Category Archives: General

Solidarity message to the revolted peoples in Iran, and to the anti-war movement in Russia, from captive anarchist guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (greek prisons)

My sisters and brothers,

you who today in Iran are fighting against patriarchy, theocracy and class oligarchy, you, who by uncovering your faces, by your blood on the streets, are taking that common struggle one step further up the way to global liberation from authority,
together with you I declare and rejoice over the death of terror.

No one experience of tyranny and servility can be be compared with another. The tortures you have been subjected to by the iranian state, throughout its history, are inconceivable. But the struggle unites us. In Greece, day by day, femicides are multiplying. The priests justify rape through their official statements. The impoverishment of the exploited and the excluded, the killings of migrants and the military repression are dressed with the cloak of nationalism, like everywhere. All the states, the iranian, the greek, the russian, the turkish etc, portray social resistance as the “external enemy”.

The people have no borders. All together we will change the world. History has taught us that only through social self-direction and self-defense can we build popular power. Solidarity, that leads to equality through con-federalism within and on either side of borders, this is our way. For this reason, I salute again the Kurdish Movement of Freedom, for its contribution -with boundless self sacrifice- towards the construction of the internationalist, intercultural and borderless revolutionary movement in the Middle East, and especially towards the global women struggle.
Continue reading Solidarity message to the revolted peoples in Iran, and to the anti-war movement in Russia, from captive anarchist guerrilla Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (greek prisons)

March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11 (Chile)

March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11


On September 11 of this year a march to the General Cemetery (romería) took place, displaying banners, posters, pamphlets and setting up barricades and confrontations against the presence of Carabineros (COP).

Continue reading March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11 (Chile)

Aufstand! For Anarchy

Aufstand! For Anarchy

So what should tempt us to think that the Internet in particular would be a place where today’s revolutionary awakenings would take place? And certainly we are not so short-sighted as to seriously consider this to be the case. Nevertheless, we observe with a certain uneasiness that both the real and the virtual spaces of exchange among anarchists of the German-speaking contexts are fading away. Even though individual projects still receive some attention and almost every tendency of informally organized anarchism has created its own web presence – even though there are still one or two printed and regularly published newspaper projects and dozens and dozens of brochures, books, flyers, newspapers, posters and stickers which are connected to the anarchist idea and wander from hand to hand among companions – we ask ourselves, to what extent these succeed in carrying the anarchist debate into the public more than sporadically, in the (desperate) attempt to inflame at least a few hearts with the spark of the anarchist idea.

Repeatedly in the past it has been proven that if there is no better alternative, platforms like de.indymedia also have to be used for anarchist exchange. The problem is that anarchist contributions are often deleted there or – perhaps even worse – stand beside deeply authoritarian submissions that absolutely contradict the anarchist idea. No wonder: de.indymedia has always been a platform of the left and will consequently remain so. The fact that more and more decentralized (radical left) alternatives to de.indymedia are currently developing is, in our view, just as incapable of remedying the problem as other strangely conceptualized attempts to create synthesist platforms or even websites of unified organizations selling themselves as contributions to an anarchist debate.

Continue reading Aufstand! For Anarchy

Microphone solidarity with the uprising in Iran |Saturday 24/9 13.00 Monastiraki Area (Athens,Greece)

May the flame of the uprising in Iran spread across the earth

The assassination of Masha Amini by the vice police, has sparked a giant uprising in the territory of the Iranian State in recent days. Large-scale demonstrations, wild clashes with the repressive apparatus, attacks on police stations, destruction of State and capitalist targets make up a mosaic of a spontaneous anti-state uprising, which puts God and the State in the crosshairs. It sets its sights on decades of cruel repression and oppression.
In recent decades the rulers of the Iranian State have chosen religious fundamentalism as a mechanism of governance. A counter-revolutionary strategy by which those in power try to present exploitation, oppression, murder as divine and virtuous work. They impose national unity around a common religion so as to conceal social and class antagonisms. They divide them from below by creating false juxtapositions such as the issue of faith, reinforcing the oppression of women with their total control by men and of course by the State. The extreme oppression of femininity, heretics, those who deviate from official doctrine is the daily life of those from below in this corner of the world. It is precisely in this context that the horrific murder of Masha took place.

