Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Wuppertal (Germany): solidarity arson of a Siemens van



Nothing is finished, everything begins! Lützerath is now also in Wuppertal. A Siemens van set on fire!


One year after the eviction from the Osterholz forest*, we set fire to a Siemens van on the morning of Wednesday, January 25, in the Sperlingsgasse in Wuppertal-Nützenberg. Siemens is one of the large corporations involved in the exploitation of brown coal in North Rhine-Westphalia as well as in Lützerath, profiting from this dirty business. The crimes for which Siemens is also responsible are summarized here by another action group.

We say basta to the exploitation of people, animals and nature! Let’s continue to fight for a better world with the most diverse forms of action! Lützerath can be a big step forward for the climate movement. Let’s not give up!
Continue reading Wuppertal (Germany): solidarity arson of a Siemens van

Milan, Italy: Anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been transferred to San Paolo hospital in Milan Written February 11, 2023

Milan: Alfredo Cospito has been transferred to San Paolo hospital in Milan
Written February 11, 2023

Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for 115 days, was transferred this afternoon from Opera prison to San Paolo hospital in Milan, in one of the rooms reserved for prisoners in 41 bis. It seems that Alfredo has been admitted to the ward of penitentiary medicine of the Milanese hospital on indications of the doctors of the clinical centre of Opera where he had been since January 30th.

Alfredo Cospito’s critical health conditions had already been reported by Andrea Crosignani, doctor on his side who had visited him precisely this Saturday morning in the prison of Opera. “He weighs 71 kilos and chili ed è at risk of cerebral oedema and potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias.” This is what Crosignani referred to the lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini after his visit today. But Alfredo is determined to go ahead with the protest. He is lucid and walks on his own two legs.

Although I tried to convince him to take potassium again to reduce the risk of these arrhythmias. The parameters are holding, but it takes little for the situation to precipitate without any particular warning signs”.

via: infernourbano

Milan, Italy: Clashes at demonstration for Alfredo Cospito, firecrackers and bottles against police. 11 arrested, 6 cops wounded

Milan,: Clashes at demonstration for Alfredo Cospito, firecrackers and bottles against police. 11 arrested, 6 cops wounded

«Against 41bis. For a world without prisons, freedom for everyone». This is the banner behind which the anarchist demonstration was held in Milan in solidariety with Alfredo Cospito, imprisoned under a «harsh prison» regime at the San Paolo hospital and on hunger for over three months. In over four hundred – most from Milan, – they set off just after 17.00 from piazza XXIV Maggio in the direction of viale Col di Lana, where the shopkeepers had pulled down the shutters to protect themselves against vandalism. In front, prima fila, with helmets on their heads, a group of demonstrators with a banner tied to plastic panels. At the start, a few water balloons were thrown from the march in the direction of the journalists. In Viale Bligny the first damages: the window of a bank and that of an estate agency were hit.

Paper bomb throwing and police charges.

Tension rose when the demonstration reached Porta Romana. Just before Piazzale Medaglie d’oro the police tried to stop the procession. The anarchists who tried to ‘break through’ the security cordon were repelled with shields and batons. A dense throwing of firecrackers and bottles followed. Then the police tried to channel the march along Viale Sabotino: the two sides came into contact several times. In the most agitated phases tear gas was also used, while the demonstrators threw paper bombs at the police.

Continue reading Milan, Italy: Clashes at demonstration for Alfredo Cospito, firecrackers and bottles against police. 11 arrested, 6 cops wounded



14 de febrero Mitting en la embajada de Italia en solidaridad con
Alfredo Cospito Con más de 100 días de huelga de hambre del compañero Alfredo Cospito contra el régimen de aislamiento del 41 bis en las cárceles italianas, el Estado ha vuelto a rechazar cualquier
modificación en su encierro, condenándolo en la práctica a la muerte.
Volvemos a convocar a un nuevo mitting afuera de la embajada italiana para agitar y expandir la solidaridad internacionalista con Alfredo y contra el aislamiento. Martes 14 de febrero a las 19:00hrs en la embajada italiana.

Clemente Fabres 1050, Providencia. Por la vida y la
libertad de Alfredo Cospito: ¡No permitamos su asesinato! ¡Con Alfredo, contra el 41 bis!

