Calais: Communique written by R, British militant held in CRA and under threat of expulsion to the UK.
My name is R, British citizen, militant in Calais in solidarity with exiled people and involved in the opening of squats last February. I am currently under house arrest in a CAES 45 minutes drive from my home,being subject to an OQTF [obligation to leave French territory], an IRTF [prohibition to return to French territory, a re-entry ban] of one year and a withdrawal of my residence permit. I have been “free” since Monday after spending 3 nights in the CRA [administrative detention centre] of Lesquin and after having been detained by the PAF [Police Aux Frontières] in Calais for 15 hours (they transferred my to Lille to separate me from my comrades).
The authorities targeted me because I had been a militant for two years for the rights of exiled people in Calais. They targeted me because we opened a place where our administrative situations do not matter, a place belonging to exiled people and spared from violence of the State and because we began to create bonds of solidarity between all those who struggle for the rights of the exiled people in France and elsewhere. The State wants people to be isolated, tired, homeless, without any legal resources; they do not want people with papers to support them. So they withdraw my residence permit, they lock me up in CRA and expel me to England. They haven’t understood that it won’t change anything except to give energy, motivation, and rage to the militants in Calais and elsewhere because, with these repressive acts, we are told “your activities threaten the smooth running of our violent policies”.
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