Category Archives: General


Three people from the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation (DAF) who wrote about the October 10 massacre in Ankara Yenimahalle were detained. The detained DAF members were taken to the courthouse after being transferred to the Yenimahalle District Police Department.
The accusation made by the prosecutor against the revolutionaries who wrote “October 10 will be held to account” was “inciting the people to hatred and enmity”.


Chelyabinsk, Russia: 2 anarchists imprisoned for placing banner with words “FSB — Main Terrorist” outside Federal Security Service [successor of KGB] building

Couple In Russia Handed Prison Terms For Actions Criticizing FSB, Pension Reform
A court in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk has handed prison terms to a couple who protested the arrest of a group of activists and criticized pension reform.
Pavel Chikov of the legal defense organization Agora wrote on his Telegram channel that the Central District court in the Ural’s city on September 10 sentenced Dmitry Tsibukovsky to 2 1/2 years and his wife, Anastasia Safonova, to two years in prison.

Continue reading Chelyabinsk, Russia: 2 anarchists imprisoned for placing banner with words “FSB — Main Terrorist” outside Federal Security Service [successor of KGB] building

325 Collective Contact Email & PGP Key

Received by email:
To all our comrades internationally, be they in the streets or in the hellholes of the state, we would like to let everyone know that we are still active as a collective & working on new publication projects.
For anyone who would like to be in contact with us, we share our most recent PGP key. New proposals for publications are very much welcome for the expansion of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis and against the techno prison world.
325 Collective



(Rigaer94) First statement on the raid of 6th of October, 2021 (Germany,Berlin)

The Berlin cops, today, 06.10.2021 at 7am, wearing their dirty trash-bag uniforms and carrying shields full of color from the resistance on 17th of July and armed, raided our political structure and living space, Rigaer94. Once again, as everyday, the servants of the state fulfill their commands and obey to the capital.
The state guarantees the order of the capitalist system, so to squeeze even more profit from people and their living spaces, gain power over every life, destroy any political idea that fights against them and oppress any individual who does not fit to their plans in this capitalistic, patriarchal and racist society. It is clear that the Berlin cops still work with Lafone Investments Ltd. and are their mercenaries, who execute orders of the plan to get rid of Rigaer94 and so to force the gentrification process of Nordkiez, Friedrichshain – after they lost their last attack on us in June this year.

Continue reading (Rigaer94) First statement on the raid of 6th of October, 2021 (Germany,Berlin)

International Solidarity with Le Marbré – Let’s Defend our spaces – Attack the city of the rich (France)

Le marbré opened its doors in september 2020, since then the marble dust and rockwool has made room for a living space and a space of radical autonomous* and self-organized political organisation. Diverse ideas carrying a discourse against market logic, against capitalism and all oppression , on the search of a rupture with the state and all existing cross and meet in this space. Some of the bigger lines around whichpeople around Marbré organize are housing, anti-gentrification, social struggles, encarceration, specism, feminism and borders. The place is organised through an open general assembly and happy to welcome new people and groups.

Some words on the situation

We met a first eviction in february 2021, but succefully reopened the building the next day which gave us a lot of strength. Since september 2021 we are facing a new threat following our eviction process. The ruling received in june 2021 admitted us cumulative delays of 3 month + a 2 months grace period + the winter eviction break(1.11-1.4.). But thebailiff seems deaf on that ear: he signed a request to leave the space by september 23. Our legal strategy is an appeal to the executive court (JEX) to go against this interpreatiion by the bailiff and a hearing took place on october 5. The JEX’s decision though will take until the
16th of november, several weeks during which the place technically stays evictable. Our political strategy has been to mobilize to the maximum of our capacities from september 23 to october 5 with different activities everyday, we invited local squats and collectives and prepared ourselves
for Day X. We are of course staying mobilized after the fifth and there are more workshops, discussion and so on taking place at marbré for as long as we manage to keep the place. We are learning how to collectively deal with stress, fatigue and the fear of loosing the space. We are exploring solidarity together and sharing knowledge and skills. The perspective of the eviction is of course worrying, but we also see it as possibility to live a strong collective experience and want to give all we have for it even if we’re just at the beginning of this marathon.
Continue reading International Solidarity with Le Marbré – Let’s Defend our spaces – Attack the city of the rich (France)

To (try to) keep the cops at bay

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center
There are many guides out there that describe everything from the best ways of building timed incendiary devices, to dealing with DNA, to anti-forensic methods and how to secure digital information against search and seizure or government surveillance.
Some of them are over forty years old, others are newer, some of them still hold up while others need updating. We thought it wouldn’t hurt to have some suggestions, a brief “things to consider” article, that is reasonably up-to-date in regards to the enemy’s methods. Some lessons and experiences combined with technical info but in a format that hopefully doesn’t feel too rigid and authoritarian.

Continue reading To (try to) keep the cops at bay

Cayenne (Guyana) France : nocturnal riots continue

sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
Cayenne: the police station attacked in the night
France Guyane, 14 September 2021 (extract)
Another night of tension in the streets of Cayenne. Since the night of Thursday 9 September to Friday 10 September, the fires set voluntarily by several groups of people who want to confront the forces of order have multiplied. For almost a week now, Cayenne residents have been witnessing an increase in urban violence, often in the middle of the night.
The latest effect of the opposition (…) by these groups, in small numbers, to the representatives of the State occurred last night. After setting fire to containers and bins in the ZAC Hibiscus, the protagonists of these assaults – as yet unclaimed – attacked the Cayenne police station on Avenue du Général de Gaulle.

Continue reading Cayenne (Guyana) France : nocturnal riots continue

The federal elections are coming up. And, as always, there is a lot of hustle and bustle in the election campaign: one party after another tries to attract the attention of the voters with meaningless election slogans and promises us all the skies of heaven.
Some try to pander to the supporters of Nazi parties; they adopt racist prejudices, demand increased and faster deportations to war zones like Syria or Afghanistan or deterrence at Europe’s external borders under the guise of “security”. Others come up with supposedly social election programmes including the promise of affordable housing, more climate and environmental protection or higher incomes for those receiving social benefits. Still others try a mixture of both.

Continue reading FUCK THE ELECTIONS!

Argentina: Mapuche Communities Block Roads Against Fracking and in Defense of Life and Water

Early in the morning of August 11th, the Mapuche communities Campo Maripe, Wirkaleo, Kaxipayiñ, Fvtaxayen and Newen Kvra decided to completely block the accesses to their territories in the Fortín de Piedra, Loma La Lata, Tratayen and Puesto Hernández oilfields “in defense of life and water”. The measure is because they are “fed up with waiting for answers presented in every way to stop an environmental disaster that affects life, territories, water, clean air and future”, their sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters.
There is police presence at the roadblocks. Simultaneously, the confederation carried out a protest at the Neuquén headquarters of YPF. There, Jorge Nahuel, from the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquén, in reference to fracking and hydrocarbon activity, denounced: “There are seismic movements, oil waste that accumulates by tons without being treated, contaminating the air and everything around it, and lately the water crisis as well, caused by an industry that consumes millions of liters of water for each of the drillings. There are 1,100 wells in Vaca Muerta and each one of them consumes between 10 and 30 million liters of water per well, so imagine the mistreatment that the whole ecosystem is receiving”.

Continue reading Argentina: Mapuche Communities Block Roads Against Fracking and in Defense of Life and Water