Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy – ”Operation Scintilla”: a two-year journey

via: Roundrobin, Translated by act for freedom now!
We have decided to have a say ourselves regarding the declaration made during the appeal trial for operation Scintilla in February 2019. We are doing it now on the internet, over two years later, strong from a long, hard and enriching path. The choice of coming out now on the internet is for various reasons. Certainly it is motivated by a debate that has been going on for several months with comrades close to us on the need to widen the retelling of what happened to those who are locked up in Italian jails as well as those who live beyond national borders. Another reason comes from recently published texts which open a level of discussion that we don’t want to avoid, for the completeness of the narrative. We want to make it clear immediately that we didn’t consider the internet an adequate instrument to deal with what happened because of the narrowness of reasoning that this instrument necessarily imposes. In fact, we don’t see this space as adequate to an in-depth and sincere discussion. Therefore we want to point out the limits that this text inevitably carries with it, as it can’t reflect the complexity of the reasoning and ways we have elaborated since we started to face what we had done.
These lines, however, have two aims:
– to inform those who are not informed in spite of the efforts made so far, by reporting a brief chronology of what happened and adding the declaration at the end
– to give a few suggestions concerning the attempt we made to deal with our mistake
The facts are these:

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Lecce, Italy – Humanity is a risk to be run. Against green pass, compulsory vaccination and much more

via: Translated by act for freedom now!


Humanity is a risk to be run. Against green pass, compulsory vaccination and much more
We have understood for a time that the various questions that present themselves to the world are not disconnected. A world of war presents its bill of misery, dead, people running away. An exploited and polluted planet presents its bill in terms of climate change, devastation of nature, diseases and more people running away. In a world where accumulation of wealth means accumulation of power, the consequence is exclusion and repression of those who can’t access this wealth. These arguments, repeated for centuries, don’t seem to be hitting the point in a period when all the conditions described are becoming quickly and exponentially real. The discourses made around the pandemic, health and the repressive and commodified management that followed, how can they be separated from all the rest?
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Genoa, Italy – Updates on special surveillance against a comrade from Genoa

via: Inferno Urbano, Translated by act for freedom now!
In the month of August the result of the appeal against a special surveillance measure against a comrade from Genoa was made known; the request for reviewing the measure, applied with all restrictions, was rejected and it appeared obvious how, even if the charge of terrorism, fundamental pillar of the prosecution theorem, was dropped, the measure remained completely in place again for the same reason, i.e. “adhesion to the anarchist ideology”, “open demonstrations of solidarity with militants of the Informal Anarchist Federation”, “support to imprisoned anarchists”, “inciting direct action”, spreading counter-information material. Still in the month of August, following a proposal by Genoa’s prosecutors, further measures were inflicted on her [the comrade] in addition to surveillance, measures aiming at limiting her freedom even more extensively, striking her in the sphere of her affections, adding new limitations and difficulties to the authorization, granted at last after 7 months’ waiting, to visit her family who live outside the municipality where she has compulsory residence. Moreover her driving licence was confiscated on the absurd pretext that it could be functional to her committing crimes.
The usual refrain continues to propose itself stubbornly and monotonously like a cracked record: the comrade in question is anarchist, therefore dangerous, and this is confirmed by the fact that she is being investigated as an anarchist. Things standing this way, they could go on for ever.

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Liguria, Italy – 18th-19th September: two days of meetings and walks on the Alta Via of the Mountains of Liguria

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
At the end of the camping of August 6-7-8 against the titanium mine on Beigua, the participants expressed the need to carry on meeting, discussing and getting to know one another; look into one another’s eyes and go through the places threatened by the umpteenth devastation of the country, aware that this is only a small path among many others to be taken in order to destroy all forms of domination and authority.
So we are inviting everyone to:
Saturday 18th September:
Meeting point at 8:30am at the picnic area of Curlo (Arenzano –GE), from there a walk to the camping area, a journey of about an hour and a half (come on! come on!)
Setting up the camp and packed lunch
Introduction, proposals and organization of the two days
Talk on experiences of struggle against mining
Shared dinner
Sunday 19th September:
Workshops (orienteering, tree climbing …) and walk along AVML
Shared lunch
Technical info:
Material: tent, mess tin and cutlery, cup, water bottle, sleeping bag, adequate comfortable clothing for two days on the mountains at about 1,000 high above sea level, kway, boots, compass (if you have it!)
Food: we’ll provide hot soup for Saturday’s dinner, for the rest bring what you’d like to find and share with everybody
If you need technical material get in touch via email.
Info and updates:

Italy – I could but I don’t want to

via: roundrobin.infoTranslated by act for freedom now!
I could but I don’t want to
I could convince myself that all nuclear power plants are reliable. But I don’t want to. I still keep Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima in mind… As the earth becomes contaminated for ever, the usual characters in power tell us that there is nothing else to be done.
I could consider wars as something necessary to defeat enemies that seem invincible. But I don’t want to. All the deaths caused by conflicts between the States have only strengthened their domination on individuals through genocides, massacres and famines.
I could brood over freedom of choice. But I don’t want to. In the world of progress for the rich and regression for the poor, what is called freedom of choice would be more appropriately called freedom to consume as much as possible it seems to me.

