Genoa, Banners for Alfredo
Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy
Genoa, Banners for Alfredo
Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy
On 12 September at the Assize courtroom of the court of Rome one of the last hearings took place in the trial that started in the wake of the anti-anarchist repressive operation named Bialystok, in which 6 anarchists were accused of various charges including subversive association, bombing, arson, incitement to commit a crime, plus several ‘minor’ offences.
At the hearing the defence arguments of the lawyers of 3 of the accused comrades were heard. The next hearing will be on 15 September, during which the lawyers defending the remaining 3 comrades will be heard.
The verdict in this first instance trial is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 September.
Updates to follow.
We invite everyone to translate for the widest possible dissemination. Translation by Act for freedom now!
Rome,Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli
Dayvid, anarchist comrade arrested in Greece and imprisoned in Korydallos prison in Athens, was taken to Italy as soon as the judge denied the possibility to do his sentence in that country. He is now imprisoned in the prison of Civitavecchia.
To write to him:
Dayvid Ceccarelli
via Aurelia nord km 79,500, SNC
00053 Civitavecchia (Rome)
A reminder of the contact details of the solidarity fund:
Gaia Taino
Postepay numero 5333 1711 6663 2741
Iban IT38M3608105138230559830588
Dayvid Free
Everybody Free
Fire to the prisons
via:ilrovescio.infoTranslation by Act for freedom now!
Rome,Defacement claim
On the night of 21-22 August in Rome, we defaced the mural dedicated to Falcone and Borsellino [anti-mafia prosecutors killed in 1992 by the mafia] with paint and writings. A small gesture in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, anarchist prisoner under the 41 bis regime. A little contempt for democracy and its putrid champions. The Anti-mafia tortures. No 41bis.
Everybody free
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Messina and Caltanissetta, Sicily: In Messina against the prison, in Caltanissetta against the CPR
One afternoon at the beginning of August, a group in solidarity brought a quick greeting to the prisoners in the Gazzi prison in Messina.
What follows is a leaflet handed out in the neighbourhood next to the prison: volcarcere (in Italian)
After that some news about the CPR in Caltanissetta and the the report of a flying initiative against it:
One August morning, some persons in solidarity gathered in front of the gate of Pian del Lago in Caltanissetta, where the border regime’s war is at its height. Pian del Lago, un’ex military base trasformated into CPT in 1998, is now a key logistics centre where migrants are rendered exploitable and expellable and from where they are then deported.
Update re Dayvid. Transfer to Italian prison imminent. Solidarity fund set up by comrades in Italy
On August 18 the Greek court ruled in favour of the request for execution of the European arrest warrant (MAE) issued by the Italian state for Dayvid, anarchist prisoner, sentenced to 6 years prison by the court of Cassation on May 25th on charges of devastation and looting for the riots in Rome on 15 October 2011.
Programme of the anarchist publishing fair to be held in Marina di Carrara 9 – 11th September 2022 at the Circolo ricreativo sportivo, via Firenze 33:
Friday 9th September:
15:30 — Opening of the fair.
17:30 — Presentation and discussion by the Anti-Repression Fund of the Western Alps of the book by Claudio Lavazza Pestifera la mia vita.
Continue reading Carrara, Italy: ANARCHIST PUBLISHING FAIR IN CARRARA. SEPTEMBER 9-10-11, 2022
Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!
July 24 2020 comrades Mónica and Francisco are arrested in a double repressive operation. Power accuses Francisco of sending explosive parcels against the ex Minister of Home Affairs Rodrigo Hinzpeter and the 54th police station of Huechuraba (which took place on July 24 2019, claimed by “Cómplices Sediciosos / Fracción por la Venganza” – “Seditious Accomplices / Revenge Fraction”), while both are accused of the double explosive attack against the Tànica building in the town of Vitacura (action which took place in the midst of the revolt, on February 27 2020, claimed by “Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta” – “Armed Affinities in Revolt”).
During over two years’ prison Mónica has remained in the common section of San Miguel Prison, whereas Francisco was inizially imprisoned in the maximum security section of the CAS (High Security Prison) to then be transferred, along with other comrades in June 2021, to the La Gonzalina di Rancagua prison where he is still being held.
Continue reading Update | Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!
Let’s spoil their party!
The elections are the apex of the theatre of democracy.
The grand gala evening of the whole infamous orchestra of democratic power.
The apparatus of dominion, with all the calm it has deemed appropriate, has finally come round once again to the ‘ritual of the ballot box’, to renew the illusion of the ‘decision-making power of the people’ a little in the few who still believe in it… despite the fact that the Italian state and its various appendices have abundantly demonstrated that one can do without even the (farcical) democratic form to impose dominion without being accused of ‘dictatorship’.
In the territory dominated by the Italian state, the government of technology has found an avant-garde pole once again… and indeed Western power always looks to our latitudes with a desire to emulate them.
The need to save a little slice of power, after ‘the man of providence’ Draghi did ‘what had to be done’, has led the various politicians to decide for elections: everyone must be able to gorge themselves on the cake of power, in rotation, all on the blood of the oppressed, on the depredation of the Earth and those who traverse it.
Continue reading Italy: Let’s spoil their party!
Paris : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France
Indymedia Lille, July 28, 2022
Ivan was arrested on June 11, 2022 at about 3:30 am, according to Le Parisien, while he was putting his bike away. He is accused of having burned 6 vehicles, including a diplomatic car in the 17th arrondissement that same evening.
In the following days, the media served us information that came directly from the investigation file, but also the story of an Ivan who would go out every Saturday night on his bike to set fire to cars.
Continue reading Paris,France : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France