Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito (Bristol,UK)

Bristol, Banner hung in solidarity with anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito

On a typical bleak winter night on this grey prison island, during a typical poster sticking session, we hung a banner, in the Easton area, as a minimal sign of solidarity with our anarchist nihilist comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is on hunger strike since 20th October & is in conflict with the Italian fascist state after it put him in the torturous isolation prison system of 41 bis.

Our hearts are still with anarchist comrade Toby Shone who is also on partial hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo.

Some shadows in the mist

Actforfree Received by email

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike (France, December 1, 2022)
Ivan, incarcerated in Villepinte prison (near Paris), lets us know that he has ended his hunger strike. Today, December 1st, he started feeding again, after 35 days of hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito’s struggle.

He is well and sends a strong hug in solidarity to Alfredo, Juan, Anna, Toby and everyone outside the prisons.

On Thursday, November 24th, during the interrogation by the investigating judge, Ivan made a brief statement and then said he had nothing to declare in response to the judge’s questions. His statement, as far as we know, was more or less this:

Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)

Fire against police in Berlin for Anarchist comrade A. cospito (Germany)

fire for alfredo
This night we set fire to pigs’ cars in front of a police station in berlin.
we dedicate our action to alfredo, anna, juan and ivan. they are all on hunger strike against the brutal repression by the italian state.

in the night before alfredo’s court hearing to review the 41-bis measures against him, we send a message of solidarity. we, your friends and accomplices around the world, walk next to you on the path of refusal and attack.

with the sentence, the italian state wants to silence alfredo and prevent him from spreading the anarchist idea of total liberation, subversion and autonomy. but they forget that there are many of us and we are everywhere .

Continue reading Fire against police in Berlin for Anarchist comrade A. cospito (Germany)

Statement claiming responsibility for the explosive attack against the central offices of the chemical industry Oxiquim S.A., in solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito, from New Anarchist Subversion – Alex Núñez Cell / FAI (Santiago, Chile, November 28, 2022)


With anarchist attitude, the central offices of Oxiquim S.A. in the municipality of Providencia, Santiago, Chile, were attacked.

The high-powered device did not explode because of a solvable technical problem, so we are aiming for more.

Oxiquim, a giant of the Chilean chemical industry and a direct supplier to the country’s major extractive industries in the forestry, mining, agroindustrial and fishing sub-areas.

Oxiquim, a company headed by Fernando Barros Tocornal, a businessman with a high level of influence in Chilean politics, a direct advocate of dictator Pinochet, former president Sebastián Piñera, and a board member of the animal exploitation company Agrosuper.

Continue reading Statement claiming responsibility for the explosive attack against the central offices of the chemical industry Oxiquim S.A., in solidarity with anarchist Alfredo Cospito, from New Anarchist Subversion – Alex Núñez Cell / FAI (Santiago, Chile, November 28, 2022)

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! From Barton to Bancali \\ Solidarité avec Alfredo Cospito! De Barton à Bancali /en/fr (Canada)

From the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project. (Le français suit l’anglais)

We were out holding up a banner with a phone number on it to connect with prisoners at the Barton jail in Hamilton, Canada, the way we usually do, but we thought we would also take a moment to express our solidarity with anarchist prisoners in struggle.

Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike in Italy’s Bancali prison since October 20th to demand that he be moved out of segregation and have his phone calls, mail, and visits restored. He was placed in these conditions back in May essentially to punish him for staying involved in the anarchist struggle from inside.

