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We are fighting for an antiauthoritarian idea, without governments, bosses or exploitation, an idea of freedom that spreads its beauty everywhere propagating its reflection beyond all borders removing enclosures, constraints and submission. Freedom so offended, forever denied by those who want to control everyone’s life in order to exploit it more. If our times are increasingly times of war, resignation is the last response we want to give.
As States only see populations as cannon fodder, enemies to be domesticated and kept under control, we must desert.
Politics is against people and keeps them constantly on thorns in the anguish of a miserable existence, filed and imprisoned under increasingly suffocating coercive rules. Machines are replacing individuals more and more in an irreversible process of dehumanization. The catastrophe is in place and all over the world the powerful are giving the final push towards the abyss. If all this is against us, then we are against all this. Continue reading Lecce, Italy – IV edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May,2022