Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy : L’Urlo della Terra latest issue– Editorial

via: .resistenzealnanomondo,Translated by act for freedom now!
Issue 9
Dear readers,
The latest issue of the paper L’Urlo della Terra is about to come out and we hope we’ll have it ready for distribution in mid-July.
We ask you to support us, if you can, earlier than the usual time required for dispatching the paper and sending a contribution. This will help us to meet the not small printing expenses and those for distributing the paper in Italy, abroad and among not a few prisoners.
Contact us also for a wider distribution of the paper in your area: libraries, circles, info centres… and for benefit initiatives.
We are available for presentations and discussions on the contents of the paper, in public and open places where good thought is nourished.
Warm greetings and thank you
The editors

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Italy – A few thoughts on the “no green pass” street protests

via: by act for freedom now!
Over the past month the need for discussion with comrades from other countries has intensified; exchanges with like-minded people also across borders is revealing itself to be fundamental for having a broader perception of what is going on. Even if we cannot get an exact overview from these discussions, they certainly help us to look beyond our own small surroundings. They are often purely individual evaluations or those of small collectives.
Often a perception emerges of being unable to maintain an autonomous discourse against those who express reactionary or purely “conspiracy-theorist” conceptions of society in the streets; fear of falling into the “denialist” cauldron has frequently been blocking comrades from intervening in the streets, or has pushed them to contain the fascist presence with antifascist speeches alone. In a few words, this is what comrades from some northern European cities told us. Another problem arises from the difficulty of intervening with proper discourses, given the complexity of the problems that the reality surrounding us is posing us, the unpreparedness in the face of such vast thematics.
The phrase ‘it’s difficult’ is often echoed. On this site we have already expressed the fact that over the years anarchists have expressed themselves in a radical and articulated way on issues that are indeed complex such as GMOs, vaccines, nuclear power, various harmful sciences, but also on justice, self-management, health, concepts which are no less important given the extent of their impact on human life and relations between individuals; if we never backed down in the critique of the new nocivities that capital has put in front of us gradually, perhaps we have never sufficiently addressed the problem of imagining a society without prisons, courts and other authoritarian structures. We have always brought out our best abilities to succeed in crushing the arguments of the bosses, technicians, politicians and priests. We never lacked the courage to take uncomfortable, minority positions, which have repeatedly hit the nail on the head of what is happening in this historical phase of humanity. Often our evaluations were not wrong but well-founded. It would be nice to say unfortunately, but reality is throwing the truth of the situation in our faces.

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A world without mothers? by Silvia Guerini (Italy)

A world without mothers?
The term ectogenesis was coined in the 1920s by geneticist and biologist researcher J.B.S. Haldaine to refer to the development of a new being outside the maternal body. Haldaine considered ectogenesis “an important opportunity for social engineering” inscribed in a eugenic society where a complete separation of procreation from sex would lead to a “liberation of humanity in an entirely new sense.”
Haldain was interested in understanding the origin of life in order to direct and control the development of life itself. His goal was to synthesize living creatures in biochemistry laboratories, an aspiration that, in later years, would take shape in synthetic biology and genetic engineering laboratories.
Haldaine believed that ectogenesis would allow for eugenic selection in which only the best gametes would be used for the next generation. Selection that today has become the practice in the field of MAP techniques. Haldaine and Julian Huxley strongly promoted a “positive eugenics” that in those years resulted – well before Nazi Germany – in sterilization programs regulated by legislation in favor of them in the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and widely funded by philanthropic associations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, issues that we have explored in our previous texts.

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Italy : No GREEN PASS… not only!

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
No GREEN PASS… sure! But also No Capitalism, No Patriarchy, No God, No Borders, No Cops, No State…
It is difficult to insert oneself clearly within a public discourse when the world of communication has trained us (and dumbed us down) to choose and/or shout only “Yes!” and “NO!”: just like the binary system of the machines that rule our lives. Like football fans in a stadium.
And so behind a slogan as direct as it is reduced, such as “NO GREEN PASS”, there are dozens of very different nuances, even in opposition to one another, and we are taking the liberty of alerting those who, in all sincerity, are coming out into the streets against this umpteenth measure of cop-like control, which has nothing to do with “being healthy”. If the method of organization through social networks can also make these initiatives extremely horizontal (for example the revolts after the murder of George Floyd in the USA), on the other hand the vagueness of the web allows politicians/demagogues to camouflage themselves. (Our choice in this respect remains that of seeing one another, talking to one another, knowing one another, without schema).

