Category Archives: General

Sardinia – Issue 0 of Su Nudha, a Sardinian Anarchist Paper (A-periodical), is available

È disponibile, da oggi, il numero 0 di “Su Nudha” – Foglio Anarchico Sardo. (A-periodico)

Translated by act for freedom now!
From the editorial:
«The proposal to create a new editorial instrument was born as a continuation of the experiences that some of us have lived in the more or less recent past and from which each one drew their own conclusions, defining their own path. We feel the urge to write our own history through the exclusive use of our own words, eliminating all sorts of softening of the radicality of intentions and blurring of their objectives by making them flicker before our eyes. Moreover, now more than ever it is necessary to equip ourselves with our own instruments that exclude power’s channels of communication by self-organizing in anticipation of the increasingly urgent and criminal restrictions that capitalism is inflicting on the new dissidents (for example impossibility of travel for non-vaccinated).

Continue reading Sardinia – Issue 0 of Su Nudha, a Sardinian Anarchist Paper (A-periodical), is available

EN/ES/FR/ GR / POSTER SABOTAGE: We can fight the war. Not by being soldiers, but by being saboteurs. Directly, by attacking the war industry that makes war possible.

The way in which events in Ukraine are presented can deceive us. They call it a war of democracy and freedom on the one hand, with dictatorship and oppression on the other. It is supposed to be the time to stand as one, on the ‘right’ side of the barricade, in this battle between good and evil. But if we look behind the lines of spectacle, we see propaganda from all sides to enlist our bodies and minds for another round of geopolitical chess. The presented juxtaposition between freedom and oppression is false. Every country is at war in one way or another.
 Through military operations outside its borders. By driving refugees to their borders to their death. By manufacturing weapons systems or technologies for military use and selling them to anyone who buys them. Every State oppresses. By imposing its dominant system on its population and punishing its dissenters in an exemplary manner. We can fight the war. Not by being soldiers, but by being saboteurs. Directly, by attacking the war industry that makes war possible.
More broadly, by breaking the social peace on which every State depends for its continued existence.


La forma en que se presentan los acontecimientos en Ucrania puede engañarnos. Lo llaman una guerra de democracia y libertad por un lado, con la dictadura y la opresión por el otro. Se supone que es el momento de mantenerse unidos, en el lado «correcto» de la barricada, en esta batalla entre el bien y el mal. Pero si miramos detrás de las líneas del espectáculo, vemos propaganda de todos los lados para alistar nuestros cuerpos y mentes para otra ronda de ajedrez geopolítico. La yuxtaposición presentada entre libertad y opresión es falsa. Todos los países están en guerra de un modo u otro.
Mediante operaciones militares fuera de sus fronteras. Conduciendo a los refugiados a sus fronteras hasta la muerte. Fabricando sistemas de armas o tecnologías de uso militar y vendiéndolos a quien los compre. Todo Estado oprime. Imponiendo su sistema dominante a su población y castigando ejemplarmente a sus disidentes. Podemos luchar contra la guerra. No siendo soldados, sino siendo saboteadores. Directamente, atacando la industria bélica que hace posible la guerra.
Más ampliamente, rompiendo la paz social de la que todo Estado depende para seguir existiendo.

Royaume-Uni : Sabotage
La manière dont sont présentés les événements en Ukraine peut nous induire en erreur. Ils la décrivent comme une guerre avec d’un côté la démocratie et la liberté et de l’autre côté la dictature et l’oppression. Apparemment, le moment serait venu de rester uni.e.s, du « bon » côté de la barricade, dans cette bataille entre le bien et le mal. Mais si on regarde derrière les lignes du spectacle, on voit de la propagande venir de tous les côtés, afin d’enrôler nos corps et nos esprits dans une nouvelle partie d’échecs géopolitique. La juxtaposition qui est présentée, entre liberté et oppression, est fausse. Chaque pays est en guerre, d’une manière ou d’une autre.
Par des opérations militaires à l’extérieur de ses frontières. En repoussant les réfugiés aux frontières, vers la mort. En fabriquant des systèmes d’armement ou des technologies à usage militaire et en les vendant à quiconque veuille les acheter. Chaque État opprime. En imposant son système dominant à sa population et en punissant de manière exemplaire les dissident.e.s. Nous pouvons combattre la guerre. Non pas en étant des soldats, mais en étant des saboteur.euse.s. Directement, en attaquant l’industrie de l’armement, qui rend la guerre possible.
Plus largement, en brisant la paix sociale dont dépend l’existence perpétuelle de tout État.
Act for freedom now!

