Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Solidarity banner and graffiti in solidarity with comrade hunger striker Alfredo Cospito. (North of Greece)

Solidarity banner and graffiti in solidarity with unrepentant comrade
hunger striker Alfredo Cospito.

Anarchy squat Utopia A.D. Komotini Greece

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito , by Anarchists

Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists

With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were completely destroyed by the flames. This company has been active for decades in the trade of murdered animals, making it one of the largest domestic ‘meat markets’.

Our action is a signal of solidarity, complicity and comradeship with comrade Giannis Michailidis and his struggle, not only in the capacity of a prisoner with a “just demand”, but with all the perspectives and contents of struggle that as an anarchist he has put on the table of subversive fermentations.

With this action, therefore, we in turn want to put a small stone in the broadening of the struggle for freedom and the enrichment of its perspectives and practices. We want to reposition in the integral place it occupies within the resistance to the plundering of nature, the targeting and sabotage of structures that enrich themselves through the torture and mass extermination of non-human animals.
The creation of communities of resistance and direct action against development projects on remote mountain tops and rivers. The struggles for the militant defence of the few remaining urban green zones (such as those evolving in the hills, parks and squares of Athens). The collective vigilance and organisation for the protection and rescue of forests from the devastating fires of urbanisation. Our self-education on the destructive consequences of the continuous development of industrial civilization, on the evolving climate change and further radical analysis and action against the hourglass of destruction.

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Athens,Greece: For the upcoming court dates of Anarchists V. Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis

Regarding the upcoming court dates of Anarchists V. Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis

The presence and support of our comrades is necessary.

In particular, the following hearings have been scheduled:

Tuesday 1st, Thursday 10th, Wednesday 16th, Tuesday 22nd and Tuesday 29th of November.

Floor : 6th floor – Room : D120B

loukarews street courts of appeal in Αthens


Excerpts from a letter of comrade Vangelis Stathopoulos:

…….So I have been summoned to a trial, in which I am being tried for the concept of solidarity. Solidarity is a relationship and a selfless relationship between people. A social relationship, a concept that particularly inspires the wider resistance movement and a basic component to build a world against the exploitation of man by man. A common component also within resistance movements worldwide, a basic foundation of their history….

….Solidarity is being tried in my case with the most serious charges because I helped an injured comrade. My prosecution and trial is based solely on political criteria, on the attitude of dignity and solidarity that I have followed  consistently in my life. I have nothing to save but my own life, I have nothing to defend but the constant struggle against the murderous fury of the State and capital! If my practical solidarity is the crime for which I must be condemned and punished, I declare myself unrepentant!

Assembly of Solidarity to the anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine. (Greece)

Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine.

In the early hours of Thursday 24/2, the Russian state launched a large-scale attack on the Ukrainian state. A bloody war is developing with thousands of deaths, rapes, killings of civilians and destructions of the natural world.

In the Russian state, against the calls for national unity, transnational massacres and military recruiting, a war against war is unfolding. Mass demonstrations, refusals of military recruiting, armed attacks on military personnel, arson of recruiting offices are being developed. Actions that also take place are sabotage on railway lines that transport military equipment and on factories that produce war material. One of the most hopeful anti-militarism movements of recent decades is underway.

The Russian state is trying in vain to suppress this movement, by arresting and conducting express trials that imprisoned many people opposing those things, with exterminating sentences. The Moscow Anarchist Black Cross makes an international call for solidarity to those imprisoned and in complete isolation. We answer to this call and send strength and solidarity to the comrades in the prisons of Russia.

Continue reading Solidarity with all those fighting against the war in Russia and Ukraine. (Greece)

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Attiko Metro station destroying entrance barriers, ticket machines and ATMs.

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

The use and exploitation of the urban fabric by State and capital has experienced different conditions and modes of enforcement. From metropolitan centres – factories aimed at absorbing as much of the industrial workforce as possible, to bureaucratic and decision-making centres, to amusement parks and theme parks, metropolitan centres have been points of great interest to the rulers of this world. An interest which was in turn met with resistance from the struggling sections of society. From roadblocks and barricades, clashes and demonstrations, to occupations and acts of sabotage, the social base found and continues to find ways of re-appropriating the space in which it lives, works and socialises. From the Paris Commune to the Gezi Square in Istanbul, the struggles for and within the urban fabric make up a mosaic of resistance against State and capital.

Even today, when the Athenian metropolis, with its centre at its peak, is a tourist resort reserved for the European “cream of the crop”, there are daily struggles to defend and visualise the social base. In a situation where the State with its uniformed guards is consolidating the further impoverishment and alienation of those from below, struggles such as the one in defence of Exarcheia are moments of rallying and counter-attack.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Attiko Metro station destroying entrance barriers, ticket machines and ATMs.

Athens, Greece: Update from the march to Omonia Police Station against the rapist cops

Athens, Update from the march to Omonia Police Station against the rapist cops


On Friday 21 October 2022 the march that started from Monastiraki towards the police station of the Omonia rapists was massive and angry. The struggle against the police State that rapes, tortures and murders must intensify.

