Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Messina, Sicily – Protest against Mattarella [president of the Italian republic]

Mattarella guarantor of rearmament


On 13th April a celebration for the 50 years of Gazzetta del Sud, where the president of the republic was present, was met with protests in Messina.

After a meeting against war in Piazza Municipio we moved closer to the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele at the start of the celebration, in spite of the fact that the city centre was militarized and the streets adjacent to the theatre were blocked for Mattarella’s arrival.

We tried to oppose this circus of power by unfurling a banner, shouting chants against rearmament and military bases, which are everywhere on the island, and improvising a cacerolazo with pans, bowls and spoons. Police seized the banner and broke the microphone used for speeches after about ten minutes. Continue reading Messina, Sicily – Protest against Mattarella [president of the Italian republic]

Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Italy – Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!
10th of April ,Last Sunday a few dozen trans-feminists in solidarity went to give greetings to those locked up in the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere on the second anniversary of the 6th April 2020 “massacre of the holy week”. Shouts from inside were already rising as we were reaching the spot as near to the windows as possible. Many prisoners looked out of the windows, asking for help and demanding freedom; many shouted about lack of water and inedible food, besides the awful unbearable conditions of life inside. Attempts at talking with them were almost immediately hampered by the prison police’s sirens intended to prevent communication and intimidate the people there in solidarity. From inside some started shouting that we should go, warning us that guards were coming.

Continue reading Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

Idea & Action
IV edition of the anarchist publishing fair
Two days of spreading and propagandising anarchist ideas.
Two days of books, meetings, presentations and discussions to talk about the history and topicality of the anarchist idea and action, of the indissoluble link that unites them and of their ability to influence the world with the prospect of changing it.
Saturday 21st May
3pm: opening of the fair and stalls of anarchist publications
5pm: I Giustizieri. Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers. Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century], ed. Monte Bove, ( 2018. Presentation by the author and discussion.
7pm: Il mondo a distanza. Su pandemia, 5G, materialità rimossa del digitale e l’orizzonte di un controllo totalitario [The world at a distance. On the pandemic, the 5G, the removed materiality of the digital and the horizon of totalitarian control], ed. Bergteufel, 2021. Presentation by the author and discussion.

Continue reading Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

Italy – War a piece at a time

War a piece at a time

On 5th April an outrageous meeting was held at the university of sociology in Trento, a meeting on “participatory processes” centred on the TAV project in Trentino, where the main guest was the mayor of Trento, Franco Ianeselli. In actual fact, a lesson in propaganda on behalf of RFI [Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, Italian Railway Network]. Not long afterwards, in the morning, the university of Sociology made one of its lecture rooms available for a conference entitled “The war in Ukraine and politics in Italy”, organized by the “Jean Monnet” research centre. An initiative in the streets in protest against the presence of the mayor awaited him at the exit (who complains about a “non democratic” confrontation), but also pointing out the role of the university in its collaboration with the war industry. Here we report a speech made by a comrade on the occasion.

A few years ago we wrote a small pamphlet, which ended up on the desks of prosecutors in the anti-anarchist operation denominated “Renata”, saying that in order to be against war it is necessary to attack the health of the State, because to attack the State means to strike the essence of war.

Continue reading Italy – War a piece at a time

Faenza, Italy – Friday 29th April: 10 years of the Capitano ACAB Anti-repression Fund

10 years of the Capitano ACAB Anti-repression Fund
Although commemorations are not our strong point, we want to use this occasion to relaunch the project of the anti-repression fund and bring it up to date. Introducing it to those who don’t know it, sustaining it for those who already follow and support it. An instrument at the service of those who struggle, who find themselves uncomfortable in this world and come up against its repressive meshes. A way of continuing collective or individual projects in solidarity with those who defy the cages of the law.
Friday 29th April 2022, c.s.a. CAPOLINEA, Via Volta 9, Faenza
Contacts and Info:
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!

Lecce, Italy – IV edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May,2022

Received by email

We are fighting for an antiauthoritarian idea, without governments, bosses or exploitation, an idea of freedom that spreads its beauty everywhere propagating its reflection beyond all borders removing enclosures, constraints and submission. Freedom so offended, forever denied by those who want to control everyone’s life in order to exploit it more. If our times are increasingly times of war, resignation is the last response we want to give.

As States only see populations as cannon fodder, enemies to be domesticated and kept under control, we must desert.

