Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Turin, Italy – Repeats of Vermi Inermi [defenceless worms] at El Paso Squat

22nd/23rd/24th March – 9pm
EL PASO OCCUPATO, Via Passo Buole 47, Turin
VERMI INERMI – Catchy grotesque little drama from an idea of Cinzia Laganà, with Cinzia Laganà and the participation of Simone Capula
Direction: Simone Capula
Scenes: Claudio Fade Fadda
Lighting: Alessia Massai
A performance to say that the world of the future is here, right now. The world of the future is made of telemedicine, remote learning, teleworking, e-commerce, tele-police, immaterial conferences, vaccines, genetic modifications of humans and distancing. HELP! It is scary to live in the world of the future, in the “technocratic dictatorship”.
What can we do?
We can allow us a last burst of madness, a flicker of poetry.
Simple theatre. “Clandestine theatre”. Necessary theatre.

Translated by act for freedom now! via: infernourbano

Modena, Italy – 27th March: presentation of the pamphlet “Il Mondo a Distanza” [the world at a distance] and benefit dinner for those in trouble

Sunday 27th March at Ligera, Viale della Pomposa 8, Modena
From 4pm – Presentation of the pamphlet and chat with the author of IL MONDO A DISTANZA: on the pandemic, 5G, removed materiality of the digital and totalitarian control on the horizon
via: infernourbano.Translated by act for freedom now!

Italy – Neither their wars nor their peace!

Oppressed individuals and collectives have no interest in the wars of the States that oppress them, nor do they have any interest in the “peace” to come, which in fact will bring about the domination of their economy to the detriment of everything and everybody!
Freedom doesn’t arise from behind the bloodstained shadow of a flag or in the deadly enclosure of a State.

Continue reading Italy – Neither their wars nor their peace!

Against the repression: let’s spread anarchy. Freedom for Evelin and Gianluca (Italy)

Against the repression: let’s spread anarchy. Freedom for Evelin and Gianluca
Freedom for Evelin and Gianluca
Yesterday, Wednesday 16 March, in the context of a repressive operation two anarchist comrades, Evelin and Gianluca, were arrested in Rome.
The investigation and the operation are the result of a joint endeavour of the ROS [special operations] of the carabinieri and of the DIGOS [political police], coordinated by the Genoa public prosecutor’s office in the figure of public prosecutor Federico Manotti. The two comrades are accused of «possession of explosive material and explosives, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices, as well as possession of explosive material with a view to endangering public safety», in conspiracy with unknown persons.
Every time the repressive apparatus of the State snatches away two comrades, two brothers, two friends, it means hours of anger and sadness. Given that the repressive forces are doing their job, fulfilling the tasks for which they were created, comrades are left with the need to act accordingly. Even in these years of social peace, of mass restrictions, of massacres in prisons, of discipline, of war and mobilisation for total war there have been those who have acted, who through action have struck the structures and figures of the State and capital.
We are not interested in going into the merits of the investigation, instead, we are interested in clearly expressing and strongly reaffirming our solidarity with Evelin and Gianluca and the practices they are accused of.
Revolutionary solidarity with the arrested comrades and with all the anarchists imprisoned in State prisons.
Anarchists in Spoleto
17 March 2022
pdf poster it : liberta per evelin e gianluca contro la repressione diffondiamo anarchia
pdf poster en: Against the repression: let’s spread anarchy. Freedom for Evelin and Gianluca
Received by email: translated from Italian by Act for freedom now!

Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International

Source: Inferno Urbano
We receive and publish the editorial of the number 4 of the magazine BEZMOTIVNY, “We sabotage the war – triggering the International”, dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis
By the time readers hold these lines in their hands, the crisis in Ukraine may have reached paroxysm and unleashed in its dramatic precipitation. Or it may not. Some passages may have been overtaken or disproved by facts, or still awaiting verification. We are not concerned about a possible outdatedness of what we are writing, since these words can only be outdated. Faced with the war, anarchism has always maintained the same position that was Bakunin since the time of the Franco-Prussian conflict and the Commune. It is therefore appropriate to start from the obvious.
Our internationalism translates into an absolutely simple sentiment: the exploited, in Russia as in the United States, in the Ukraine as in Italy, are our sisters and brothers, their blood is our blood; the industrialists and the bosses of finance, the generals and the official lords, all governments, are our eternal enemies. Being moved by feelings of eternal hatred and love, our passions cannot but shy away from current events, from their opportunism, from a paracular evaluation of the conditions and propaganda of the moment.

Continue reading Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International

[IT+EN] Arrestati due compagni a Roma (16.03.2022) | Two comrades arrested in Rome (March 16, 2022)

it:  Arrestati due compagni a Roma

All’alba di oggi, mercoledì 16 marzo, sono stati tratti in arresto a Roma un compagno e una compagna anarchici, Gianluca ed Evelin.

La procura che indaga è quella di Genova, su mandato del pm Federico Manotti, in un’operazione congiunta di Ros e Digos. Le accuse mosse ai compagni sono di “detenzione di materiale esplodente ed esplosivo, tentata fabbricazione di ordigni esplosivi improvvisati, nonché detenzione di materiale esplodente al fine di attentare alla pubblica incolumità”, in concorso con ignoti. La procura ha contestato anche l’aggravante di terrorismo, aggravante poi esclusa dal Gip che ha firmato l’arresto. Sono fissati per domani gli interrogatori di garanzia.

Per il momento i compagni sono rinchiusi nel carcere romano di Rebibbia.

A loro tutta la nostra solidarietà, come a tutti i prigionieri anarchici ancora rinchiusi nelle carceri sparse per il mondo.

