Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!


Open assembly to organize a response commensurate with the importance of the situation

The struggle waged by anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito against the 41bis prison regime and the life imprisonment without parole has reached its most dramatic point. Notwithstanding the opening of contradictions (opinion of the DNAA, opinion of the DDA of Turin, opinion of the PG at the Court of Cassation, order of the re-examination of the Sibilla Operation) every time an institutional organism with effective power to resolve the question opened by the comrade has met, the most manectarian and warmongering faction of the State has invested all its political power to crush any possible opening.

We have said it too many times: Alfredo’s death sentence is now an established fact, if the comrade is still alive we owe it solely to his extraordinary resistance. The decision to lock up an anarchist in 41 bis prison regime for the first time, taken by the previous Draghi government and Minister Marta Cartabia, as well as the determination to persevere in this criminal choice by the new right-wing government of Meloni and the current minister Carlo Nordio, count as an act of war. The tip of the iceberg of the “internal front” of a larger war, which on the international level is fought between NATO and the Russian Federation, and which is being expressed in our home with an unprecedented attack against social antagonism, against conflictual unionism and especially against action anarchism.

Continue reading Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!

Genoa, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (31 March 2023)

Genoa,: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

Democracy cannot allow certain thoughts to be spelled out clearly, and certain words to be used with impunity, because they might catch on among the oppressed, the excluded. These words without stakes take on greater weight for me because they have cost me and will cost me more years in jail, but it is my way of resisting, of fighting back.
Alfredo Cospito (January 2021)

In the night of 31st March we attacked some vehicles of the IREN company with fire, Italy’s leading district heating service company, operating in electricity production and distribution and technology services.

IREN is a new company but with a veteran entrepreneurial posture in line with all other criminal multinationals like ENI and Benetton who profit from the destruction and plundering of territories around the planet. That was sufficient for putting the IREN group in our sights; if we then add news of recent weeks, that IREN struck agreements with the Israeli Mekorot water company implementing water apartheid to the Palestinian people, then the decision to attack it was more than spot on.

Continue reading Genoa, Italy: Claim for the incendiary attack on some vehicles of Iren in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (31 March 2023)

direct action news against local parliament building in Bandung, West Java in Indonesia by Free Association of Autonomous Fires – FAI/IRF

On 10th April, we strike a blow against local parliament building in Bandung, West Java (Indonesia).Armed with propane bomb and molotovs, we managed to destroy huge part of the building resulting in wildfires that destroy most of their archives. During endless demonstration against the newly labour law, where most of the protesters are consisting of
movement brokers, wanna-be politician, social anarchists, we choose to strike at a different place.

As we will never beg or demand the so
called rights from the powers that be.

This action is dedicated to Alfredo Cospito, Toby Shone, Monica and Fransisco, Chilean and Greek anarchists imprisoned, and to all anarchist insurgents everywhere!

For Anarchy and destruction of the existent

Free Association of Autonomous Fires – FAI/IRF

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details.

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details for sending contributions in support of the comrade
Zac has been transferred to Terni and is in a cell with Juan.

To write to him:
Marco Marino
C. C. di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni

to send contributions in support of the comrade:
(THE CORRECT DATA FOR THE TRANSFER is the following and not those already in circulation).
For those who would like to send solidarity contributions to Zac, anarchist prisoner held in the prison of Terni following the repressive operation in Naples and Pozzuoli on March 28 2023, we invite you to send money by bank transfer:

IBAN: IT07V360810518299544199741
Intestario: Luca d’Esposito
Causale: ricarica

Received by email and published in

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Italy: Action against a vehicle of the SNAM in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the end (Rovereto, March 2023)

Action against a vehicle of the SNAM in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the end (Rovereto, March 2023)

March 2023 / Trentino

During the week of 13th March we damaged a vehicle of the SNAM company, a multinational engaged in environmental devastation through pipeline construction, not far from Rovereto, we punctured the tyres, smashed the windows and headlights.

Not far away we wrote NO 41 BIS ALFREDO FREE. This action is a small gesture of solidarity with the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the end against 41 bis and whole life sentence. Strength comrade you are not alone! against 41 bis and whole life sentence!
Death to the state! for Anarchy.

[Received and published in

Translated by Act for freedom now!

EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Important updates on the health condition and the condition of inprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito

Alfredo has NOT ended the hunger strike!

The news circulated in the media these days is false and slanderous, as is now the habit in this story: he was offered milk, but Alfredo refused it. If he decides to start eating again, he will follow the instructions given to him by his trusted doctor some time ago.