Politics is against people and keeps them constantly on thorns in the anguish of a miserable existence, filed and imprisoned under increasingly suffocating coercive rules. Machines are replacing individuals more and more in an irreversible process of dehumanization. The catastrophe is in place and all over the world the powerful are giving the final push towards the abyss. If all this is against us, then we are against all this. Continue reading Lecce, Italy – IV edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May,2022

Lecce, Italy – Down with the army!

Published by on 2022/03/22
Translated by act for freedom now!

An act of violence.
This is the definition given to what happened in Taranto a few days ago when insults and stones were launched at a Navy frigate as it pased by. What can we say? We can only agree… It is an act of exceptional violence that a missile frigate, a military operational unit named after the carabinieri army, can return to an important NATO base in grand style following a mission, crew lined up on deck. These are images that lacerate your heart.
Fortunately that day, near the revolving bridge, there were some enemies of militarism who expressed all their disgust at this violent repulsive spectacle. Their shouts and insults thrown at the military broke the deafening, complicit silence of those who held back, enjoying the show, and the stones thrown at the frigate tore away the grey area of silent collaborationism of those who never have the courage to call things by their name.

Continue reading Lecce, Italy – Down with the army!

Italy – War on war. Internationalist mobilization on 25th April in Spoleto and on 1st May in Carrara

Price increases and sackings, massacres in jails and at the workplace, energy crisis and return to nuclear power, green pass and repression. This is the war against which we are called upon to fight. Our war is against the State and capital, in continuity with practices of conflict and with our imprisoned comrades in our hearts. We won’t enlist in response to the bourgeoisie’s call to arms, we won’t go to fight against other exploited inside and outside borders.
For internationalist solidarity.
Internationalist demonstrations:
Spoleto, 25th April 2022, Piazza Garibaldi, 3pm
Carrara, 1st May 2022, Piazza Alberica, 2:30pm
During the days: comizi, speeches, distribution of anarchist publications
— Circolaccio Anarchico, Viale della Repubblica 1/A, Spoleto (e-mail:
— Circolo Culturale Anarchico “Gogliardo Fiaschi”, Via Ulivi 8, Carrara (e-mail:
Translated by act for freedom now!

Italy – Davide Delogu has  been transferred to the prison of Secondigliano

Yesterday,17/03/2022, Sardinian anarchist comrade and deported prisoner Davide Delogu was transferred from the prison of Vibo Valentia to that of Secondigliano. We learned he is well and his spirit remains high. He wants to ask those who correspond with him to write to the new address.
Davide Delogu
Via Roma Verso Scampia 350
80144 Naples (NA)
The Fund in Support of Sardinian Anarchist Deported Prisoner Davide Delogu is still active.
Account name: LAURA GARGIULO
IBAN: IT17I3608105138295981295990
sardegnaanarchicaTranslated by act for freedom now!

[IT+EN] Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: annullata l’ordinanza d’arresto per Evelin e confermata per Gianluca

Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: annullata l’ordinanza d’arresto per Evelin e confermata per Gianluca
Il 6 aprile si è tenuta l’udienza del tribunale del riesame sulle misure cautelari per Gianluca ed Evelin, i compagni anarchici accusati di «detenzione di materiale esplodente ed esplosivo, tentata fabbricazione di ordigni esplosivi improvvisati e detenzione di materiale esplodente al fine di attentare alla pubblica incolumità», arrestati il 16 marzo su mandato della procura di Genova e sucessivamente trasferiti agli arresti domiciliari.
Oggi, 8 aprile, è stato notificato ai compagni l’esito dell’udienza: l’ordinanza d’arresto nei confronti di Evelin è stata “annullata per carenza di gravi indizi di colpevolezza”, quindi la compagna esce dagli arresti domiciliari, mentre viene confermata per Gianluca, che resta ai domiciliari, senza alcuna variazione nelle restrizioni.
Ricordiamo che è stata attivata una carta postepay per sostenere le spese dei compagni. Le coordinate per inviare contributi sono:
Numero postepay: 4023 6010 2286 1819
Codice fiscale: BGNPPL79M18E472O
Solidarietà con Gianluca e con tutti gli anarchici imprigionati!
Update about the comrades arrested on March 16th: Evelin’s arrest order annulled and Gianluca’s confirmed (Italy)
On April 6th was held the hearing of the re-examination court on the precautionary measures for Gianluca and Evelin, anarchist comrades accused of “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices and possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, arrested on March 16th on a warrant from the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa and later transferred under house arrest.

Continue reading [IT+EN] Aggiornamento sui compagni arrestati il 16 marzo: annullata l’ordinanza d’arresto per Evelin e confermata per Gianluca