Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation
[IT+EN] Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: annullata l’ordinanza d’arresto per Evelin e confermata per Gianluca
Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: annullata l’ordinanza d’arresto per Evelin e confermata per Gianluca
Il 6 aprile si è tenuta l’udienza del tribunale del riesame sulle misure cautelari per Gianluca ed Evelin, i compagni anarchici accusati di «detenzione di materiale esplodente ed esplosivo, tentata fabbricazione di ordigni esplosivi improvvisati e detenzione di materiale esplodente al fine di attentare alla pubblica incolumità», arrestati il 16 marzo su mandato della procura di Genova e sucessivamente trasferiti agli arresti domiciliari.
Oggi, 8 aprile, è stato notificato ai compagni l’esito dell’udienza: l’ordinanza d’arresto nei confronti di Evelin è stata “annullata per carenza di gravi indizi di colpevolezza”, quindi la compagna esce dagli arresti domiciliari, mentre viene confermata per Gianluca, che resta ai domiciliari, senza alcuna variazione nelle restrizioni.
Ricordiamo che è stata attivata una carta postepay per sostenere le spese dei compagni. Le coordinate per inviare contributi sono:
Numero postepay: 4023 6010 2286 1819
Codice fiscale: BGNPPL79M18E472O
Solidarietà con Gianluca e con tutti gli anarchici imprigionati!
Update about the comrades arrested on March 16th: Evelin’s arrest order annulled and Gianluca’s confirmed (Italy)
On April 6th was held the hearing of the re-examination court on the precautionary measures for Gianluca and Evelin, anarchist comrades accused of “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices and possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, arrested on March 16th on a warrant from the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa and later transferred under house arrest.
Trentino, Italy – Some solidarity communiques and texts following the latest repressive operation
On the latest custodial measures
In this epoch of total falsification (“of facts and of news supporting facts”), certain words of our everyday lives tell the truth, unwillingly. “Notification” is one of these. That the word expresses simultaneously an algorithmic order that comes up on a smartphone and a police-judicial document whereby you are fined or subjected to custodial measures, here is something that tells us a lot about the world we live in.
The latest operation in Trentino – so bizarre that it doesn’t even merit one of those names with which carabinieri’s and the political police’s special units express their literary desires – contains some elements that deserve to be known.
The first concerns the modality of execution. It had never happened to us to see eight face-covered police in plain clothes come to notify… a mandatory residence order to a comrade, without even a house search to follow.
Italy – Issue 0 of a new publication, ScalmAnat*, is out
A new publication has come out recently. It is a bulletin of radical critique of education and pedagogy: ScalmAnat*. With the first issue we intend to offer some criticisms, reflections and considerations concerning schooling, pedagogy (also in the forms which present themselves as “alternative”) and the wide world of education. These devices of control and discipline are part of the Mega-machine of the State and capital, as are factories, hospitals, prisons, CPRs, REMS; a reason for us, and certainly we are not the first, to desire their total destruction. We think that schools are or can become places of conflict and conflictuality for all those who suffer them and are oppressed by them. Continue reading Italy – Issue 0 of a new publication, ScalmAnat*, is out
[IT+EN] Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: Gianluca trasferito agli arresti domiciliari (Italy)
Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: Gianluca trasferito agli arresti domiciliari
Mercoledì 16 marzo a Roma sono stati tratti in arresto due compagni anarchici, Evelin e Gianluca. L’indagine e l’operazione repressiva sono frutto di un lavoro congiunto tra il ROS dei carabinieri e la DIGOS, coordinate dalla procura di Genova. I due compagni sono accusati di «detenzione di materiale esplodente ed esplosivo, tentata fabbricazione di ordigni esplosivi improvvisati e detenzione di materiale esplodente al fine di attentare alla pubblica incolumità», in concorso con ignoti.
Il 23 marzo Gianluca è stato trasferito agli arresti domiciliari. Attualmente (25 marzo) Evelin resta reclusa nel carcere di Rebibbia femminile.
Solidarietà rivoluzionaria con Gianluca ed Evelin e con tutti gli anarchici imprigionati!
L’indirizzo della compagna:
Evelin Sterni
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Update about the comrades arrested on March 16: Gianluca transferred to house arrest (Italy)
On Wednesday, March 16, two anarchist comrades, Evelin and Gianluca, were arrested in Rome. The investigation and the repressive operation are the result of a joint work between the ROS (“Special Operational Grouping” of carabinieri) and the DIGOS (“General Investigations and Special Operations Division”, political police), coordinated by the Genoa public prosecutor’s office. The two comrades are charged with “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices, as well as possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, in conspiracy with unknown persons.
On March 23, Gianluca was transferred to house arrest. Currently (March 25), Evelin remains imprisoned in the women’s Rebibbia prison.
Revolutionary solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin and all imprisoned anarchists!
