Category Archives: General

Haute-Vienne: four arrests for sabotaging wind measuring masts

Haute-Vienne: four people suspected of having damaged wind turbines under investigation
France Bleu/France 3 Limousin, 20 January 2023

Several measuring masts were vandalized in the department between July 6 and October 21, 2022. During these three and a half months, according to the statement of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, wind measuring masts (used for wind turbine implementation studies) collapsed after the cables supporting these masts were severed.

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Storm Warnings # 57-58 (October 2022)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 57-58 (October 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, issue 57-58 (October 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“Europe is overflowing with hundreds of billions of dollars for its economic recovery and rearmament plans, quite the opposite of a reduction in its electricity production centers seems to be in the making, with Germany, for example, having just reactivated all of its hundred or so coaland
lignite-based power plants (including the 27 that had previously been suspended in order to meet its carbon emission goals), and also extended the operation of its last three nuclear power plants, which were due to be shut down by the end of 2022. This grandiose combination of 19th century
coal with 20th century nuclear power to feed the devouring requirements of 21st century industry and digital technology is not surprising…”


Avis de tempêtes #57-58

Overview of police investigations tied to a combative demo against mega-basins

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Download: PDF (read, A4 booklet, letter booklet) • TEXT

Mega-basins: how the justice system tracks down environmental activists

Libération[1], January 4, 2023

Two people alleged to have damaged a water reservoir in Charente-Maritime[2] are on trial this Thursday in La Rochelle. Phone bills, tailing and geolocation… To identify them, the investigators have deployed methods that are out of the ordinary. Continue reading Overview of police investigations tied to a combative demo against mega-basins

Greece: New agenda 2023 of Solidarity Fund (in greek)

The Solidarity Fund of Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters continues this year the series of agendas who attempt to record some of the most important moments of the social and class war in Greece. The three previous agendas in this series (2020-2021-2022) covered the period 1974-2005, dividing it not into uniform parts, but in such a way that, in addition to taking into account the volume of available archival material, they serve a basic need periodization of historical time. What we found in view of last year’s agenda, namely that “on the one hand the concentration of political time (closer to us and in terms of cinematic events) and on the other hand the abundance of archival material, also due to the wide use of the internet , led us to choose to divide the period after 2000 into five years”, it is obvious that this year we should, to some extent, revise it. This year’s agenda will thus cover three years (2006-2008).

It is not only the rapid concentration of multiform kinematic events during this period and the abundant available material that led us to this choice. It is, above all, the fact that during the year that closes this three-year period, in 2008, things happened that defined in such a fundamental way the world around us, but also the world within the domestic radical movement, the anarchist-anti-authoritarian space, which created a historical section. At such intersections, we believe that any attempt at historical recording would be right to stand.

Continue reading Greece: New agenda 2023 of Solidarity Fund (in greek)

Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Welcome back to Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast from the international A-Radio Network. This month you’ll hear five short segments from two member projects.

  • Anarchists involved in the Stop Camp Grayling Offensive, a land defense project in the state of so-called Michigan, USA, to double the size of what is already largest military and police training facility on the continent. Hear the rest of the November 6th episode of The Final Straw. [00:02:43 – 00:13:13]
  • Then, Frequenz-A shares an interview with anarchists organizing against the 41 bis hard prison regime in Italy and the hunger strike spreading among anarchist prisoners, Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Juan Sorroche Fernandez and Ivan Alocco (in France). On November 23rd there will be a demonstration in front of the Italian embassy in Berlin in solidarity with the hunger strikers and against 41 bis. You can find info about the protest on the telegram channel “No41bis”. [00:13:20 – 00:24:43]
  • Continue reading Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Latest developments and context concerning the 129 trial in Munich or: The persecution of anarchists and cigarette butts in the Bavarian-Christian kingdom 2022

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Languages: German •  French
Download: TEXT

The following text is intended to give some background to the ongoing 129 trial [for criminal association] in Munich and to provide information about recent developments as well as to provide a general assessment of the whole situation. The proceedings became known on 26.04.22, when coordinated house searches took place in four apartments, the anarchist library Frevel and a print shop[1].

