Category Archives: General

CGL Pipeline work site attacked

Masked mob swarms Northern, B.C. pipeline work site, causes millions in damage

From Warrior Publications
British Columbia’s minister of public safety Mike Farnworth has issued a statement condemning the attack on the Coastal GasLink site.
“The RCMP is conducting a full investigation into this egregious criminal activity that could have led to serious injury or loss of life,” Farnworth said.
“The police report indicates that the workers’ camp was attacked in the middle of the night by unknown assailants wielding axes. There is no excuse for such violence and intimidation. All workers deserve to be protected from harassment and harm.”

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Grenoble, France : Tags on the rectorate in support of Ninon

via: attaque.noblogs
January 23, 2022
Tags on the rectorate of grenoble in support of ninon, against patriarchy and national education :
In early December, Ninon, a student in a high school around Grenoble, denounced on snapchat the actions of a PE teacher with whom she has class, who slapped the buttocks of another student during class, justifying himself with “oh it was in the lower back”. According to the students, this was far from being the first time.
This was followed by summons from the school management, who at first were falsely grateful for the exposure, but in good cop fashion, made it clear to her that this was not a valid way of communicating and that she should have had recourse to the school institution. In the end, she found herself excluded from the school permanently and the administration was much less lenient with her.

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Analysis of the file for putting three anarchists under surveillance

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center
[Note of Sans Nom: In Germany, the state is obliged to officially notify the people concerned that they have been “placed under surveillance” (i.e., in German, “put under observation” with wiretaps, tails, surveillance cameras in front of homes…) when no immediate follow-up has been given to the latter, at least if the investigators wish to be able to use the evidence collected in subsequent legal proceedings. This is what has just happened to three anarchists from Hamburg].
In November 2021, three anarchists from Hamburg were notified that they had been put under surveillance by the Hamburg State Security Services of the Regional Criminal Police Office for two different periods of time. These measures are a continuation of the so-called “park bench” procedure. It is also likely that the authorities consider these people as “threats”.

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Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison

Letter of Panos Kalaitzis
On Tuesday 08/02 at 19.00 I was arrested by the anti-terrorist squad outside my comrade’s house in Ano Polis. The reason for my indictment was the arrest that same morning of Thanos Xatziagkelou and Georgia Voulgari accused of placing an incendiary device in the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection. I was taken to the General Police Directorate of Thessaloniki, where hours later I was informed of my arrest on felony charges and membership of the Anarchist Action organization. I remained in custody for two days in the basements of the GADTH, on Friday 11/02 I passed through the interrogator and the prosecutor where I was notified of my pre-trial detention.
Being now in the throes of a comic process that is taking place against me, I declare myself unequivocally and categorically innocent of all the charges against me. I am currently in custody without a shred of evidence linking me to any participation in the charges against me, without a single mention of my name in the statements of the anti-terrorist police in connection with the activities of the organisation. The only attempted connection is through the house I rented next to the shop I ran with my associates as well as next to my comrade’s house (where I actually lived), which I reserved as a quarantine and recovery space from covid-19. Continue reading Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison


Months ago we published a text calling for a vision that would critically analyze the state of overcrowding and violence inside Uruguayan prisons and the style of “communication” by the official media. The final conclusion we wanted to reach was that the violence inherent to life within the state and capitalist systems needs prison and injustice to legitimize itself and subsist; that crime and prison is a product of inequality and the treatment is in and of itself dehumanizing, in the way we have to live our lives in society and much more so inside the prisons. It is urgent to take collective action to change our reality and never again to exercise this type of violence used by the state and capitalism.
We want to take this opportunity to correct a mistake we made at the time of producing the text and that we cannot let pass by, firstly to not fall into the trap of authoritarian language that is crystallized in the imaginary of everyday life, and secondly, in pursuit of intellectual honesty. With this postscript, we also wish to offer a first approach to a critical position on the concept of rehabilitation.


