My sisters and brothers,
you who today in Iran are fighting against patriarchy, theocracy and class oligarchy, you, who by uncovering your faces, by your blood on the streets, are taking that common struggle one step further up the way to global liberation from authority,
together with you I declare and rejoice over the death of terror.
No one experience of tyranny and servility can be be compared with another. The tortures you have been subjected to by the iranian state, throughout its history, are inconceivable. But the struggle unites us. In Greece, day by day, femicides are multiplying. The priests justify rape through their official statements. The impoverishment of the exploited and the excluded, the killings of migrants and the military repression are dressed with the cloak of nationalism, like everywhere. All the states, the iranian, the greek, the russian, the turkish etc, portray social resistance as the “external enemy”.
The people have no borders. All together we will change the world. History has taught us that only through social self-direction and self-defense can we build popular power. Solidarity, that leads to equality through con-federalism within and on either side of borders, this is our way. For this reason, I salute again the Kurdish Movement of Freedom, for its contribution -with boundless self sacrifice- towards the construction of the internationalist, intercultural and borderless revolutionary movement in the Middle East, and especially towards the global women struggle.
Continue reading Solidarity message to the revolted peoples in Iran, and to the anti-war movement in Russia, from captive anarchist guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (greek prisons)