Before we explain what we know about the chronological course that the investigations took, we’ll repeat the charges: the 129 criminal association case, including the 15 criminal offenses we are charged with (either calling for criminal acts, approving criminal acts, threatening, or both), relates to the accusation of having edited, written, printed, and distributed the anarchist newspaper Zündlumpen, published from May 2019 to September 2021. In short, the accused are alleged to be the Zündlumpen editorial staff, which in turn is alleged to be a criminal organization. Continue reading Latest developments and context concerning the 129 trial in Munich or: The persecution of anarchists and cigarette butts in the Bavarian-Christian kingdom 2022

Appeal: Days of international solidarity with deserters

Appeal: Days of international solidarity with deserters

[ – Česky – ] [ – Deutsch – ] [ – Français – ] [ – Italiano – ]

The war in Ukraine continues with all the negative consequences for much of the world. However, acts of desertion and draft evasion also continue, which, if widespread, could lead to the end of the war. Anarchists from the Central European region are therefore publishing this call to organise active support for deserters. Wherever we live, let us make every other day a day of international working-class solidarity and resistance against the war. Let us organise in workplaces, schools and streets to strengthen the influence of desertions. Let us fight for dignified conditions for all who refuse to serve as a cannon fodder in the inter-imperialist war.

At least 200,000 people are fleeing Russia to escape Putin’s military mobilisation, and tens of thousands more are avoiding mobilisation in Ukraine. Yet some voices claim that “the number of deserters is so negligible that it is strange to even begin to talk about it.” These cynical attempts to “make invisible” people who choose not to serve in the army, to defect or to emigrate for political reasons, must be opposed. Their voices must be heard and practical help must be given.
Continue reading Appeal: Days of international solidarity with deserters

Letter of D released from custody: how the cops investigate (France)

Letter of D released from custody: how the cops investigate

Received 16/09/22


HelI was released from Draguignan prison on 31 August. We think there are a couple of things that should be known.

To quickly explain their judicial pastiche in October 2021 they condemn me to 6 months for violence that I did not commit, the trial is really bad because it is not me who decided on the defence and thus the attitude to be held in the court, well I am here condemned for having put une mite à un pointeur. I get out in February 2022. Once out I knew I had to move away from there but I couldn’t. In March 2022, they put me in police custody with crazy accusations of death threats. A detention that would last 6 months..

In police custody in March the cops mentioned the anarchist site Attaque to me.

An exchange with a cop that struck me:

– Can you explain to me why I’m the one in custody?
– We know that in this story you’re the victim but you’re not completely innocent (well on other occasions I would have answered that I’m neither victim nor innocent nor guilty and that I’m screwing him, but given the crazy stuff I found myself involved in, I nevertheless wanted to know)
– But you think I did what exactly?
Continue reading Letter of D released from custody: how the cops investigate (France)

France, Toulouse : perturbation of the 2nd public survey about the construction of a new jail in Muret

Originally published on the local anti athoritarian website :

8 octobre 2022

This monday 3 october at 6pm, we gathered at 10 people to go to charles de gaulle high school of Muret where a meeting was held in the frame of a public survey which takes place from the 15 september to the 14 october 2022.

Beginning 2021, a first public survey already occured about the 615 new jail places construction project for 2027.
Despite numerous oppositions gathered and an unfavourable opinion given by the investigation commissary, the jail’s public utility was anyway declared during summer 2021. All of this was only advisory, with the initiative of a 15 000 jail places plan, it’s the state which decide in last resort and do as it wants. Despite everything, a second public survey is actually occuring and got for goal to obtain a derogation for the destruction of protected species caused by the project.

Continue reading France, Toulouse : perturbation of the 2nd public survey about the construction of a new jail in Muret

Calais, France: Communique written by R, British militant held in CRA and under threat of expulsion to the UK.


Calais: Communique written by R, British militant held in CRA and under threat of expulsion to the UK.

My name is R, British citizen, militant in Calais in solidarity with exiled people and involved in the opening of squats last February. I am currently under house arrest in a CAES 45 minutes drive from my home,being subject to an OQTF [obligation to leave French territory], an IRTF [prohibition to return to French territory, a re-entry ban] of one year and a withdrawal of my residence permit. I have been “free” since Monday after spending 3 nights in the CRA [administrative detention centre] of Lesquin and after having been detained by the PAF [Police Aux Frontières] in Calais for 15 hours (they transferred my to Lille to separate me from my comrades).

The authorities targeted me because I had been a militant for two years for the rights of exiled people in Calais. They targeted me because we opened a place where our administrative situations do not matter, a place belonging to exiled people and spared from violence of the State and because we began to create bonds of solidarity between all those who struggle for the rights of the exiled people in France and elsewhere. The State wants people to be isolated, tired, homeless, without any legal resources; they do not want people with papers to support them. So they withdraw my residence permit, they lock me up in CRA and expel me to England. They haven’t understood that it won’t change anything except to give energy, motivation, and rage to the militants in Calais and elsewhere because, with these repressive acts, we are told “your activities threaten the smooth running of our violent policies”.

Continue reading Calais, France: Communique written by R, British militant held in CRA and under threat of expulsion to the UK.