Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Carrara, Italy – Initiative “Anarchists and war”

via: Translated by act for freedom now!


What is the State if it is not the organization of power, […] power having no
other object than domination, and domination being real only when everything
that hinders it is subjugated; […] between all States that exist side by side,
war is permanent and their peace is only a truce.


There are things that don’t change with the passage of time especially if they are not wiped out for good. The bosses are bosses even if they have learned better and better to clean up their image by using more captivating names, even if they disguise themselves as “democracy” and “rights”. In order to remain bosses they have always needed wars as instruments of distribution and control of resources and people, as production of social consensus and to defend their class privileges.

Therefore the analysis and actions that anarchists carried forward in the face of War in different historical times remain topical. Continue reading Carrara, Italy – Initiative “Anarchists and war”

[IT+EN] Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

Aggiornamenti sull’udienza di cassazione per il processo Scripta Manent e trasferimento dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Terni a quello di Sassari (25.05.2022)

Si è tenuta oggi, 25 maggio, l’udienza di cassazione del processo Scripta Manent. Il procuratore generale si è espresso per il rigetto di tutte le richieste (di accusa e difese) ad eccezione del reato di strage, per il quale ha chiesto un rinvio in corte d’appello per la riqualificazione da “strage comune” a “strage politica”. L’udienza è stata aggiornata al 27 giugno per le ultime arringhe difensive e la sentenza definitiva.

Nel frattempo, sempre oggi, è giunta la notizia del trasferimento di Alfredo nel carcere di Bancali a Sassari. Come è noto per Alfredo è stato disposto il regime detentivo del 41 bis.

Il nuovo indirizzo è il seguente:

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. di Sassari “Giovanni Bacchiddu”
Strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari

Qui di seguito l’indirizzo di Anna, reclusa nel carcere di Rebibbia a Roma:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma


Update on the cassation hearing for the Scripta Manent trial and transfer of anarchist Alfredo Cospito from Terni prison to that of Sassari (Italy, May 25, 2022)

The cassation hearing of the Scripta Manent trial was held today, May 25, in Rome. The attorney general argued for the rejection of all the requests (of the prosecution and the defence) with the exception of the crime of massacre, for which he requested a referral to the court of appeal for the requalification from ‘common massacre’ to ‘political massacre’. The hearing was adjourned to June 27 for the last defence arguments and the final verdict.

Meanwhile, also today, Alfredo Cospito was transferred to Bancali prison, located near Sassari (in Sardinia). As is known, the 41 bis prison regime (the most restrictive penitentiary regime in Italian prisons) was ordered for the comrade, with a measure effective from May 5.

The comrade’s new address is as follows:

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. di Sassari “Giovanni Bacchiddu”
Strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari (Italy)

Below is the address of the other comrade currently imprisoned for Scripta Manent, Anna Beniamino, imprisoned in the Rebibbia prison in Rome:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma (Italy)

Italy – Updates on the trial for operation ”Bialystok”

The first-instance trial begun following the repressive operation dubbed “Bialystok”, which kicked off on 12th June 2020 at the hands of the Carabinieri ROS, is finally coming to an end. On 5th May the prosecution indictment took place in the courtrooms of the judicial city of Rome, where the public prosecutor and civil parties clarified their conclusions on what had emerged during the preliminary phase and submitted their requests for sentencing. As evidence of the scant solidity of the whole accusatory framework, prosecutor Francesco Dall’Olio distinguished himself with a not in any way aggressive summing-up, with jocular and even condescending tones concerning all parties involved, as though he wanted to ingratiate himself with the public, shirking his responsibilities in this repressive story as a puppet on the payroll of the ROS, deferring himself to the ultimate judgment of the court.

In the requests for sentencing the prosecution took into account considerations expressed by the two Cassations requested by some of those on trial during the remand phase, which had declared the inconsistency of the charges of subversive association for the purposes of terrorism and/or subversion of the democratic order (art. 270 bis of the penal code). The public prosecutor therefore opted for a reduction to article 270 (subversive association), abandoning the hypothesis of purposes of terrorism. Consequently, for the charge of incitement to commit acts against the State and institutions (Art. 302) it was also requested that it be reduced to incitement to commit crimes (Art. 414). Continue reading Italy – Updates on the trial for operation ”Bialystok”

Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

“… I think that only from the clashing of these two (anarchist terrorism and creative anarchy) can the new be born, because life is contrast: rational and irrational, hate and love, anything but deadly static “equilibrium”. Harmony is the child of “disequilibrium”, of chaos…”

Well, what had been looming for some time has finally come to pass: on May 5th  anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, already imprisoned in the AS2 unit in Terni, was notified of the 41-Bis regime. We know what this regime involves, a regime demanded by the judiciary then approved by the ministry of justice with minister Marta Cartabia’s signature: annihilation of individuality, extension of isolation, no books, no information or updates from the outside world… in other words, torture.

We cannot fail to be aware of this as the latest attempt at revenge legitimized by the State apparatus against the coherence and integrity of a revolutionary anarchist comrade who has always vindicated his own path, head held high, and has continued to contribute to the anarchist debate through publications, books and writings. This 20 days from the sentence of the cassation concerning the Scripta Manent trial, orchestrated by infimous prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, where dozens of years in jail were handed out on charges of massacre, subversive association with purposes of terrorism and instigation for a number of comrades, including Alfredo. Continue reading Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

Treviso, Italy : 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan


11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan

“We must struggle and fight for disproportion to be crushed”.
And whatever path we tread, always with our hearts!
For Anarchy!
(Juan Sorroche – Prison of Terni AS2 – February 2019)

Because we have known the courage and tenderness of it.
Because this is the way among comrades of an ideal.
Because whoever attacked that League headquarters gave a contribution of humanity in a world more and more inhuman by the day.
Because life is too short not to be filled with ardent dreams.


Translated by act for freedom now!

Messina, Sicily – Protest against Mattarella [president of the Italian republic]

Mattarella guarantor of rearmament


On 13th April a celebration for the 50 years of Gazzetta del Sud, where the president of the republic was present, was met with protests in Messina.

After a meeting against war in Piazza Municipio we moved closer to the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele at the start of the celebration, in spite of the fact that the city centre was militarized and the streets adjacent to the theatre were blocked for Mattarella’s arrival.

We tried to oppose this circus of power by unfurling a banner, shouting chants against rearmament and military bases, which are everywhere on the island, and improvising a cacerolazo with pans, bowls and spoons. Police seized the banner and broke the microphone used for speeches after about ten minutes. Continue reading Messina, Sicily – Protest against Mattarella [president of the Italian republic]

Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Italy – Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!
10th of April ,Last Sunday a few dozen trans-feminists in solidarity went to give greetings to those locked up in the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere on the second anniversary of the 6th April 2020 “massacre of the holy week”. Shouts from inside were already rising as we were reaching the spot as near to the windows as possible. Many prisoners looked out of the windows, asking for help and demanding freedom; many shouted about lack of water and inedible food, besides the awful unbearable conditions of life inside. Attempts at talking with them were almost immediately hampered by the prison police’s sirens intended to prevent communication and intimidate the people there in solidarity. From inside some started shouting that we should go, warning us that guards were coming.

Continue reading Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

Idea & Action
IV edition of the anarchist publishing fair
Two days of spreading and propagandising anarchist ideas.
Two days of books, meetings, presentations and discussions to talk about the history and topicality of the anarchist idea and action, of the indissoluble link that unites them and of their ability to influence the world with the prospect of changing it.
Saturday 21st May
3pm: opening of the fair and stalls of anarchist publications
5pm: I Giustizieri. Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers. Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century], ed. Monte Bove, ( 2018. Presentation by the author and discussion.
7pm: Il mondo a distanza. Su pandemia, 5G, materialità rimossa del digitale e l’orizzonte di un controllo totalitario [The world at a distance. On the pandemic, the 5G, the removed materiality of the digital and the horizon of totalitarian control], ed. Bergteufel, 2021. Presentation by the author and discussion.

Continue reading Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

Italy – War a piece at a time

War a piece at a time

On 5th April an outrageous meeting was held at the university of sociology in Trento, a meeting on “participatory processes” centred on the TAV project in Trentino, where the main guest was the mayor of Trento, Franco Ianeselli. In actual fact, a lesson in propaganda on behalf of RFI [Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, Italian Railway Network]. Not long afterwards, in the morning, the university of Sociology made one of its lecture rooms available for a conference entitled “The war in Ukraine and politics in Italy”, organized by the “Jean Monnet” research centre. An initiative in the streets in protest against the presence of the mayor awaited him at the exit (who complains about a “non democratic” confrontation), but also pointing out the role of the university in its collaboration with the war industry. Here we report a speech made by a comrade on the occasion.

A few years ago we wrote a small pamphlet, which ended up on the desks of prosecutors in the anti-anarchist operation denominated “Renata”, saying that in order to be against war it is necessary to attack the health of the State, because to attack the State means to strike the essence of war.

Continue reading Italy – War a piece at a time

Faenza, Italy – Friday 29th April: 10 years of the Capitano ACAB Anti-repression Fund

10 years of the Capitano ACAB Anti-repression Fund
Although commemorations are not our strong point, we want to use this occasion to relaunch the project of the anti-repression fund and bring it up to date. Introducing it to those who don’t know it, sustaining it for those who already follow and support it. An instrument at the service of those who struggle, who find themselves uncomfortable in this world and come up against its repressive meshes. A way of continuing collective or individual projects in solidarity with those who defy the cages of the law.
Friday 29th April 2022, c.s.a. CAPOLINEA, Via Volta 9, Faenza
Contacts and Info:
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!