In view of the hearing on April 18, he decided to resume supplements: potassium to stabilize the heart, vitamins to try to stem the neurological problem in the lower limbs, and proteins. After the hearing at the constitutional court in Rome, called to express itself on the legal legitimacy of granting or not extenuating circumstances in relation to the conviction for 285 c. p. (“massacre for the purpose of undermining the security of the State”, which only provides for life imprisonment) decreed by the cassation in the context of the Scripta Manent process, will decide how to proceed.

Continue reading EN/GR/: Important updates on the health condition and the condition of imprisonment for the anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station (Athens,Greece)

Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station .



Alfredo Cospito is an anarchist who has always been active in the frontline of struggles. He was never willing to compromise nor to give up. He is a comrade who has been fighting since the end of the 80’s, a period during which he was imprisoned as a total conscientious objector (for refusing to serve mandatory military services).

Alfredo has always been active in defending comrades affected by repression, in every corner of the world. He has been contributing for many years with articles, editorial projects and proposals to the international anarchist discussion/debate. For this reason, he has been censored many times and his communication with the “outside world” has been forbidden. He has been in prison for 10 years (since 2012), during which he was in High Security prison sectors until he was transferred to 41bis inMay 2022, from Terni prison to Bankali prison in Sassari.

The 41bis prison regime entails 24/7 electronic surveillance, 1 person per cell of 2×3 meters, 1 hour per day for socializing in a group of 4 people (the seperation into these groups is decided directly by the bureaucrats in Rome and is valid for several months), 1 visit per month of 1 hour with no physical contact, separation with glass divider, under electronic surveillance, with audio and video recording (only if the family members are unable to visit, a monthly 10-minute phone call is allowed as an alternative, but to do so, the prisoner’s family member must go to a police station or in some prison), no physical contact, censorship and control of written material, presence at court only through video-conferences.

Continue reading Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station (Athens,Greece)

Venice, Italy: appeal sentence for Anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche

Venice: appeal sentence for Anarchist comrade Juan

We’re making it known that on March 28 our Juanito, sentenced to 28 years’ prison in first grade for an action against the premises of the League of Villorba (TV) in 2018, had his sentence reduced to 14 years and 10 months by the appeal court of Venice.

Nevertheless this is still a very high sentence for an action which – beyond the intentions of the anonymous attackers – caused neither dead nor wounded.

Full solidarity to Juan!


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Protest at the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Porto Alegre: Protest at the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Actions in solidarity with comrade Alfredo Cospito have not been absent in the territory in conflict with the brazilian state.

The consulates of Belo Horizonte and São Paulo were visited (1). Posters were pasted up in the cities of Porto Alegre and São Paulo, the consulate in Porto Alegre was attacked with burning oil this past December (2).

March 1, 2023, at 11am, in response to the call for agitation for Alfredo, we went to the Italian consulate in Porto Alegre in a fleeting and surprising protest with pamphlets, incendiary devices and banners. We didn’t go to ask for anything, but to demonstrate our hatred of states, prisons and the societies that support them, as well as expressing our deep and complicit solidarity with comrade Alfredo Cospito. His hunger strike of more than 130 days is a fight to the death against isolation in italian prison (41bis), a struggle that is more than dignified (3).

Any gesture will seem small in contrast… but apathy will never be our comrade!
Continue reading Porto Alegre, Brazil: Protest at the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

EN/IT : A political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito at the Italian Educational Institute in Patission. (Athens,Greece)

(EN) On Friday, March 17th, at the launch of the presentation of the collective volume – tribute to the work of Altiero Spinelli (“a visionary and one of the great ‘fathers’ of European unification”) at the Italian Educational Institute in Patision – Athens (across the NTUA gate), a political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito was held.


Interrupting their civil celebration, in the presence of the ambassador of the Italian state Patrizia Falcinelli and the president of the European Movement of Italy Pier Virgilio Dastoli, the president of the Mediterranean Studies department of the University of the Aegean S. Dalis, the vice president of the European Parliament D. Papadimoulis and the former MEP K. Botopoulou, as well as other big business exploiters and their henchmen who were smitten before the elections in the institutional salons, such as the former minister and current MP G. Katrougalos, we shaked for a while the image of their superiority in their field.

The hypocritical “sensitivity” of Europe’s bourgeois democratic politicians and scholars for rights and federalism (of the economies and the capital), in the media image of 2016, when Renzi, Merkel and Hollande paid tribute to Spinelli’s grave (in favor of the foundations of European unity), was forced to be silent in order to hear the speech of the anarchist hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and the fight against 41bis and against the prison.Slogans were heard, flyers were thrown and we made clear to the present representatives of the former government that we do not forget the passing of the new Penal Code and the way it opened for the condition of incarceration here. Our struggles recognize no borders.
Continue reading EN/IT : A political intervention of solidarity with the comrade and hunger striker, since 20/10/22, Alfredo Cospito at the Italian Educational Institute in Patission. (Athens,Greece)