One cannot help but be outraged and disgusted by the hypocritical condemnations of Western States and political parties, calling for more rights for women and condemning religious fanaticism. The same States that fostered fundamentalist movements as a counterbalance to the growing radical movements and struggles in the `60s and `70s across the Middle East. The same ones that in their territories breed the whole world of patriarchy, carry out genocide and State murder of those who are left over or resist, the same ones that are waging and preparing to wage bloody wars for the interests of their masters and their power. The same States that have repeatedly bloodied the Middle East and plundered the “third world” so that the people uprooted by this Religious Fundamentalism and wars drowned in the Mediterranean, were trapped in fences, left to die by the thousands out of indifference.
Continue reading Microphone solidarity with the uprising in Iran |Saturday 24/9 13.00 Monastiraki Area (Athens,Greece)

Mexico: Assault on the military quarter of the 35th division of the Mexican army at Guerrero

Assault on the military quarter of the 35th division of the Mexican army at Guerrero.

Yesterday during the national days of protest against the kidnapping and murder of the 43 students of the Ayotzinapa high school, comrades together with the parents of the kidnapped students went outside the walls of the 35th military division of the Mexican army. After pulling down the cameras they drove a Coca Cola truck into the entrance.

An article from a local newspaper:
A video on TV



Esta filmación corresponde a una ficción basada en la información proporcionada por diferentes comités coordinadores y populares defensores del pueblo chileno, y a petición y necesidad de los familiares y amigos de presos políticos en el contexto de la Revuelta . Hay más de 1500 niños, hermanos, sobrinas, sobrinos y amigos que han estado encarcelados durante meses e incluso años. Estas son algunas de las «evidencias» contra ellos:

Tomé una selfie en un lugar cerca de la escena del crimen.

Su ropa era similar a la de las cámaras de la policía.

Alardeando publicaciones sobre acciones que ocurrieron durante una protesta.

Mensaje para toparse a una manifestación el día de los eventos.

Aparece en color en prensa independiente transmite en vivo el día de los eventos.

Tiene un tatuaje en la misma zona que el sospechoso, aunque el diseño no se puede distinguir.

Ese día el acusado no estaba en casa.

Participa en un comedor social y un grupo de un lugar vulnerable de la ciudad.

Por absurdo que parezca, estas son algunas de las «evidencias» que por sí mismas, según la justicia chilena, pueden mantenerte en prisión por investigación durante AÑOS, y en el peor de los casos, cumpliendo una condena.

Two GPS trackers found under a vehicle in Berlin (Germany)


Two GPS trackers were found under a vehicle in Berlin, Germany (the second one was found a few days after the first one was found and removed). They were attached with strong magnets in a hollow space between the plastic covering of the bumper and the body, precisely behind the left rear wheel. Each tracker consisted of two metal cases connected by a cable. The first one contained a battery pack, and the second one the tracker itself, including a smaller battery, two antennas, and a SIM card.
Continue reading Two GPS trackers found under a vehicle in Berlin (Germany)

Railway Blockade on Unceded Nitassinan (Saguenay)

Wednesday evening, a collective of Indigenous and settler activists blocked the Roberval-Saguenay railroad belonging to the multinational corporation Rio Tinto in solidarity with the National Committee for First Peoples’ Rights which is paralyzing for a third consecutive day the railroad line located at the border of Labrador and Schefferville, which is used by the mining company Tata Steel. The solidarity blockade lasted one hour. These actions have the objective of reminding the governments that the members of the Indigenous communities in this country will no longer accept any compromises regarding criminal acts committed against them.

Continue reading Railway Blockade on Unceded Nitassinan (Saguenay)

Episode 59 of bad news – angry voices from around the world.

Episode 59 (08/2022)
With the following content:

call out for the week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

a-radio-berlin did a interview about the the Weekend Libertaire, an anarchist meeting that took place from the 29th to 31st of July 2022 in St-Imier, in Switzerland. They talked to a comrade on the spot who helped to organize the meeting.

frequenzA did a interview with an comrade from A-feminist group “salomé” about their group, their work and the situation they face in the Greek society as in the movement.

download it directly from archive,org here: