Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications

This writing stems from the need to explain to comrades what will happen after the Cassation ruling for the Scripta Manent trial issued on July 6.

Starting with the most serious convictions, the court requalified the explosive attack against the Carabinieri’s student school in Fossano(Cuneo) on June 2, 2006 and claimed by Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda / Federazione Anarchica Informale as a “political massacre” (art. 285 c. p.), referring the case back to the Turin Court of Appeals for a peggiorative recalculation of the sentence with the risk of life imprisonment for comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino.

In addition, all other convictions handed down in the Court of Appeals were upheld with sentences ranging from 2 years and 6 months to 1 year and 6 months for 11 comrades and acquittals for the rest of the defendants.

The convictions and acquittals as of now are final.

The need to throw down these two lines is due to the fact that I have realized that many comrades do not have a clear understanding of the situation in which some of us convicted Scripta Manent comrades find ourselves.
Continue reading Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma



“The most effective power is that which cannot be seen. This fact, combined with the reduction of the subject to a mere economic “animal laborans” and the deconflictionalisation and depoliticisation of society, is tending towards constructing a framework in which rules and those who decide them can hardly be challenged.”

“Depoliticisation and economic success are the most effective tools for pacifying society and maintaining control over it, and the social credit system goes in this direction.”

From 2013 Rongcheng, Chinese city in the province of Shandong, started experimenting with the ‘social credit’ system, but the aim is to extend it throughout the country by 2023.

In Rongcheng, each citizen is assigned 1,000 initial points, and each score corresponds to a specific letter: AAA to D. The letter ‘A’ (equivalent to 1,000 points) is the basic score and entails access to certain benefits, such as preferential assistance in employment and priority in school enrolment. One can aim to increase one’s score through behaviour considered by the Chinese Communist Party as ‘virtuous’: paying taxes and bills on time, making certain purchases, sharing and spreading party ideas, etc. a long list of behaviours by which the ‘trustworthiness’ and ‘virtuousness’ of citizens is judged. Of course, reporting people whose attitudes are deemed to be improper leads to an increase in one’s score. The benefits for the highest level (AAA, accessible to those with more than 1,050 points) include: higher pension insurance, subsidies for public transport, the possibility of applying for interest-free loans, being able to rent vehicles without having to leave a deposit, requiring fewer documents for travel visas, etc.

Rome,Italy: COMMUNIQUE CLAIMING THE PARCEL BOMB AGAINST ALESSANDRO PROFUMO by Augusto Masetti Informal Anarchist Brigade – International Revolutionary Front

Translated by Act for freedom now! via: fuoridallariserva


The horrors of war move sensitie souls. Instead, we are reminded that it is injustice that dominates this world. The mangled bodies are always those of the poor people, it’s never a rich man to die, to lose a hand.

We don’t think we can compete with the violence of the State, your capacity for destruction and death is unparalleled. In recent years you have shown that in Syria, in Iraq, today in Ukraine and we saw it with the torture and massacre in the Italian prisons in March 2020. We have not forgotten nor forgiven.

We cannot compete with your violence and we probably don’t even have the guts. Instead we believe in the need for revolutionary violence, in action that opens glimpses of freedom. We believe in the contagion of ideas that pass through actions.

Once again the Informal Anarchist Federation is becoming an instrument for revolutionary communication and the propagation of anarchist action. An instrument that all the comrades can adhere to, putting their own signature to FAI-FRI acronym, putting ourselves in communication without the dangers that come from direct knowledge. An instrument with which we can express ourselves, also dialgue and confront each other, in the knowledge that one is talking with comrades who have put their lives and therefore their freedom at risk. When the words are too many and the deeds that follow are few, it is up to us to invert this tendency.
Continue reading Rome,Italy: COMMUNIQUE CLAIMING THE PARCEL BOMB AGAINST ALESSANDRO PROFUMO by Augusto Masetti Informal Anarchist Brigade – International Revolutionary Front

Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Rome,  10 cars are not enough…

In the early hours of May 27, we carried out an incendiary action against the Enjoy carpooling vehicles belonging to the multinational ENI s.p.a. (national hydrocarbon company) in the Tuscolana-Cinecittà area of Rome. According to local newspapers, 10 cars were completely destroyed, while four others were seriously damaged.

ENI has always been one of the pillars of Italian capitalism, and its interests coincide with those of the State and, consequently, of the governments that succeed one another in administering it, whether they are of the right or the left, because its profits and infrastructures are strategic insofar as they strengthen the State in which they are located, being fundamental for the preservation of economic power, in the contemporary configuration of the capitalist productive system.

ENI is present in many countries where local and international conflicts are active for the control of energy resources: Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Kazakhstan (note that not a word was heard against the oligarch Putin when he sent his troops to quell the uprisings that broke out in that country), to name but a few. In these places, energy in the form of fossil fuels has been extracted from the earth for decades to feed the energy needs of Western industry, in a pattern that takes the form of true neo-colonialism. These extractive activities, it should be remembered, carry great risks for the environment and indigenous populations, especially in countries where controls and safety systems are consciously minimized in order to maximize profits, as in the case of the Niger Delta, an area severely devastated by continuous crude oil spills and the dispersion of gases and combustion residues resulting from extraction activities into the air.
Continue reading Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Spoleto, Italy: Preventive class war of the Italian State

Preventive class war of the Italian State

The arrests that took place in the early morning of Tuesday, 19 July on a warrant from the Piacenza public prosecutor’s office are indicative of the repressive climate in Italy and the authoritarian turn in course. Four SI Cobas trade unionists were placed under house arrest for the long cycle of struggles that inflamed logistics from 2014 to 2021. Together with them, two USB trade unionists were also placed under house arrest and two others are the recipients of other precautionary measures. The prosecutor Grazia Pradella’s accusations are of conspiracy, assault, resisting a public official, sabotage and interruption of a public service aimed at extortion in order to obtain better wage conditions for workers.

We do not think we should be shocked by this repressive operation, as is happening at the moment, but rather that we should emphasise that it is an open manifestation, a true confession, of the mentality of the bourgeoisie in this historical period: for the gentlemen of GLS, Amazon, FedEx-TNT, as well as from the arrogant statements that are uttered every day by the leaders of Confindustria, everything must be allowed, everything must be permissible for them. Even putting up a tough fight for a wage increase becomes extortion. The whole loot belongs to them by right, one must not dare ask, one must not fight. The accusation of extortion is therefore not a scandal, but rather a sign of the times.

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Italy: From Valsusa

From Valsusa

In August 2018, an improvised explosive device struck the provincial headquarters of the [Northern] League in Villorba of Treviso, imposing a pause on Carroccio leader Salvini’s round of hate rallies. On July 9 of this year, the Court of Treviso held Juan Sorroche responsible for the attack, sentencing him in first instance to 28 years’ prison. Juan is our friend and comrade, present also here in Valsusa in the notav struggle, for which he is serving a prison sentence of over eight years for the day of struggle of July 3 2011.
Twenty-eight years. Unfortunately the enormity of such a sentence is not unique. Just three days before, on July 6, the court of Cassation requalified as “political massacre” an explosive attack against the Carabinieri barracks of Fossano (CN) of 2006 attributed to the anarchists Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito, effectively sentencing them to life imprisonment. Moreover, from May 5 Alfredo joined the buried alive locked up in 41bis, a regime of total isolation and deprivation, real white torture aimed at crushing the resistance of those who, even behind bars, show that they do not intend to stop struggling.

To our knowledge, these are the highest sentences, ever imposed in Italy for similar charges. Just to get an idea, the definition of ‘massacre’, was not applied to the massacres of piazza Fontana or of Capaci. Using it to define actions that caused neither victims nor wounded is a juridical abomination, as well as semantic, which reveals all the persecutory will towards dissent and conflict, clearly less and less tolerable today. In fact, such cases can only be understood in their overall dynamic, to outline which we need only cite two other recent examples: the Turin public prosecutor’s investigation against dozens of militants of the Askatasuna social centre on charges of criminal conspiracy, and the operation against the SI Cobas and the USB of 19 July, in which the leaders of these trade unions were investigated and arrested on the incredible accusation of having wanted to ‘extort’ better working conditions and wages from the bosses… in other words, what every trade union should do!
Continue reading Italy: From Valsusa



Italy, like the rest of the world, is pressing ahead with the implementation of the 5G network, but how many really know what it is? First of all, the name: 5G is not related to the frequency of the waves used, but indicates that it is a fifth-generation network, whose waves have A power and frequency several times higher than those used so far. Like most technologies it also originated in the military sphere, in fact the type of waves that will be used by this network, namely microwaves and millimetre waves, are used both for localisation (radar), and as a real weapon of war (Active Denial System).

With the 5G network we will be irradiated twenty-four hours a day by an infinity of these waves, which, due to their technical characteristic, will require the installation of millions of new antennas, at a maximum distance of one hundred metres from each other, depending on the location. One only has to look around to see the continuous installation of new repeaters, or the continuous installation of new antennas on existing ones. What few people know is that there will be many ‘mini-antennas’, camouflaged both in street furniture (lampposts, manhole covers, bus stops, etc.) and in everyday objects, not to mention the thousands of satellites that have been launched, and will continue to be launched, into space, to connect even the most remote places on earth. What is known to date about the network already in use is that it causes serious and irreversible damage genetically, biologically and to the reproductive system, which makes it clear that its enhancement (by means of the installations we have just discussed) will cause even greater damage to all living things, further aggravating a situation which already today appears dramatic.


Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out


— Contro la guerra. Quale internazionale? [Against war. What international?]
— Strage politica. Lo Stato italiano alla liquidazione degli anarchici. [Political massacre. The Italian State in the liquidation of anarchists.]
— Non staremo al caldo durante la tempesta [We won’t be staying at home during the storm]
— Ci troverete al nostro posto, che al vostro non ci sappiamo stare. A proposito dell’inchiesta “Diamante” [You will find us in our place, as we do not know how to be in yours. About the ‘Diamond’ investigation]
— Appunti sull’internazionalismo. Contributo di Francisco Solar [Notes on internationalism. Contribution of Francisco Solar]
— Un mondo migliore non è mai NATO [A better world is never NATO (nato also = born in Italian]
— L’anarchismo rivoluzionario contro la desistenza [Revolutionary anarchism against desistance]
— La fase nichilista [The nihilist phase]
— Sullo stato d’eccezione. Anatomia di un equivoco [On the state of exception. Anatomy of a misunderstanding]

For requests of copies:

“Vetriolo”, anarchist paper, summer 2022, number 7, 20 pages. One copy: 2.00 euro. For distribution, five copies or more: 25% discount. Excluding postage. Free for imprisoned persons.


In announcing the publication of this issue, we send out the editorial:

Against war
What international?

It is again a time of sacrifice, of hunger, of destruction. Perhaps as never before. The war between the great powers, the economic crisis, the rhetoric of national unity and helmeted politics are, a century later, the nightmare into which the bourgeoisie is again plunging us. With the possibility of nuclear holocaust as a further deadly incumbency.
Continue reading Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Treviso, Italy: Juan sentenced to 28 years’ prison. With blood in our eyes

Juan sentenced to 28 years’ prison.

With blood in our eyes

Saturday July 9th, the court of Treviso sentenced our friend and comrade Juan to 28 years’ prison (plus three years’ probation, 30,000 euro in compensation to the League and 17,000 euro in court costs) because he was held responsible for the attack in Treviso of the Carroccio in August 2018. Following the recent configuration of the charge of ‘political massacre’ – which stipulates life imprisonment – for an explosive attack on the carabinieri barracks in Fossano attributed to the anarchists Anna and Alfredo, this is the highest penalty, in our memory, ever imposed in Italy for a direct action that resulted in no injuries.

Among the infinite possible examples, it can be observed that the charge of ‘political massacre’ was not even brought against the Capaci massacre, [1992, anti-mafia Judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife and three escort cops, are killed in an explosion on the motorway near Palermo, Sicily and seven other people injured] while the fascist Traini was sentenced to 12 years for shooting at immigrants, wounding six of them, (and against a PD [Democratic Party] premises…). The aggravating circumstances of ‘terrorism’ (and of ‘massacres’ with neither dead nor wounded) apply to revolutionaries in general and anarchists in particular. We could also remember what was said in so much of so-called civil society in 2018 about state racism, on immigrants segregated on ships in ports, on the declarations of Interior Minister Salvini.

Continue reading Treviso, Italy: Juan sentenced to 28 years’ prison. With blood in our eyes

[EN+IT] Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis. Chiudere il 41 bis. Liberi tutti, libere tutte

Alfredo out from 41 bis. Close 41 bis. Freedom for everyone (Italy)

Alfredo out from 41 bis
Close 41 bis
Freedom for everyone

We are facing an attempt by the state to annihilate our comrade Alfredo Cospito, burying him in the infamous 41 bis prison regime to take revenge for his actions and prevent him from continuing to spread his ideas outside.
Therefore, we, anarchists, think it is imperative to launch, starting now, a widespread mobilisation to relocate him.
Continue reading [EN+IT] Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis. Chiudere il 41 bis. Liberi tutti, libere tutte