Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Patras, Greece: Claiming responsibility for the attack on the City Unity private College by Anarchists

Patras, Claiming responsibility for the attack on the City Unity private College by Anarchists

In the continuous advance of educational restructuring in Greece over recent years, domestic and international bosses have found fertile ground for profit in the name of education and higher education, which, based on European standards, is rapidly moving towards its transformation into another commercial product. From tuition fees in postgraduate courses and mandatory private contractors within the social welfare of the state universities (cooking, cleaning), the managers and sponsoring companies, the businesses on the campuses (Coffee island being a shocking example in the city of Patras) capital is flowing into the areas of what was once asylum, as it tries to go with the policy of privatization in all areas of life.

Within this condition, we do not find it surprising that both in Patras and other cities, they have found fertile ground for the private interests of IEK and colleges to flourish, for which the circumvention of Article 16 through the “free university” bill is the ideal condition for upgrading the degrees they provide to a level equal to that of public universities, leading to a subsequent degradation of public ones as they will not be able to compete with the private ones, leading them either to closure or to the path of commercialization, raising even greater class barriers in accessibility to higher education and literacy.
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Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Thessaloniki, Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

The work of the judicial officials is clearly aimed at torturing and impoverishing all prisoners and in general all those who unfortunately have to face their fate.

Judges, prosecutors, appellants, all together have for years created a closed group of torturers, of course with the help and complicity of the governments of the day.
Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for Parcel – Bomb to the President of the Court of Appeal Anastasia Anthopoulou by ‘Armed Response’

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests
by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance

On the evening of January 5th, we chose to target the Bob W Akadimia Athens in the Exarcheia area at 4 Zalongou Street, a hotel with Israeli interests. This action was obviously carried out to support the resistance in Palestine against the murderous state of Israel and to target Israeli capital in our country, but a reason could not exist here without taking into account the gentrification of this particular neighbourhood and the tourism in it aimed at bending the resistance that Exarcheia has had as its roots for many decades. Through gentrification, the neighbourhood is aimed at becoming a middle-class amusement park and ultimately at changing its class status, driving out the residents and activists who live and operate in it.

As far as the Palestinian question is concerned, we understand our obligation to act from our own position and place.

As anarchists, we must stand in practical solidarity with the people of Palestine, show that, contrary to the bigotry and the “puppet government”, Greek society is on the right side of history, which has also been shown by the magnificent demonstrations that have been held in this country from 7/10 on wards.
Continue reading Attack on a hotel with Israeli interests by Anarchists for the victory of the Palestinian resistance (Athens,Greece)

Komotini City , Greece : VIDEO From the march demonstration of defense of Anarchy squat Utopia A.D.

KOMOTINI: VIDEO From the march  of defense of Anarchist Steki Utopia A.D.

On Saturday 10/02, a march was held in defense of the Anarchist Steki Utopia AD. The march went through main streets and pedestrian streets with a strong pulse, ending up outside the vacated occupation where the next moves were discussed.
The march was supported by solidarity students as well as comrades from the city of  Alexandroupoli.


Update from the Defense Actions of the Evacuated Anarchist Steki  Utopia AD

February 8, 2024

A few hours after today’s evacuation of the Utopia AD Anarchist Steki, an open assembly was held in which a multitude of solidarity people were informed about the situation. As a first movement, a reflective march of 60 people poured into the city center, with a strong pulse and writing slogans. It should be noted that although the university security guards were instructed to call the police, the presence of police forces was non-existent throughout the protests.

The march ended outside the vacated hangout, where the next moves were discussed. We believe that the evacuation of the place is a continuation of the state attack on the occupied law school and the bringing in of 18 students, of which 12 turned into arrests. The main people responsible for the repressive operations are the rector Fotis Maris and the dean of the law school, Michalis Chrysomallis. Neither of them, however, has so far taken responsibility for the organization of the above actions.