Ο τρόπος με τον οποίο παρουσιάζονται τα γεγονότα στην Ουκρανία μπορεί να μας εξαπατήσει. Το ονομάζουν πόλεμο της δημοκρατίας και της ελευθερίας από τη μία μεριά, με τη δικτατορία και την καταπίεση από την άλλη.
Υποτίθεται πως είναι η στιγμή να σταθούμε σαν ένα, από τη ¨σωστή¨ πλευρά του οδοφράγματος, σε αυτή τη μάχη μεταξύ καλού και κακού. Αλλά εάν κοιτάξουμε πίσω από τις γραμμές του θεάματος, βλέπουμε προπαγάνδα απ΄όλες τις πλευρές να επιστρατεύσουμε τα σώματα και τα μυαλά μας για έναν ακόμη γύρο στο γεωπολιτικό σκάκι. Η παρουσιαζόμενη αντιπαράθεση μεταξύ ελευθερίας και καταπίεσης είναι ψευδής. Κάθε χώρα είναι με τον έναν ή τον άλλο τρόπο σε πόλεμο.
Μέσω στρατιωτικών επιχειρήσεων εκτός των συνόρων της. Οδηγώντας τους πρόσφυγες στα σύνορά της ως το θάνατο. Κατασκευάζοντας οπλικά συστήματα ή τεχνολογίες στρατιωτικής χρήσης και πουλώντας τα σε οποιονδήποτε αγοράζει. Κάθε κράτος καταπιέζει. Επιβάλλοντας στον πληθυσμό του το κυρίαρχο σύστημα και τιμωρώντας παραδειγματικά τους αντιφρονούντες του.
Μπορούμε να πολεμήσουμε τον πόλεμο. Όχι όντας στρατιώτες, αλλά όντας σαμποτέρ. Άμεσα, επιτιθέμενοι στην πολεμική βιομηχανία που κάνει τον πόλεμο εφικτό. Ευρύτερα, σπάζοντας την κοινωνική ειρήνη, στην οποία βασίζεται κάθε κράτος για τη συνέχιση των κινήσεων του.

Police raided the Bublina squat in Prague (Czech Republic)

On Wednesday, 9 of March 2022, police raided the Bublina squat in Prague and conducted a search. Four people, one dog and one cat were in the building and surrounding area at the time. The armed police unit broke down several doors but caused no injuries and no one was charged. The court-approved search warrant was built on the suspicion that one person present had committed violence against a public authority and also damage to property. The raid was said to be intended to help secure evidence of these offences. During the search, which lasted several hours, computers, mobile phones, documents, a gas pistol and spray paint were seized. Then the police left and left the squat unsecured. It was later reoccupied.
The suspicions stated in the protocol relate to several protests that happend last year. These protests were against the brutal police crackdown in which Roma man Stanislav Tomáš died after police officers pinned him to the ground and knelt on his neck for several minutes.

Continue reading Police raided the Bublina squat in Prague (Czech Republic)

Hunger strike of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis 11-18/3,in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece and Turkey

