Hic Et Nunc
Almost one hundred days have passed since the beginning of the hunger strike of the brother and comrade Alfredo Cospito against the regime that has made him prisoner of 41-bis in the Bancali death camp in Sassari [Sardinia].
In these just over three months, it was not only the voices of anarchists all over the world to make themselves heard, but also those of many associations, institutions, media, artists, magistrates, ex-ministers of justice, garantists, etc. etc. Many of these figures are in no way friends or sympathisers of the anarchists and vice versa, at least I hope so…
As I wrote in an earlier text, this is by no means a hunger strike as there have been to date, except for the few that have unfortunately become notorious and led to the death of the persons undertaking it. So it was necessary that in addition to the anarchists there was a need for the many figures mentioned above to raise their voice too, because I consider them to be the only ones who can change the state of affairs regarding the prison condition of Alfredo.
Unlike the mass of leaflets handed out during demos, gatherings and other initiatives these figures enter peoples homes twenty-four hours a day through tv, radio, newspapers with simple words and not philosophical terminology difficult for any citizen to read. They rub the problem in the faces of the authorities by warning them, in the democratic way they like to be told things: “Watch out, we are telling you in advance and have been doing it for a long time”. For the government, the words went in one ear and were pushed out the other; with all the lucidity and willpower that can belong to an executioner on the gallows; in the words of the minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, where he affirms that Alfredo is in great form and the prohibition of the comrade’s legal doctor to give interviews about the prisoner’s health condition, practically condemning the comrade to death.
Even if he wins this battle of his at the last moment, it is not certain that he will survive for the thousands of reasons explained to us by his medical examiner. Certainly this very long hunger strike will have a massive effect on his body. The government is practically testing Alfredo but also all the anarchists raising the level of the clash. It is testing the coherence, the stuff we are made of.
This time it is not a classic ‘State murder’ as it was for the two anarchist comrades Edoardo Massari and Maria Soledad Rosas; their lives were cut short from one day to the next, against Alfredo there is savagery, daily torture, and all the sadism worthy of any Argentinean, Chilean, Nazi, Stalinist, Islamic dictatorship. Every day they deliver a stab to him almost in defiance of the anarchists saying to them “And so?! Is that all?”
Not that we are discovering today what ‘democracy’ really means, but the significance of the fact that the above-mentioned figures are now calling on the government to remove Alfredo from 41-bis lies precisely in the fact that after a possible death of the comrade they will have to explain to them the meaning of ‘democracy’; that term so beloved that to export it to countries far from the West it needs bombings and wars and within its own borders lagers, torture and State murders.
I would never venture to say how much has been done in solidarity with Alfredo in Italy but I want to look at things from afar, from space, and then I can say that for a comrade they are torturing and killing in their lager we have not done nothing. A few days of clashes with the cops, which are already written on the last page of this sad story, after the possible demise of the comrade, will serve little or no purpose.
We need the ‘Here and Now’!
A new chapter in history of the anarchists in Italy must be opened here and now. What is the point of us doing years in jail and under house arrest just for expressing our ideas on a piece of paper or a website, for a gathering, a demonstration? But do we really want to continue to risk spending years of our lives in State lagers just for the sake of mouthing grand words in the style of Monty Python’s ‘People’s Front of Judea’? From the OCSE of Naples of March 2001 to today, passing above all by the Genova G8, they have massacred us with investigations, trials and arrests; more for expressing our ideas than for direct actions. Do we want to continue enriching our curriculum vitae with more pages of court documents and years in jail just for uttering grand words to make ourselves look good? What life of shit is this? To continue to remain at the mercy of events in the limbo of democratic ‘freedom’ until one day a judge wakes up and decides that you must be kidnapped…
I spit on false democratic freedom!
I have nothing more to lose than the dear life of a brother, a comrade… of Alfredo!
Here and now! Either we make anarchy or we all go home!
For anarchy, insurrection
Gioacchino Somma
Fonte: fuoridallariserva.noblogs.org
via: https://infernourbano.altervista.org/hic-et-nunc/