Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens,Greece: We stand by all who resist-revolt in Nea Smyrni area

As a minimum indication of solidarity to the people arrested, tortured and jailed from the events of Nea Smyrni (initially, on 7 March midday at the ‘polis park’, the square and the park, but also afterwards, on 9 March with the pogroms in our neighbourhoods after the overwhelming river of people’s rage), we intervened with banners and paint in the areas of Nea Smyrni and Palaio Faliro, of Neos Kosmos and Agios Dimitrios. Throughout and against prohibitions, rifts of collectivization and explosions blossom.

Social resistance cannot be penalized

Nobody alone in the hands of the State

Solidarity to the people arrested for the events of Nea Smyrni

Immediate release of the imprisoned

Open Assembly of Residents from Nea Smyrni, Palaio Faliro, Neos Kosmos, Agios Dimitrios

Continue reading Athens,Greece: We stand by all who resist-revolt in Nea Smyrni area

Thessaloniki, Greece, 26th February 2021: Claim for an incendiary attack on the home of a policeman carried out by the Elizaveta Kovalskaja Nucleus of the Nuclei of Direct Actions

Journalists executioners 
Police executioners
Judicial officers executioners
Respectable citizens hangmen


There is no need for further recommendations. The implacable struggle of the revolutionary Dimitris Koufondinas continues on its 64th day and proceeds from the necessity it started off from. A necessity that intensifies and strengthens as the government of Néa Dimokratía persists in and maintains an intransigent position, intending to kill him. The State’s brutality, its intransigence, isn’t only aimed at his death but far more at the extermination and definitive disintegration of the revolutionary perspective and combative dignity embodied in the figure of the revolutionary D. Koufondinas.
For a week we’ve been seeing with anger the State’s endless revenge, which changes between alternate declarations at times oozing false optimism and at others the cold brutal intention of extermination. But surprise is a luxury we can’t afford. It is obvious that you are trying to abdicate your responsibilities, but however you try to shake off any liability for an imminent death, the responsibility will be yours alone, it will have your signature. We are sure that from our struggle, here and now, revenge will pour out, while your power will lie among the ruins of the history you have chosen, and for the first time life will triumph over death.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece, 26th February 2021: Claim for an incendiary attack on the home of a policeman carried out by the Elizaveta Kovalskaja Nucleus of the Nuclei of Direct Actions

Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information (UK)- en/ gr/ it / fr/es/de

On 29.03.21 the Dutch police raided the data center that holds the server, seizing the server itself as part of a criminal investigation into ‘terrorism’. is a collective that provided a platform for international movement websites from prisoner solidarity groups, multiple campaign collectives, anti-summit pages and international counter-information. Significant sites that used as a platform that have been targeted by this repressive attack by the Dutch police are Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! (now re-activated on and 325.
We as a collective are aware that this was not just an attack by the Dutch police, but was done in coordination with the Counter Terrorism Unit of the United Kingdom in connection with their recent repressive attacks upon the anarchist circles in this country. Not only have they been threatening ourselves, but recently threatened unless they shut down our site. Along with this they demanded information be given to them of the identity of anyone involved in 325. The extent that the authorities will go to attack us and anyone they suspect of aiding us is of no surprise to us, the examples through history of state forces repressing anyone who dares to stand and fight them are numerous.
This repressive attack should be seen as an attack upon all
counter-information, on anarchist circles internationally. Under the present ongoing environment of Covid-19 and the repressive actions of states around the world, it is no surprise to us that they work together on an international level, the recent repression against anarchist comrade Gabriel Pomba da Silva, with co-operation between Spanish, Italian and Portuguese states, is a more than obvious recent example. Continue reading Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information (UK)- en/ gr/ it / fr/es/de

Athens Greece: Viktoria area has a new squatted social center-Ζιζάνια on Fylis and Feron ( ELLINIKA/ ENGLISH/ FRANÇAIS/ TURKISH/ فارسی/ اردو/ عربى/)

original text from :athens.indymedia.
and updates: 4.4.21
The first day of zizanio has come to an end! The corner of Fylis and Ferron was filled with life by solidarians who supported the projects, neighboors who came to meet and greet and bypassers who contributed to our effort to gather first need products. The attendance and participation of the people invited as well as of the people who spontaneously approached the space was of great practical and sentimental value to each and everyone of us! The need to support the project continues especially during the first days which are crucial for both its progress and in terms of repression. Our rendez-vous is renewed for (today) 4/4 from 10.00 for collective works in our new space.
P.S. Our most immediate need is furniture(tables, chairs, carpets, cushions)