When we got close to the police station we saw it blocked off with riot cops vans,  and many riot squads. Clashes started there with many bottles being thrown at the cops but also terrible repression from their side with lots of chemicals and chasing.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Update from the march to Omonia Police Station against the rapist cops

Athens, Greece: Claim of action by Exarchia’s Paint Bombers

Claim of action by  Color Bombers

On Friday 30 September we threw paint at the City Hall of Athens, without the cop forces stationed in the area having time to notice anything, thus returning the visit that Bakoyannis( Mayor of Athens) made earlier that day to the EMΠ (polytechnic university). In this way we decided to add a piece to the militant movements that have begun to take form and respond to the overall attack against the neighbourhood of Exarcheia.

This action, although it left visible signs, was hushed up so as not to spoil the narrative of normality, law and order that they are trying to establish in the centre of the city.

The Municipality of Athens has chosen to seize by force and deprive both the residents and the movements at the same time of the two public spaces of Exarcheia.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim of action by Exarchia’s Paint Bombers

Athens,Greece: Text re the notification of our case, by Lambros B. and Panagiotis B.

Text re the notification of our case, by Lambros B. and Panagiotis B.

I know how the newspapers lie,

because they wrote that they shot you in the foot.

I know they never aim for the legs.

In the mind is the target, your mind, huh?

Katerina Gogou

On Tuesday, September 20, a bunch of plainclothes cops (of various services according to their statement, led by State security officers) accompanied by a prosecutor entered the house we live in to conduct a search and at the same time notified us with a written summons that we are accused of a case from last year, for which both our comrades and friends Fotis D. and Jason R. are accused with ridiculous and fabricated evidence and have been held in custody for almost 11 months.

During their stay in the house they destroyed everything and took with them our personal objects of museum character, all the electronic devices that existed in the house and books/brochures/things that they themselves considered dangerous (the books in particular were what was in our library from comrade Dimitris Koufontinas and some other foreign revolutionary organizations, because apparently revolutionary memory gives the cops and the State nightmares)
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text re the notification of our case, by Lambros B. and Panagiotis B.

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for a placed incendiary devices at the Mercedes dealership in Acharnon ave, by Anarchists

Athens, Taking responsibility by Anarchists

On 8/9 we placed incendiary devices at the Mercedes dealership in Acharnon avenue street, the result was the destruction of the store’s facade and at least four burnt luxury cars.

Mercedes is the oldest car company in the world. From the very first moment, the production of cars has been a disaster for the planet. A large percentage of the world’s oil production is used to run cars. Their production poisons the water and air and destroys large areas of the natural world.

The car industry has changed our lives enormously. Roads and railroads have been built everywhere. Trains, buses and cars are used primarily so that they can, in a short time, travel long distances to get people to the sweatshops of wage slavery.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for a placed incendiary devices at the Mercedes dealership in Acharnon ave, by Anarchists

Greece: No cover-up for the torturers of Vassilis Mangos

No cover-up for the torturers of Vassilis Manggos

On October 21 the trial against three police officers for the beating of the comrade Vassilis Manggos (which took place two and a half years ago) will take place in the court Volos. Vassilis was beaten and arrested by the MAT (anti-riot police) and the OPKE (anti-terrorism unit) during the attack on the demonstration in solidarity with the arrested of the long march the previous day, against the construction of a new plant designed to convert commercial waste into fuel.

Taken to Volos police station he was insulted, humiliated, beaten and tortured by the guardians of the law, who late at night released him in a semi-conscious state with six broken ribs. Three days later he denounced in a text the torture and beatings he suffered that scarred him for life and led to his death a month later.
After two and a half years the local judiciary finally decided to send three accused police officers to trial, but for one minor offence, that of grievous bodily harm. In addition, it took no account whatsoever of the request submitted by Vassilis’s parents, and the testimonies of dozens of people present at the scene of the arrest. This shows that this trial is a farce, whose only purpose is to unmask a few of those responsible for the beating of Vassilis, and cover up the torture he suffered. This is yet another case of judicial mafia, hatched by the judiciary against its own people, a judiciary that supports LaFarge’s colonialist plans – AGET and at the same tinme has declared war on the inhabitants of Volos.

At the local level, the imposition of commercial activities at the expense of people and the environment is evident, with the municipal authority of Beos, and their respective governments, completely subservient to the dictates of capital. The privatisation of public social elements, such as water in Stagiatis, is one of the great scourges of our region. Officials chosen from the ranks of cops and businessmen, with the support of the judiciary, undermine with every means and downgrade the region’s water to sell it to unscrupulous private entrepreneurs and monopoly giants. Through the use of mafia practices, the municipal authority is seeking to suppress the local community’s struggle against privatisation. A thorn in the side of their plans is the organised resistance of residents.

Continue reading Greece: No cover-up for the torturers of Vassilis Mangos