Actforfree receved by email:
We wish to inform you about the hunger strike the imprisoned anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis is doing from 11/3 to 18/3, in solidaritywith political prisoners in Greece and Turkey, on the occasion of the visit of Greece’s prime minister to Istanbul on 13/3. Please spread this news through your networks.
Here follows the announcement in Greek, English and Turkish:
Απεργία πείνας του Δημήτρη Χατζηβασιλειάδη 11-18/3 : Αλληλεγγύη με τους πολιτικούς κρατούμενους σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία Στις 13 Μάρτη θα συναντηθεί ο Μητσοτάκης με τον Ερντογάν. Η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη πριν 2 χρόνια ακριβώς, στις 19 Μάρτη 2020, φυλάκισε 11 επαναστάτες από την Τουρκία, ως αντάλλαγμα για το κλείσιμο των τούρκικων
συνόρων στους μετανάστες. Οι 11 συναγωνιστές καταδικάστηκαν από ελληνικό δικαστήριο αποκλειστικά με βάση την ευρωπαική λίστα «τρομοκρατίας», συνολικά σε 333 χρόνια φυλάκισης. Στην προηγηθείσα συνάντηση του Τσίπρα με τον Ερντογάν, στις 4 Δεκέμβρη 2017, η ελληνική κυβέρνηση δώρισε στο τούρκικο φασιστικό καθεστώς, τη φυλάκιση 9 αγωνιστών που βασανίστηκαν κατά τη σύλληψή τους και απελευθερώθηκαν μετά από 18 μήνες. Το ελληνικό και το τούρκικο κράτος είναι καλοί συνεργάτες ενάντια στην επαναστατική πάλη των λαών. Το ελληνικό και το τούρκικο κράτος είναι συνέταιροι στην πρώτη γραμμή του ΝΑΤΟϊκού ιμπεριαλισμού. Η τούρκικη στρατοκρατία αποτελεί την αιχμή της ΝΑΤΟϊκής τρομοκρατίας στη Μέση Ανατολή, τη Μεσόγειο και τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα. Continue reading Hunger strike of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis 11-18/3,in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece and Turkey

Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022

Episode 53 (02/2022)
Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022. A commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, this time edited by Anarchist Radio Berlin.
Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
In this Episode we will hear contributions from:
1) Črna Luknja radio show collective on Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenija prepared a piece out of a full interview they did with an anti-racist activist in Brazil.
2) Frequenz A from Leipzig on the repression against a group of 14 year old anarchists in Sibiria who threatened to blow up a virtual FSB Building in a virtual game.
3) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki gives us an update about the recent threats from the anti-terror police against an anarchist action group in Thessaloniki.
4) Anarchist Radio Berlin translated an interview with a person involved in the struggle for legal abortion in Poland after the death of a pregnant person whose acces to abortion was denied.
You can directly download it from here

Italy – The book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers – Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century] has been reprinted

The reconstruction of the archive of Edizioni Monte Bove continues. We are glad to communicate the reprint of the book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento by Gino Vatteroni.
Following raids on 11th November, computers were seized and layout programs and original files were lost, so what we are presenting here is not a second edition, but the exact reprint of the book of 2018. 10 euros per copy, 6 euros for distributors.
Here is a short presentation:
From Giovanni Passannante to Gaetano Bresci, twenty years of vengeance, individual and class vengeance. Not just a chronological and encyclopaedical collection of anarchist attacks on the lives of the tyrants, which terrorized governments at the end of the nineteenth century, but also a necessary analysis of the economic, social and political context in Italy after the unification, also looking at what happened in France in 1894. A war arms in hand declared by a minority of the exploited on the liberal State. Continue reading Italy – The book I Giustizieri – Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers – Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century] has been reprinted

February 12, 2022, 300 people demonstrated against the Polish internment camps.(Poland)

Yesterday, Saturday, February 12, 2022, 300 people demonstrated against the Polish internment camps. Also the coach of Solibus e.v. from Berlin came with about 50 activists* to Krosno Ordzańskie, 150km away. Together with German and Polish groups and many individuals, they protested for the freedom of movement of refugees and against the conditions in all arrival centers in the country. There were speeches by various groups and letters from those affected were also read out in several languages.
With drums, banners and chants, the demonstrators gathered in front of the camp in Krosno Ordzańskie, where currently about 100 people are detained in a former barracks. These are people who made headlines at the turn of the year on the Polish-Belarusian border because they became pawns of Lukashenko’s, Poland’s and the EU’s policies. In the meantime, we know that at least 21 people died at this border, some of them froze to death. Continue reading February 12, 2022, 300 people demonstrated against the Polish internment camps.(Poland)

To block Greece’s participation in the imperialist wars

English translation of our collective’s text regarding the situation in Ukraine and Greece’s involvement. It is our duty to work against Greece’s participation, and to build international struggles against the war, against all capitalist wars. (You can find the text in pdf form as well, in the end of the page).
“Those at the top say:
Peace and war are of different substance.
But their peace and their war
are like the wind and storm.
War grows from their peace, like son from his mother.

He bears her frightful features
Their war kills whatever their peace has left over.”
In the early hours of February 24th Russia decides to invade Ukraine, with coordinated missile attacks and simultaneous raid of the army.
This move marks an escalation of tensions and rivalries in the region, with probably most notable events being the rejection of Ukraine’s 2013 EU accession agreement by then-President Yanukovych -who was pushing for an agenda of closer relations with Russia- and the uprising that followed (also known as the “Euromaidan”), with the active participation of the far right and the support of the Euro-Atlantic bloc, which led to the ouster of the president. The general unrest that prevailed at the time, gave Russia the “opportunity” to invade Crimea and annex it to its territory. It also sparked protests (with the support of Russia) against Euromaidan and the new regime, and riots, culminating in the arson of the Trade Union House in Odessa, in May 2014, by Ukrainian hooligans and neo-Nazis, which led to the horrific death of 42 of people who were burned alive. At the same time, and as separatists declared the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine, the unrest escalated into a war, with more than 15,000 killed, and intensified attacks by Ukraine during the past months.

Continue reading To block Greece’s participation in the imperialist wars

Against War and Military Mobilization – Preliminary Notes on the Invasion of Ukraine

The Russian state is trying to conquer Ukraine. The same Russian state that supported the suppression of the Belarusian freedom movement and only a few weeks ago used tanks to put down the revolt in Kazakhstan. Putin is trying to extend his autocratic rule, crushing any rebellious or resistance movement inside and out. But when now all Western democrats sing the defense of freedom and peace in one chorus, this is an orchestrated hypocrisy: the same democrats now invoke peace whose “peace operations” aka. wars of aggression, drones, bombs and occupations enforce colonial relations of power and exploitation, supply dictators and torturers with weapons and are directly or indirectly responsible for massacres of refugees and insurgents.

The holy peace in Europe, which in any case has not existed as advertised for 70 years and which has always meant war in the global South – through proxy wars, through arms supplies, through borders and colonialism. If the West is fully behind Ukraine, it is because it is an ally. Both sides of this war disgust us: instead of positioning ourselves on one side of this war, we oppose all state armies and their wars – we abhor not only their massacres, but also their blind obedience, nationalism, stench of barracks, discipline and hierarchies. So, if we oppose any form of militarism and state, it does not mean that we think it is wrong to take up arms. If Ukrainian anarchists now choose to defend themselves at gunpoint – themselves and their neighbors, not the Ukrainian state – then we stand in solidarity with them. But an anarchist position against war – even against an imperialist war of aggression – must not degenerate into defending a state and its democracy – or becoming a pawn of it. We do not choose the side of the lesser evil or that of the more democratic rulers – because these same democracies are also only interested in their own expansion of power and are also built on repression and imperialism.
Continue reading Against War and Military Mobilization – Preliminary Notes on the Invasion of Ukraine

Against their war,against their peace for insurrection , freedom and anarchy (UK)

A3 pdf
A4 pdf
Under our noses the imperialist armies are massing in Ukraine, make no mistake, they are preparing, yet again, for a generalised slaughter. The British Army are already deploying troops and ‘high tech’ weapons, including missile systems to be installed along the Ukrainian coast. The Russian Army are similarly massing thousands of troops along the border, preparing for all out war.
Ukraine is of ‘strategic’ interest in the ongoing energy crisis
engulfing Europe. One set of oligarchs want to place a new pipeline
carrying world-poisoning fuel from Russia to the west. Another set want to frustrate these attempts to profit their own national bourgeousie. In addition to this, the U.S. and the U.K. want to bring Ukraine into ‘Nato’, their gangster-imperialist international formation which dreams only of endless war and plunder, especially now Afghanistan has been looted for all its worth, of fossil fuels as well as its opium (which continues to flood the western cities, the spoils of war!). Russia also has brutal imperialist ambitions, the only way their disgusting government of tin-pot autocrats, thieves and murderers can perpetuate
itself is to redraw the class tension in Russian society into a
nationalistic clash between Russia and ‘the west’.

Accordingly, this provides excellent cover for their sponsorship of real state terror, rather than the laughable antics which the british media focusses on, of providing assistance at every level to the grey beuraucrat manikins, all basically interchangable, who run Belarus and Kazakhstan, enriching themselves and those who can bribe them, while using their police to stamp on any sign of courageous upheaval.

Continue reading Against their war,against their peace for insurrection , freedom and anarchy (UK)