We, on the one hand, call on the rector’s authority, if it has a trace of dignity, to stop shifting its responsibilities elsewhere, on the other hand, we assure that we will not choose the path of silence

Utopia AD Anarchist Steki  (Occupied since 2003… And counting)


Paint against a company that does projects for borders by Vandals against borders (Athens,Greece)

Paint against a company that does projects for borders
by Vandals against borders

The Greek state has completely systematized racism. The institutional form of racism dominates the public sphere in ways and practices fed by a particular audience. Thus racism is adopted by states and unfolds through their institutions. Even fascist practices that have always run parallel with the state are being so faithfully implemented by the latter in many cases that even fascist groups are taking on new forms.

Institutionalized violence against migrants includes concentration camps, border killings, pushbacks, asymmetric border “wars” (such as the Evros border). Racism and xenophobia are not just current phenomena, but have existed in the Greek state for many decades. Nevertheless, as we see globally, the intensity of the war against immigrants has intensified and deepened. On the one hand, labour needs are changing compared to other decades, but on the other, having broken whatever social contract that may have existed in the past, states are present to provide repression, policing and national ideology.
Continue reading Paint against a company that does projects for borders by Vandals against borders (Athens,Greece)


Today, Monday, February 5. 2024, 16 months after their installation on the Hill, from the morning TOMI AVETE workers have been collecting the last of their rubble and removing the sheet metal from the construction site in the area of Byzantinos, opposite the theatre. TOMI ABETE is a subsidiary of AKTOR, the company that took over the subcontract from PRODEA for the regeneration of the Hill.

After 16 months of destruction and 3 years of struggle, the reconstruction workers are finally leaving, the cops have gone and Lofos is freed and the capital that they threatened to level.


from an Open Assembly for the defense of Lofos Strefis

Ps: Prodea Investments is the leading real estate investment company in Greece

With fists in the sky: Video of the recapture of Self-Managing Steki Ano – Kato Patisia and what followed (Athens,Greece)

The following is the text of the Self-Managing Steki Ano – Kato Patisia, Katalipsi Naxos 75 & Krassa for that day:


Today, Saturday 9/12,/23, with stubborn smiles and self-confidence, we put our slogans into practice again and take our lives back. Dozens of comrades re-enter the garden we grow and learn to we live. We reopen our shelter and defend it so that it can welcome so many more generations. We light the oven and the stove and let our fire travel, sending our own signal of resistance to the struggling squatter movement. We climb the roofs of the shelter and we salute the sky with our fists, we send our kisses to all the world that perseveres and struggles We break the fear and take what is rightfully ours. Continue reading With fists in the sky: Video of the recapture of Self-Managing Steki Ano – Kato Patisia and what followed (Athens,Greece)

Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for a raid on a MAT (riot cop) bus

The constant distortion of reality by the authorities and their sycophants everywhere.

On 22/10/2021 the 18 year old Roma Nikos Sampanis was shot with 36 bullets by the uniformed scum of the DIAS unit (motorcycle cops) in the area of Perama. This was preceded by the torture of Vassilis Maggos, which led to his death, followed by the rape at the Omonia Police Station, while on 22/09/2022 16-year-old Michalis was dragged and abandoned by an police vehicle in Ampelokipi in Thessaloniki, resulting in him breathing his last breath in hospital.

A little over a year after the murder of Sampanis, the 16-year-old Roma Kostas Fragoulis was murdered in Diavata, Thessaloniki on 05/06/2022 with a bullet in the head by a cop of the DIAS unit as he committed the crime of not paying for twenty euros worth of petrol.
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Greece: Response from the Judicial Council of Chalkida against the release of comrade P. Roupa – and some solidarity interventions

Response from the Judicial Council of Chalkida against the release of comrade P. Roupa – and some solidarity interventions

On Wednesday, January 10, at the court of the city of  Chalkida, deputy prosecutor of appeals of Evia’ appeal against the release of comrade Pola Roupa was examined by a three-member judicial council in a long trial.

Initially, the judicial council refused the appearance of the comrade’s three witnesses (one of whom even came from abroad), while their written testimony was requested in a memorandum to be filed as soon as possible (by Monday at the latest). It is noteworthy that the deputy prosecutor of Evia who appealed the decision of conditional discharge, in which they request that the comrade be re-arrested and sent back to prison, was absent.
Continue reading Greece: Response from the Judicial Council of Chalkida against the release of comrade P. Roupa – and some solidarity interventions