Στην Φυλής και Φερών η Βικτώρια έχει ένα νέο κατειλημμένο κοινωνικό χώρο. Ένας χώρος για την αυτοοργάνωση της γειτονιάς, για κοινωνικές παρεμβάσεις, για συλλογική αντίσταση και για την οικοδόμηση μιας κοινότητας.
Ας συναντηθούμε στο χώρο αυτό για να ανταλλάξουμε σκέψεις και ανησυχίες, φαγητό, καφέ και ρούχα και για οποίον άλλο λόγο μπορούμε να φανταστούμε. Για χαριστικά παζάρια και δωρεάν κουρέματα, για προβολές και καφενεία, για αυτομορφώσεις και διάβασμα, για workshops και συνελεύσεις. Να χαρούμε το χώρο αυτό ως ένα βήμα προς την απελευθέρωση όλο και περισσότερων δημόσιων χώρων, να αρπάξουμε την αρχή αυτή ως αυτές/οί που διαμορφώνουν και ορίζουν τους αγώνες τους και τις ζωές τους. Αυτές/οί που δεν περιμένουν από άλλους ανθρώπους ή θεσμούς, που δεν αναμένουν κάποιες πιο ευνοϊκές συνθήκες για να πράξουν.
Με τα Ζιζάνια σκοπεύουμε να δημιουργήσουμε ένα ζωντανό χώρο μακριά από τη ρατσιστική, σεξιστική, καπιταλιστική βία του κράτους και της σημερινής κοινωνίας. Οραματιζόμαστε ένα χώρο αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ ατόμων διαφορετικών καταγωγών, ταυτοτήτων, ηλικιών, γλωσσών, απόψεων. Τις συνθήκες αυτές πρέπει να τις δημιουργήσουμε και να τις διαφυλάξουμε όλες/οι μαζί, συναντώντας η μία τον άλλο, δυναμώνοντας τις συντροφικές μας σχέσεις, διασυνδέοντας τις κοινοτητές μας και τους αγώνες μας. Για πολύ καιρό ονειρευόμασταν κάτι τέτοιο -σίγουρα δεν είμαστε οι μόνες/οι- και τώρα ήρθε η ώρα να πράξουμε. Με τις σκέψεις αυτές, σας προσκαλούμε να αναδείξετε τα δικά σας ζητήματα, να καταθέσετε τις δικές σας ιδέες, να αρχίσετε τις δικές σας πρωτοβουλίες και τους αγώνες και να συνδιαμορφώσουμε όλα μαζί το χώρο και τις λειτουργίες του.
Η Βικτώρια είναι ο τόπος που ζούμε και συναντιόμαστε και με τον έναν ή τον άλλο τρόπο βρεθήκαμε στους αγώνες της γειτονιάς. Ζώντας στη Βικτώρια έχουμε παρατηρήσει και βιώσει την πολυεπίπεδη κρίση που εξελίσσεται γύρω μας: οικονομική πίεση, μαύρη εργασία, ρατσιστική βία, καταρρέον σύστημα υγείας, περιορισμοί κυκλοφορίας και μια γενικότερη ψυχολογική κατάσταση φόβου και ανασφάλειας. Σε αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη γειτονιά, η φασιστική στροφή της Ελλάδας και της Ευρώπης είναι κάτι παραπάνω από εμφανής: εθνικιστική ρητορική, στρατιωτικοποίηση των δρόμων και των δημόσιων χώρων μας, ρατσιστική βία στο σχολικό περιβάλλον, στην χαμηλόμισθη εργασία, στη ζωή στο δρόμο και καταστολή οποιασδήποτε αντίστασης.

Continue reading Athens Greece: Viktoria area has a new squatted social center-Ζιζάνια on Fylis and Feron ( ELLINIKA/ ENGLISH/ FRANÇAIS/ TURKISH/ فارسی/ اردو/ عربى/)

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility by Unrepentant Arsonists in the Westside.

We take responsibility for the arson of Alpha Bank’s ATM in Aigaleo on 10/03/2021 in Iera Odos str. This act expresses our solidarity to all those charged for the attacks against the uniformed torturers at the events in Nea Smyrni.
Defeat is death, the struggle continues, strength and fast recovery to the fighter Dimitris Koufontinas.
Original text in Greek here:
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Komotini, Greece: Taking Responsibility by Arsonist Faction Commando Mauricio Morales

On 27/2 at dawn, we set fire to 2 ATMs (one of Piraeus Bank and one of the National Bank) in the city centre resulting in their complete destruction. An act of solidarity to the political prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas who faces the maniacal vengeance of state mechanisms and Bakogiannis family who has taken power in the last two years.
We are on the verge of having the first dead hunger striker in Europe after the state murder of Bobby Sands and 10 other members of the IRA in the English prisons 40 years ago with Margaret Thatcher in charge.Dimitris Koufontinas is an unrepentant revolutionary continuing with coherence his active struggle all the years he has been captive in the cells of “Democracy”. As such, he could only be embraced by the people of the movement.
The solidarity activities that took place and continue to take place for him, are a small taste of what awaits you if something happens to him.If you act with vengeance we will also do so for our part.
Hopefully with our incendiary attack we can give him a little warmth and strength to continue his struggle.
Arsonist Faction Commando Mauricio Morales
Original text in Greek here:
Translated by Act for freedom now!