Continue reading Italy – I could but I don’t want to

Italy – 11th-12th September 2021: vetriolo words

vitriolo words
Saturday 11th September
5:30pm – Capitalism and electrification. A day of theoretical analysis on the trends and consequences of digitalization
8pm – Dinner
10pm – Live music and DJ sets
Saturday 12th September
5:30pm – The autumn we are expecting. Between pandemic fear, G20, exploitation and repression
Circolaccio Anarchico
Viale della repubblica 1/A – Spoleto
via:malacoda Translated by Act for freedom now!

Italy : L’Urlo della Terra latest issue– Editorial

via: .resistenzealnanomondo,Translated by act for freedom now!
Issue 9
Dear readers,
The latest issue of the paper L’Urlo della Terra is about to come out and we hope we’ll have it ready for distribution in mid-July.
We ask you to support us, if you can, earlier than the usual time required for dispatching the paper and sending a contribution. This will help us to meet the not small printing expenses and those for distributing the paper in Italy, abroad and among not a few prisoners.
Contact us also for a wider distribution of the paper in your area: libraries, circles, info centres… and for benefit initiatives.
We are available for presentations and discussions on the contents of the paper, in public and open places where good thought is nourished.
Warm greetings and thank you
The editors

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Italy – A few thoughts on the “no green pass” street protests

via: by act for freedom now!
Over the past month the need for discussion with comrades from other countries has intensified; exchanges with like-minded people also across borders is revealing itself to be fundamental for having a broader perception of what is going on. Even if we cannot get an exact overview from these discussions, they certainly help us to look beyond our own small surroundings. They are often purely individual evaluations or those of small collectives.
Often a perception emerges of being unable to maintain an autonomous discourse against those who express reactionary or purely “conspiracy-theorist” conceptions of society in the streets; fear of falling into the “denialist” cauldron has frequently been blocking comrades from intervening in the streets, or has pushed them to contain the fascist presence with antifascist speeches alone. In a few words, this is what comrades from some northern European cities told us. Another problem arises from the difficulty of intervening with proper discourses, given the complexity of the problems that the reality surrounding us is posing us, the unpreparedness in the face of such vast thematics.
The phrase ‘it’s difficult’ is often echoed. On this site we have already expressed the fact that over the years anarchists have expressed themselves in a radical and articulated way on issues that are indeed complex such as GMOs, vaccines, nuclear power, various harmful sciences, but also on justice, self-management, health, concepts which are no less important given the extent of their impact on human life and relations between individuals; if we never backed down in the critique of the new nocivities that capital has put in front of us gradually, perhaps we have never sufficiently addressed the problem of imagining a society without prisons, courts and other authoritarian structures. We have always brought out our best abilities to succeed in crushing the arguments of the bosses, technicians, politicians and priests. We never lacked the courage to take uncomfortable, minority positions, which have repeatedly hit the nail on the head of what is happening in this historical phase of humanity. Often our evaluations were not wrong but well-founded. It would be nice to say unfortunately, but reality is throwing the truth of the situation in our faces.

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A world without mothers? by Silvia Guerini (Italy)

A world without mothers?
The term ectogenesis was coined in the 1920s by geneticist and biologist researcher J.B.S. Haldaine to refer to the development of a new being outside the maternal body. Haldaine considered ectogenesis “an important opportunity for social engineering” inscribed in a eugenic society where a complete separation of procreation from sex would lead to a “liberation of humanity in an entirely new sense.”
Haldain was interested in understanding the origin of life in order to direct and control the development of life itself. His goal was to synthesize living creatures in biochemistry laboratories, an aspiration that, in later years, would take shape in synthetic biology and genetic engineering laboratories.
Haldaine believed that ectogenesis would allow for eugenic selection in which only the best gametes would be used for the next generation. Selection that today has become the practice in the field of MAP techniques. Haldaine and Julian Huxley strongly promoted a “positive eugenics” that in those years resulted – well before Nazi Germany – in sterilization programs regulated by legislation in favor of them in the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and widely funded by philanthropic associations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, issues that we have explored in our previous texts.

Continue reading A world without mothers? by Silvia Guerini (Italy)

Italy : No GREEN PASS… not only!

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
No GREEN PASS… sure! But also No Capitalism, No Patriarchy, No God, No Borders, No Cops, No State…
It is difficult to insert oneself clearly within a public discourse when the world of communication has trained us (and dumbed us down) to choose and/or shout only “Yes!” and “NO!”: just like the binary system of the machines that rule our lives. Like football fans in a stadium.
And so behind a slogan as direct as it is reduced, such as “NO GREEN PASS”, there are dozens of very different nuances, even in opposition to one another, and we are taking the liberty of alerting those who, in all sincerity, are coming out into the streets against this umpteenth measure of cop-like control, which has nothing to do with “being healthy”. If the method of organization through social networks can also make these initiatives extremely horizontal (for example the revolts after the murder of George Floyd in the USA), on the other hand the vagueness of the web allows politicians/demagogues to camouflage themselves. (Our choice in this respect remains that of seeing one another, talking to one another, knowing one another, without schema).

Continue reading Italy : No GREEN PASS… not only!