres is absolute and reconfirmed, precisely on a day like today, it is impossible to remain silent about the presence of characters who embody the State’s brutality rather than justice. The State massacre in the jails in March 2020 was filed away as an episode of mass overdose. This demonstrates both that the lives of those who are inside are really worth nothing for the institutions and that massacres are still a habitual practice for states in order to frighten those who rebel.   Continue reading Bologna, Italy – 2nd August and State massacres   

Italy: Against the State and its massacres Anarchist comizi in the streets of Trieste, autumn 2020

Translator’s note
Against the State. Well? For an anarchist these words are clear and simple, a prerequisite of anarchy you might say. But what if, rounded off with ‘and its massacres’, they are plastered on colossal city walls in posters and echoed forcefully in the shadow of a church by a stirring old man with a beard, microphone in hand? Who is this individual who dares bare his soul to the respectable citizens of Trieste?
He is an anarchist who has come together in affinity with others like him on this precise subject, united for a moment in their need to make themselves heard, say the truth to the winds in that city whose sea breezes have not yet swept away its lingering austerity, legacy of the old Austro-Hungarian empire of which it was a prominent part.

Continue reading Italy: Against the State and its massacres Anarchist comizi in the streets of Trieste, autumn 2020

Italy – Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

We are publishing a text by Anna Beniamino from the women’s prison of Rebibbia:
Anarchists read a lot and write even more, perhaps this is because of some excess of book culture which shouts at the top of its voice about ethics, while they find it difficult to understand it and forget to apply it in the reality of everyday life. And… as soon as they realize the mistake has been made they write more pages and pages (it is not clear whether for private use or for a selected audience) redundant with rectifications which sound even more shaky and hypocritical than declarations during trials, when not amusing in their anxious contradictions.
I don’t enjoy acting the moralist locked up between four walls, but as I recognize that certain silences risk being filled with others’ chatter, I think it is the case to dwell upon a curious phenomenon of inversion of sense and references in speech, a phenomenon which is two years old and not yet clarified.

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Italy – 5G: Rete della società cibernetica [5G: The cyber society network] – Silvia Guerini, Costantino Ragusa – Asterios Editore

5G: Rete della società cibernetica by Silvia Guerini and Costantino Ragusa, Asterios Editore, a series of militant leaflets, no. 56,  4.90 euros, 48 pages, July 2021
This short essay seeks to highlight the deep social, ontological and anthropological transformations which will derive from the G5 network and from the society that is structuring itself thanks to it. The 5G network is not the simple development of the previous 2G, 3G, 4G and is something more than greater speed in transmission of data: besides being faster, it will allow more connections at the same time and the simultaneous passage of data with practically zero delay. These are essential characteristics for the development and voracity of artificial intelligence, which will progress thanks to data extrapolated from the digital world. Data which, before being grabbed and captured by algorithms, were our lives, our feelings, our body in the flesh, now product and producer of its own surveillance on a large scale. Continue reading Italy – 5G: Rete della società cibernetica [5G: The cyber society network] – Silvia Guerini, Costantino Ragusa – Asterios Editore

Italy: Let’s stop the 5G network and the digitalisation of our lives

Il Rovescio / Wednesday 6 January 2021
Let’s stop the 5G network and the digitalisation of our lives
Let human imagination prevail over artificial stupidity
Our era is based on the myth of progress, a myth that imposes the attainment of every possibility offered by technological development, without considering the consequences that might result from it. Industrial society, in order to solve the current catastrophe and the irreparable consequences of technological development, is giving us digitisation, automation, artificial intelligence, smart cities and objects as the only solutions. Further irreversible damage can only come from technological society, so the starting point must be to radically question it.