Gli indirizzi a cui scrivere:

Gianluca Iacovacci
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia maschile
via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Roma

Evelin Sterni
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma


en: Two comrades arrested in Rome

At dawn today, Wednesday, March 16, two anarchist comrades, Gianluca and Evelin, were arrested in Rome.

The investigating prosecutor office is that of Genoa, on behalf of the public prosecutor Federico Manotti, in a joint operation between the ROS (‘Special Operational Grouping’ of carabinieri) and DIGOS (‘General Investigations and Special Operations Division’, political police). The charges against the comrades are “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices, as well as possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, in conspiracy with unknown persons. The public prosecutor’s office also contested the aggravating circumstance of terrorism, which was then excluded by the judge for preliminary investigations who signed the arrest. The interrogations by the judge are scheduled for tomorrow.

For the moment, the comrades are locked up in the Rebibbia prison in Rome.

To them all our solidarity, as to all imprisoned anarchists still locked up in prisons around the world.

The addresses to write to the comrades:

Gianluca Iacovacci
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia maschile
via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Roma (Italy)

Evelin Sterni
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma (Italy)


Actforfree received by email.

Italy – The book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers – Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century] has been reprinted

The reconstruction of the archive of Edizioni Monte Bove continues. We are glad to communicate the reprint of the book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento by Gino Vatteroni.
Following raids on 11th November, computers were seized and layout programs and original files were lost, so what we are presenting here is not a second edition, but the exact reprint of the book of 2018. 10 euros per copy, 6 euros for distributors.
Here is a short presentation:
From Giovanni Passannante to Gaetano Bresci, twenty years of vengeance, individual and class vengeance. Not just a chronological and encyclopaedical collection of anarchist attacks on the lives of the tyrants, which terrorized governments at the end of the nineteenth century, but also a necessary analysis of the economic, social and political context in Italy after the unification, also looking at what happened in France in 1894. A war arms in hand declared by a minority of the exploited on the liberal State. Continue reading Italy – The book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers – Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century] has been reprinted

Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

via: infernourbano Translated by act for freedom now!
We receive and publish a series of texts and materials distributed during the initiative in solidarity with Chilean prisoners, which took place at the Occupied Bencivenga on 26 November 2021. Two pamphlets: one about the hunger strike carried out by prisoners in Chile, the other is a collection of texts, many translated by the magazine Kalinov Most, which aimed to better focus the topics of the debate: the specific reality of Chilean prisons, solidarity, the struggle against prison. There are also two contributions by Juan and Alfredo for the initiative, which they asked to be circulated.
(A leaflet introducing the debate handed out during the initiative)
This initiative was born out of the need to send, in our own small way, a gesture of solidarity to the prisoner comrades in Chile, who in the first months of this year undertook two tough hunger strikes. We want to support them, also through the translations in the pamphlets prepared for this meeting, by spreading the determination with which they have carried out the struggle inside the prison, with the aim of feeling it closer to us who are outside those walls and far from those territories. Although at the end of their mobilisation the prisoners did not get everything they demanded, it did allow them to build and forge bonds of complicity, both inside and outside the prison. These bonds have made this struggle cross barriers and borders and, since it has clearly positioned itself against all forms of coercion and domination, thus making itself recognisable and reclaimable by rebels all over the world.

Continue reading Italy – Texts and materials distributed during the initiative of 26/11/21 at Bencivenga plus Alfredo’s and Juan’s contributions

Spoleto, Italy : We won’t enlist

The war has finally arrived. After two years of preparations for war, chants, flags, discipline, the «we are at war» announced since spring 2020 is finally real. The tragic news coming from Ukraine is the trigger they were seeking for the definitive militarization of our society.
Wars are always a bloodbath for the exploited and profitable business for the bosses. We are not interested in the contrasting reasons of the propaganda made by the belligerents. The exploited in Russia as well as in Ukraine, Italy and the United States are our brothers, their blood is our blood. Governments, generals, businessmen, financiers are our enemies, our executioners, those who starve us.
The arrogant insatiable thirty-year old NATO expansion and Russia’s internal crisis were the mixture for the explosive situation which we find ourselves thrown into. On the one side, a long series of imperialistic precedents such as the bombardments in Serbia, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the support of criminal gangs such as those ruling Ukraine, where trade unionists are burnt alive; on the other, regimes such as Putin’s and Lukašenko’s, which hold together with the glue of encirclement paranoia and imperial nostalgia, where anarchists and opponents are arrested and tortured. In the face of all this filth no front is ours. Our enemies are not the exploited on the front, but all rulers, starting from those in our country.

Continue reading Spoleto, Italy : We won’t enlist

Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February

Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February 2022
We receive and publish a leaflet handed out during an initiative dedicated to Juan and anarchist prisoners that took place in Genoa on 20th February. The leaflet introduces an exhibition of texts written by our imprisoned comrades Juan Sorroche, Anna Beniamino, Alfredo Cospito, Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Ignacio and Luis Avaca and a collective text from anarchists locked up in the prison of Korydallos in Greece.
This initiative stems from the desire to clear the field of misunderstandings when talking about solidarity and the hypothesis that the latter, if understood inconsistently with intentions, can end up discrediting the paths taken by prisoners.
The idea of solidarity that anarchist prisoners in struggle intend and that emerges from their voices as can be seen from the texts shown here, is very clear: it is not the search for a generic solidarity, human or pietistic, which stems only from a feeling of empathy for the fact of being persecuted by the state, subjected to a despicable yoke of deprivation and daily violence, as indeed are the other people held in Italian prisons. Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Listening to their voices: a leaflet handed out during an initiative on 20th February