The address of the comrade:
Evelin Sterni
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma (Italy)
[IT+EN] Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (Italy,marzo 2022)
Nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza all’anarchico Alfredo Cospito (marzo 2022)
Informiamo che a metà del mese di marzo è stata nuovamente rinnovata la censura sulla corrispondenza al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito, attualmente recluso nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Terni. La censura avrà una durata di tre mesi, quindi fino a giugno. Il provvedimento era stato disposto anche tra settembre e dicembre 2021 e tra dicembre 2021 e marzo di quest’anno.
Ricordiamo che il compagno, arrestato a settembre 2012, già condannato a 9 anni e 5 mesi per il ferimento di Adinolfi (amministratore delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare), è stato condannato ad ulteriori 20 anni nel processo “Scripta Manent” svoltosi a Torino, di cui si terrà l’udienza di cassazione il 25 maggio a Roma. Inoltre è stato recentemente destinatario di un mandato d’arresto per l’operazione “Sibilla” dell’11 novembre scorso, in quanto accusato di istigazione a delinquere con l’aggravante della finalità di terrorismo, in relazione alla pubblicazione del giornale anarchico “Vetriolo”. L’ordinanza d’arresto è stata successivamente annullata dal tribunale del riesame di Perugia il 16 dicembre, mentre resta aperta l’indagine.
Rompere l’isolamento: solidarietà rivoluzionaria con gli anarchici imprigionati.
L’indirizzo del compagno:
Alfredo Cospito
Casa Circondariale di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni
Censorship of correspondence for anarchist Alfredo Cospito extended again (March 2022)
We inform that in the middle of March the censorship of correspondence (incoming and outgoing) for anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned in section AS2 (“High Security 2”) of Terni prison, was renewed once again. The censorship will last three months, until June. The measure had also been ordered between September and December 2021 and between December 2021 and March of this year.
We remind that the comrade, arrested in September 2012, already sentenced to 9 years and 5 months for the wounding of Adinolfi (CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare), was sentenced to a further 20 years in the “Scripta Manent” trial held in Turin, whose court of cassation hearing will be held on May 25 in Rome. In addition, the comrade has recently received an arrest order for the “Sibilla” operation of November 11, as he is accused of incitement to commit crimes with the aggravating circumstance of the purpose of terrorism, in relation with the publication of the anarchist paper “Vetriolo”. The arrest order was subsequently annulled by the Perugia re-examination court on December 16, while the investigation remains open.
Let’s break the isolation: revolutionary solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists.
The address of the comrade:
Alfredo Cospito
Casa Circondariale di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni (Italy)
Sardinia – Issue 0 of Su Nudha, a Sardinian Anarchist Paper (A-periodical), is available
È disponibile, da oggi, il numero 0 di “Su Nudha” – Foglio Anarchico Sardo. (A-periodico)
Translated by act for freedom now!
From the editorial:
«The proposal to create a new editorial instrument was born as a continuation of the experiences that some of us have lived in the more or less recent past and from which each one drew their own conclusions, defining their own path. We feel the urge to write our own history through the exclusive use of our own words, eliminating all sorts of softening of the radicality of intentions and blurring of their objectives by making them flicker before our eyes. Moreover, now more than ever it is necessary to equip ourselves with our own instruments that exclude power’s channels of communication by self-organizing in anticipation of the increasingly urgent and criminal restrictions that capitalism is inflicting on the new dissidents (for example impossibility of travel for non-vaccinated).
Turin, Italy – Repeats of Vermi Inermi [defenceless worms] at El Paso Squat
22nd/23rd/24th March – 9pm
EL PASO OCCUPATO, Via Passo Buole 47, Turin
VERMI INERMI – Catchy grotesque little drama from an idea of Cinzia Laganà, with Cinzia Laganà and the participation of Simone Capula
Direction: Simone Capula
Scenes: Claudio Fade Fadda
Lighting: Alessia Massai
A performance to say that the world of the future is here, right now. The world of the future is made of telemedicine, remote learning, teleworking, e-commerce, tele-police, immaterial conferences, vaccines, genetic modifications of humans and distancing. HELP! It is scary to live in the world of the future, in the “technocratic dictatorship”.
What can we do?
We can allow us a last burst of madness, a flicker of poetry.
Simple theatre. “Clandestine theatre”. Necessary theatre.
Translated by act for freedom now! via: infernourbano
Modena, Italy – 27th March: presentation of the pamphlet “Il Mondo a Distanza” [the world at a distance] and benefit dinner for those in trouble
Sunday 27th March at Ligera, Viale della Pomposa 8, Modena
From 4pm – Presentation of the pamphlet and chat with the author of IL MONDO A DISTANZA: on the pandemic, 5G, removed materiality of the digital and totalitarian control on the horizon
via: infernourbano.Translated by act for freedom now!
Italy – Neither their wars nor their peace!
Oppressed individuals and collectives have no interest in the wars of the States that oppress them, nor do they have any interest in the “peace” to come, which in fact will bring about the domination of their economy to the detriment of everything and everybody!
Freedom doesn’t arise from behind the bloodstained shadow of a flag or in the deadly enclosure of a State.
Continue reading Italy – Neither their wars nor their peace!