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GLONASS on board! (Genoa, Italy)

The Glonass system, comparable to the American GPS, is a Russian global navigation satellite system used for tracking and tracing. It is also used as a back-up or support positioning system, which can provide a faster fix and greater accuracy than GPS.
This device was found in our car. It was connected to the power supply of the control unit underneath the steering wheel on the left-hand side and had been placed there with a magnet, insulating tape and a heating cloth. It consists of an antenna (QC in the photo) connected to a multi-frequency positioning receiver box containing a micro SIM card. On the same side, a long cable ran along the inside of the internal side pillar linings of the windscreen to the underside of the roof of the car. All on the driver’s side. At the top of the cable were two microphones.
On the Road Again!
Two anarchists in Genoa
[Received and published by, August 2, 2021].

Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Torino, 18 May  2021
It may be due to the fact that I will spend a large portion of my remaining life in a prison, that lately I feel inclined to “necrophilia”, to “historicize” what has just been. After all, the last action claimed ‘Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale’ in Italy was “just” a year ago. Usually we historicize the things “dead”, past, but in me the fear that everything that has been deleted or worse, distorted, has taken over. And I say this with the conviction (maybe I’m wrong) that the FAI-FRI has exhausted its vital charge and has passed the “baton” to something more essential, the revolutionary campaigns. Campaigns that, from one continent to another, relaunch revolutionary solidarity, not by an organization but by groups and individual comrades who never need to know each other personally.
Dynamic alive, linear process as effective in the world goes by the name of “Black International” and that in fact does not even need the coordination, there is no need to meet, to know each other personally. The anarchists of action usually neglect the historical introspection, the anarchists who postpone the violent action instead tend to exhume distant experiences that are more unlikely to give rise to criminal retaliation and “imitations” in today. “It was a different time …”, this phrase still rattles in my head repeated to me as a boy endless times by anarchists / and more conscientious, anarchists / and other times precisely …

Continue reading Contribution of Alfredo Cospito from the AS2 section of the Ferrara prison for the cycle of presentations “Guerrilla and Revolution”

Pozzallo, Italy: incendiary revolt in the centre for migrants

On Sunday 18 July, at around 6.30pm, a fire broke out in the Pozzallo hotspot in Sicily (Ragusa province), after some migrants set fire to their mattresses. The European Union hotspot was housing around one hundred migrants, including twenty minors, who had recently arrived in Italy on makeshift boats. Locked up in this structure for the duration of their Covid quarantine, they were then to be directed towards other detention centres in Sicily.

Continue reading Pozzallo, Italy: incendiary revolt in the centre for migrants

”Prometeo Operation”: updates on Natascia from Rebibbia prison (Italy, July 2021)

Natascia is well and her mood is high, especially since she knows that Anna [anarchist comrade sentenced to 16 years and 6 months in the Scripta Manent trial against the Federazione Anarchica Informale, “Informal Anarchist Federation”] has also arrived and received her greetings, even though Natascia is in a solitary confinement cell far away from the one she is in, which makes it impossible for her to hear directly from Anna. It seems that her transfer to Rebibbia prison in Rome is a permanent relocation, which she does not mind at all: in fact, she said she does not want to ask for other transfers and wants to stay there.
The prison has just authorised her to have four hours of visits per month, both with the comrade with whom she had visits before the transfer to Santa Maria Capua Vetere, and with her father. Her father will go when he can (given the distance, Natascia has also been authorised to make video calls with him), while the comrade intends to have regular visits every month, possibly by pooling the visit hours available to her, so as to reduce the cost of the journey from Turin to Rome and back. Continue reading ”Prometeo Operation”: updates on Natascia from Rebibbia prison (Italy, July 2021)


Beginning of first degree of Operation Scintilla.
The three preliminary hearings for Operation Scintilla concluded with the confirmation by the Gup of the entire accusatory package and the committal for trial of all 18 defendants for all the crimes charged.
Obviously, both instigation to commit a crime and subversive association, that is art. 270 c.p., have been reconfirmed. Moreover, the charges of the various offenses of the association remain unchanged, including the placement of two tanks near as many ATMs of the Italian Post Office, the damage by fire of the Center for Permanent Residence for Repatriation in Turin in collaboration with some inmates and the sending of an incendiary package to Ladisa, the company that managed the canteen of the structure of Corso Brunelleschi.