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Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]

What international? Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara.
Part One
 Internationalism has always been the principle inspiring the actions and horizons of the exploited who do not accept the role that society has given them. It has always been a vaccine against opportunism of every kind, a guarantee that those who practice it are not the servants of their boss or a foreign boss, but are authentic enemies of all forms of exploitation and authority. Internationalism as tension, as spirit, does not change with the changing of times. But the way it becomes real in history changes. Reformists, opportunists and authoritarians have always tried to pervert internationalism towards their own interests. The question of questions, the lever get the world to rise up, is therefore the International. How, what should the International be today? Should it be a real “organization”, a federation of groups, a “world party”? Or can there be instruments or “structures” that are closer to the anarchist Idea and that are more effective in this historical period?
Like “scientific” socialism, anarchism was born to oppose a global process, capitalism and the advent of the bourgeoisie. It is more than natural that anarchists and Marxists have from the beginning pursued with alternating fortunes an international organizational dimension. In the nineteenth century, with Bakunin, anarchy abandoned the philosophical, idealist level to take its first steps in the real world. First against Mazzini’s messianic liberalism, to then clash with Marx’s state socialism, giving rise to the autonomist federalist currents within the First International.

Continue reading Interview and dialogue with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara [Published in anarchist paper Vetriolo, issue 2, autumn 2018]

Italy – Solidarity with prisoner Andreas Krebs

Via: inferno urbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
We are relaunching solidarity with Andreas Krebs, who is facing a very difficult situation in the prison of Secondigliano (Naples), all the more so as he is seriously ill. We learned about his situation from an imprisoned anarchist comrade who spent some time in jail with Andreas in Germany, and we started corresponding with him (Andreas speaks and reads Italian fluently but has some trouble with writing).
Since this rather outdated summary that we are reproducing here from a blog in solidarity with him, his health condition has deteriorated further and his lawyer has confirmed that the court of Naples has repeatedly refused to accept claims submitted by the defence up to September last year, demanding acknowledgement of the incompatibility of his health situation with imprisonment. Meantime Andreas has been waiting for a biopsy which was ordered urgently over a year ago.

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Genova, Italy: Against Special Surveillance

While power continues to ravage and plunder territories, bodies and souls, we can still count on individuals who do not resign themselves and who, in spite of everything, continue on the tortuous path of freedom.
The capitalist system, now well established, always ready to hide behind the mask of democracy and security, unveils its tentacles a little more each day, which are insinuating themselves into the life of each individual, as well as into the exploitation of the earth, water and air. Those who (finally) realize this and those who are aware of it and have been opposing it for a long time, are immediately beaten and repressed, so that the dirty integrity of the authority that watches over the order and the instituted system is not damaged. Because of this, companions who have always thrown themselves with their tension against the power, see their affinities described as “terrorist associations”, their lives monitored and their freedom limited.

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Italy – Operation Scintilla: a letter

https://roundrobin.infoTranslated by act for freedom now!
In February 2019 I signed the declaration that I submitted at a review trial for operation Scintilla. My responsibility for writing the text is entirely my own. The piece in question presents numerous problems, the most serious certainly that linked to the refusal of the alleged indiscriminate nature of certain practices which unquestionably belong to the history of the anarchist movement. The phrase in question is: “the idea or the will to harm ‘an unspecified number of people’ such as could be office secretaries, employees or passers-by, does not belong to us in any way”.
At the time of elaboration of the text I firmly believed that I was capable of expressing myself, that I was able to take a stand about my life, accept or refuse the accusations and profiles constructed upon me by the prosecutor. I expressed what I thought sincerely, as if I could do that without any problem. As an anarchist individuality I don’t belong to any group or court category, I have my own way of thinking and, reasoning superficially, I said to myself: “why can’t I express it?”.

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Italy- Ethics wanted – or – a fairy tale at times anarchist

Almost two and a half years have passed since, after only 19 days’ prison – I’m telling you – 19 days, you decided to leave a declaration in a review trial, it was 26/2/19.
When I got to know of your decision at the time, sorrow and anger resurfaced as they did when the texts entitled “dotting i’s” and“I burabacio” made their appearance.
I ask myself and ask you: you declare you are anarchists and revolutionaries, you practice conflictuality in the neighbourhoods in daily life, you live in or frequent squatted places, you organize or take part in gatherings outside prisons, detention centres for migrants, benefits; but what do you talk about on those occasions?!

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Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021

The pamphlet Fuorirotta. Raccolta di testi sulla rivolta di Genova e su chi cercò di governarla is out
Info and orders:
Here you can see the covers:
From the introduction:
Where to start?
Memory can stay alive, without becoming a symbol or liturgy, as long as it remains linked to a vital desire for permanent conflictuality, self-management of the struggle and attack. If acting becomes doing, a simple repetition of schemas disconnected from a more complex project, then we might as well give up. Already such a big part of our lives is losing any sense so increasing the emptiness around us only means harming ourselves alone.

Continue reading Italy – Fuorirotta: a collection of texts on the revolt of Genoa and those who tried to govern it, Kavarna, 15th July 2021