¡Salúd, nihilismo y anarquía!

Bologna, Italy: Anti-prison bike demo in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, against 41 and life sentence without appeal.

Bologna: Anti-prison bike demo in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, against 41 and life sentence without appeal.

For over 100 days Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike. His is a battle against the torture of 41 bis and a life sentence without appeal. But even more so, it is the battle of those who do not want to remain defenceless in the face of the violence that the jails, the courts, the unjust ‘justice’ of this system unleashes daily on thousands of people.

However it turns out, Alfredo will not fight alone.

Anti-prison bike ride – The only good chain is the bicycle one
Bologna, Friday 10 February 2023
Ore 15:00 – Meet at the steps of Piazza VIII Agosto
Ore 17:30 – Arrival and gathering outside the Dozza prison

via: infernourbano

Santiago, Chile, : Alfredo out of 41 bis! Protest outside the Italian embassy in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike for 107 days (3 February 2023)


Santiago: Alfredo out of 41 bis! Protest outside the Italian embassy in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike for 107 days (3 February 2023)

On February 3rd 2023, at over 100 days’ hunger strike of the comrade Alfredo Cospito against the brutal isolation of 41 bis in the cells of Italy, about 50 of us called a protest in front of the Italian embassy in order to put internationalist solidarity into practice.

The anarchist and subversive prisoners in the Chilean prisons have started a fast in solidarity with Alfredo’s hunger strike. In this context and despite the considerable presence of police armed with water cannon and tear gas, we managed to push our way in front of the walls protecting the representatives of the Italian government, the same government that is currently taking the assassination of Alfredo upon itself behind the bars.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile, : Alfredo out of 41 bis! Protest outside the Italian embassy in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike for 107 days (3 February 2023)

Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack against some Enjoy cars, Eni’s car sharing service, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, by Bande Anarchiche – Nucleo Guerriglia (Milan, Italy, January 30, 2023)

Milan: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack against some Enjoy cars, Eni’s car sharing service, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, by Bande Anarchiche – Nucleo Guerriglia

Enijoy car fires in Milan

On the night of January 30th, several Enijoy cars were damaged with fire in response to Alfredo’s transfer from Sassari prison to that of Milan. This is the first action claimed, but not the first carried out, by the BANDE ANARCHICHE – NUCLEO GUERRIGLIA [‘Anarchist Bands – Guerrilla Nucleus’]. One of our comrades will die at the hands of the state, it’s our turn to take the leap. Fire to the prisons.


[Published in italian language in “Bezmotivny”, anarchist internationalist fortnightly, year III, number 3, February 6th, 2023, page 8]

via: La Nemesi

Bologna, Italy: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd ,2023

Bologna: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd

Written February 5th 5, 2023

We receive and publish the leaflet distributed on Friday 3 February during the gathering, then demonstration, that moved from the Regional Penitentiary Administration Department to the juvenile prison.
In late afternoon of Friday 3 February in Bologna, a protest was held outside the headquarters of the Regional Penitentiary Administration Office, with noise, speakers and banners in solidarity with Alfredo against life imprisonment without appeal and 41 bis. Surrounded by a barrage of cops and journalists, a hundred or so comrades then moved along Via del Pratello where a large writing read ‘No 41 bis. Like Iran and Egypt, Italy also tortures and condemns to death’. The demonstration ended outside the juvenile prison where there were repeated riots in December. Alongside Alfredo! Let’s keep coming out into the streets!

From a cell of 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble!

Alfredo Cospito, along with 749 other prisoners, is buried deep in the dungeons of the 41bis regime. And it is precisely from the most hidden place in which the State’s vengeance against its most bitter enemies is carried out that he began his struggle: since 20 October 2022, he has been on an unremitting hunger strike against the 41bis regime and life imprisonment without appeal, i.e. the hard prison regime and life imprisonment without access to alternative sentences.

These two prison institutions are the clearest and most straightforward expression of what the State is: power ruled by institutionalised violence and vengeance.

Continue reading Bologna, Italy: From a cell in 41 bis an anarchist is making a State tremble – Leaflet given out at the gathering on February 3rd ,2023