Continue reading Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! From Barton to Bancali \\ Solidarité avec Alfredo Cospito! De Barton à Bancali /en/fr (Canada)

Athens,Greece: Update from the gathering demon, in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito at the Italian embassy [30/11]

On Wednesday 30 November, a solidarity gathering demo was held in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker of 20/10 against 41-bis, Alfredo Cospito, as a signal of internationalist solidarity.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Update from the gathering demon, in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito at the Italian embassy [30/11]

Taggia, Italy: Responsibility claim for the arson attack against the MARR vehicles and warehouse in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists on hunger strike

On the night of November 12-13 in Taggia (Sanremo), 6.5 litres of petrol set fire to the vehicles and destroyed the MARR company warehouse.
MARR = profits on the skin of prisoners
41 bis = prison = torture
Let’s give strength to Alfredo, Anna, Ivan, Juan and Toby!
For Anarchy!


Bologna, Italy: 1 December gathering at Court of Surveillance in solidarity with Alfredo and with all the revolutionary prisoners

Bologna, 1 December gathering at Court of Surveillance in solidarity with Alfredo and with all the revolutionary prisoners

On December 1st the hearing on the appeal against the application of the 41bis regime against anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito will take place in the court of surveillance in Rome. 7 months after his transfer to Bancali in the province of Sassari [Sardinia]. 42 days after the commencement of his indefinite hunger strike against 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.

Every day in these courtrooms, men in togas decide on the freedom of others, on the life and death of thousands of people who, by choice or by necessity, have escaped the laws of a State that daily exploits, starves, poisons.

In solidarity with all those who have experienced and are experiencing the farce of of this democratic State.

In solidarity with Alfredo and all the revolutionary prisoners.

At the side of Anna, Juan and Ivan all united in hunger strike.


THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER gathering at Court of Surveillance  PRESIDIO AL TRIBUNALE DI SORVEGLIANZA, H. 10.00 in Via Farini 1, Bologna


infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now!

Stop now the isolation of anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Greece)

“Go on, comrades:

there is a whole world to be demolished!”

Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai

Alfredo Cospito has been in prison in Italy since 14 September 2012.He has taken responsibility together with Nikola Gai and has been sentenced for the shooting in the knees of the director of Ansaldo Nucleare and subsidiary of Finmeccanica, Roberto Adinolfi , an action carried out by the “Olga Cell – FAI/IRF in May 2012.In 2016 being already in prison he was accused of bomb attacks regarding the Scripta Manent operation. In 2020 he was finally accused of 2 bombs sent to the carabinieri training schools in Fossano, by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Rebellion.In November 2021 he was accused of incitement in the framework of the “Sibilla” operation, a case for which he was acquitted in December 2021.On 5 May 2022, after months of strict censorship of his correspondence, Alfredo was finally transferred from the Maximum Security Prison to the extreme isolation regime (41BIS), where he began a hunger strike on 20 October.

What is 41BIS isolation.

Talking about 41bis isolation is in fact talking about a slow and torturous murder. The circumstances are hardly comprehensible to the human mind since this law is the ultimate legal perversion. The prisoner is isolated 23 hours a day locked in a cell with the right to go outside for 1 hour. He is entitled to 10 minutes of supervised telephone communication per month with relatives only and 1 hour of supervised closed visitation per month,…In essence, 41bis means complete sensory isolation.

Continue reading Stop now the isolation of anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Greece)

KONE service truck set ablaze in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito and Alabama prison movement (Milwaukie, Oregon, USA)

KONE service truck set ablaze in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito & Alabama prison movement

On the night of November 21st, a KONE service truck was set ablaze while parked behind their corporate office in Milwaukie, Oregon.

This fire was lit for anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with his hunger strike against the 41Bis regime in Italy as part of the international call to action.

Cospito was arrested in 2012 and remained imprisoned by the Italian state ever since. According to prosecutors he was linked to various clandestine actions and membership in the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI). Throughout his imprisonment he has remained committed to the anarchist struggle by texts and interventions. Eventually, on the 5th of May, he was cut off all contact to other humans. From that day on and indefinitely, he lives under the so called 41Bis regime, in a blatant attempt by the Italian state at total isolation.

Continue reading KONE service truck set ablaze in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito and Alabama prison movement (Milwaukie, Oregon, USA)