Quebec, Canada : tax, limitation of access to alcohol… The new restrictions against the non-vaccinated

via: sansnom
The province of Quebec (Canada) has taken several restrictive measures against non-vaccinated people. The first is surprising: formal prohibition to buy alcohol in stores that sell only alcoholic beverages. In order to access these shops, the presentation of a vaccination pass is imperative. The measure seems to be well received by some residents. “I understand that they want to encourage as many people as possible to get vaccinated, so much the better if it works. Then there will be fewer people in the hospitals,” said one.
The Quebec government now wants to go further in its restrictions against non-vaccinated people, and plans to introduce a tax for medical care. “Those who refuse to receive their first dose in the next few weeks will have to pay a new health contribution,” said François Légaut, the Premier of Quebec. Some doctors are denouncing a break in equal access to medical care.

Continue reading Quebec, Canada : tax, limitation of access to alcohol… The new restrictions against the non-vaccinated

(A-Radio) B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 52 (01/2022)

Episode 52 (01/2022)
Welcome to the 52th edition of B(A)D news: angry voices from around the world, a commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, on this occasion composed by Črna Luknja, anarchist show on Radio Student from Slovenia.
In this episode we will hear contributions from:
Črna Luknja, radio show collective on Radio Študent prepared an interview with a participant in the anarchist publishing network CrimethInc. about the recent fire that hit its central distribution centre. More about how to offer support and mutual aid: Continue reading (A-Radio) B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 52 (01/2022)

Claviere, Italy – Demonstration for Fathallah on 16th January

On Sunday 16th January we gathered in Claviere. We took the public space to finally give voice to Fathallah’s story, this border killed him. Fathallah, a 31-year old Moroccan arrived in France from Italy between 29th December and 1st January and was found dead on 2nd January in the basin of Freney, downstream of Modane. The eighth person we know to have died on this damned border in 3 years.
At 10am a solidarity stand was set up opposite the church of Claviere on the other side of the road, amidst of the comings and goings of tourists and skiers. When the 11 o’clock bus arrived a good number of people passing by joined us. After a few speeches, we walked towards the border. The invisible border between Italy and France covered by the motorway 94 of Monginevro was blocked for two hours. Several speeches were made by people who had known Fathallah, about the current situation in the detention centres, the NO TAV struggle, Emilio’s arrest and updates from Tripoli. Police deployment was massive, as always, from both the Italian and French side. We counted at least 20 vans on either side of the border, with annexed guards, digos, investigation police and some journalists next to them.

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Amsterdam: Some reflections on the eviction of Waldeck Pyrmontlaan 8

Last Sunday we were evicted from our home after having been there for 5 days. Here are some reflections on what happened. We had a small taste of what could have been when we made Waldeck Pyrmontlaan 8 in Amsterdam our home. Even though the last few days have been hard on us, there were many moments filled with joy and hope. The support and acts of solidarity we received from old and new friends, comrades and neighbours have deeply touched us. After 5 days of occupation and what we thought was a successful public revealing of the squat, we were quickly reminded of what should’ve been so obvious to us; that there is no safety for people like us living under the state and it’s capitalist system. All evictions are a form of violence and Sunday was no exception. We have yet to hear all the stories and experiences surrounding the eviction, and we are only representing our own experiences here.
Who we are
We are people with political convictions, with a longing for freedom. Our struggle and our wounds are written and felt in our bodies. We are individuals with hopes and dreams, worries and problems. We squat for many reasons, both political and personal. Out of necessity, because we need housing, but also because in these acts of collective resistance, we create the space to feel free and find each other. Most of us are students at different universities, MBO’s or highschool in Amsterdam and around. Others with us are not in university at all- but would have liked to be- if it wasn’t for the prospect of crippling debt and the financial pressure to go straight into work. Like that of many people, our lives have been defined and shaped by precarity. Our housing situation is precarious. Some of us sleep on couches, in shelters, hostels or squats. Others have rental contracts ( mostly temporary- almost all overpriced). Student life is often described as the time of your life- But it is hard to be alive when you are struggling to survive.

Continue reading Amsterdam: Some reflections on the eviction of Waldeck Pyrmontlaan 8

“The people will still have an opportunity to rid the country of a dictator” – interview with an anarchist from Kazakhstan

We spoke with a comrade and anarchist feminist from Kazakhstan to get a better understanding of what’s going on and to understand how local activists view the situation. What is the social nature of the uprising, what are its demands and forms, who is leading the armed struggle, and what consequences will these events bring to the region.
Being on the ground, tell us what has been happening and is happening in the country?

Continue reading “The people will still have an opportunity to rid the country of a dictator” – interview with an anarchist from Kazakhstan