Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece



On 22/11/2022 he was kidnapped and arrested on a trumped-up charge of state security, comrade Costas Dimalexis, a resident of the neighborhood and member of the Community of Squatted
Prosfygika of L. Alexandra. His arrest and prosecution were used as an alibi for the invasion of Prosfygika, which was and still is the real target of the operation and the attempt to criminalize our
community and our neighborhood. The indictment itself lacks of any serious evidence, was based on the fabrication of promises and with its promotion by the establishment media. The repression did
nothing but to repeat a practice that is familiar to them. Create tanks of suspects and sometimes uses them to hit and tie up cases, producing repressive politics. Countless cases over the years that fighters have been dragged into trumped-up trials, movements targeted and struggles suppressed, in order to end up into solemn acquittals or convictions that even make embarrass this bourgeois justice system itself.

At the same time, these cases are the other side of the same coin. The ever greater diversion of the Greek justice system into a regime mechanism of political persecutions, protection of the criminal elites (case Ilioupolis, the cases of Lignadis, Filippidis, Fourthiotis, Greek Mafia, etc.), terrorizing the society and imposing a totalitarian regime similar to that of the states in Africa and in Latin America.


Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary act by Anarchists

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

Without further words, we want to take responsibility for an incendiary act. On the night of December 18th, we tracked down and burned a Cosmote van(telecommunication company)  in Kaisariani area.

Revenge for Kostas Fragoulis and all those murdered, beaten and tortured by the uniformed bastards of democracy.

Power to the 4 comrades for the case of the Piraeus traffic police, power to the hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and Thanos Hatzianggelou, who started a hunger and thirst strike on 19/12.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Athens, Greece: Action claim by Anarchists for incendiary attack on a Hertz van 

Athens,: Action claim by Anarchists for incendiary attack on a Hertz van 

On Wednesday night 14/12 we carried out an incendiary attack on a Hertz van which was parked in the area of Exarcheia.

This company, known for its investments on the one hand and as an important cog in the capitalist world on the other, is a political opponent for us.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Action claim by Anarchists for incendiary attack on a Hertz van 

KOMOTINI Greece: Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police, Prisons

Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police

Proposition: Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D.

Speaker: N. Koulouris, professor D.U.TH.


Proposition: Anarchist House Utopia A.D.

Update on the 41bis isolation in Italy, from the anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas- Anarchist Squat Nadir.

Telephone intervention of Italian comrades – anarchist newspaper Vetriolo – about the hunger strike (from 20/10) of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito.

Thessaloniki, Greece: Molotov attack on riot cops and riot during the 6th December, anniversary of the killing of Alexis Grigoropoulos

Extensive attacks on the riots cops in the center of Thessaloniki after the march for Alexandros Grigoropoulos  who was killed by cops in 2008, turned into a riot on 6th Decemeber.

Beginning 5th December, there have been extensive riots in Athens and Thessaloniki, protests in many towns around the country, after the shooting in the head of 16 year old Roma kid Kostas Fragoulis.



Greece: Scenes from the riot in Exarcheia after a 16-year-old boy was shot in the head by cops in Thessaloniki

It was during the early hours of Monday 5 December 2022, when a 16 year old boy was shot in the head by a Greek cop of the DIAS motorcycle unit during a car chase in Thessaloniki.

He was accused of filling up his pick-up truck with 20 euros worth of petrol and leaving the petrol station without paying. Following the news and his dire physical condition, riots erupted in the city of Thessaloniki, in the north of Greece, later the same day. At the same time, in Athens, several different protests were held in the evening of December the 5th. The protest in Exarcheia, held in front of the memorial of Alexis Grigoropoulos, (a 15 year old  anarchist who was shot dead by a cop on 6 December 2008, sparking the events that would lead to massive riots all over Greece, known as the December Revolt) soon turned into a march that led to a riot, as seen in the video.

It has to be noted, that today 6 December, protests have been planned in dozens of cities and towns all over Greece, in remembrance of the December Revolt and the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the police in Exarcheia 15 years ago to this day.

[edited Dec 7 2022]

Thessaloniki 5/12/22

Athens,Greece: About the repressive operation and the defense of Prosfygika, 22. November 2022

We are still here … The Community remains strong and united … Prosfygika will win!!!!

On 22/11/2022, at 5.45 am, all kinds of police forces, riot police MAT, state security, Delta, OPKE and EKAM, invaded the squated neighbourhood of Prosfygika on Alexandra Avenue and more specifically the 7th block, on Tikhonidos Street (behind the Elpis Hospital). They broke through the outer door of the building, breaking it. Then they went up to the second floor where two community companions, the arrested companion and another refugee from Iran live. They kidnapped both of them and proceeded to carry out a thorough search of the building. At the same time, the entire neighborhood was surrounded by the repression forces, not only at the site of the search but in total, attempting to occupy it.

The operation was spotted by the community’s daily morning patrol who began to inform the neighborhood. Comrades and compañeras took to the rooftops to wake up the rest of us. Not knowing exactly what was happening, we recognized that the operation was limited to a specific building, but we also realized the serious possibility of a general attack. In retrospect, we judge that the invasion that took place was premeditated from the morning. All the time that elapsed until the moment of the invasion was the result of preparation, judgment on costs and gains, as well as a measurement of our determination, by the officials of the GADA and the ministry.

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Continue reading Athens,Greece: About the repressive operation and the defense of Prosfygika, 22. November 2022

Athens,Greece: Life is not so good/ Claim of action

Life is not so good/ Claim of action

In the early morning hours of November 19 to 20 november a van of the multinational company LG (life is good) in Kaisariani, was boarded up. Life is good only for the bosses and the rulers of this world. For us it becomes good only in moments like this, when we act. We dedicate this attack to the Turkish fighters who are on hunger strike demanding a fair trial and to comrade Alfredo Cospito who is on hunger strike against the 41bis regime.

Solidarity to the 4 comrades who are being persecuted for the case of “comrades”.
We send fiery signals of solidarity to the 4 imprisoned comrades accused of the attack on the Piraeus traffic police and to the imprisoned comrades D. Hatzivassiliadis and V. Stathopoulos, who are currently undergoing an appeal trial.
Practical and aggressive solidarity to all political prisoners.


via: athens.indymedia  Translated by Act for freedom!

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Taking responsibility – Against the war industry

In the days of commemoration of the Polytechnic, we must not forget the anti-militarist implications of the uprising. In the midst of military dictatorship, one of the central slogans of the occupied Polytechnic in ’73 was “Out with NATO”. Picking up this thread, anarchy today must find a way of direct action against those who profit and gain from these wars.

While we try to develop anarchist considerations and analyses of every interstate war conflict, one of the most important aspects of the multifaceted anti-military struggle is often ignored: sabotaging the death machine on the ground we are on.

Since we are in NATO’s territory of influence, we have a duty to sabotage everything used by the armed forces of the Greek state and its allies, the arms industry, the financiers and those who give orders and make decisions.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Athens,Greece: Call for solidarity at the court of appeal on 22/11 for the apologies/political statements of the anarchists D. Hatzivassiliadis & V. Stathopoulos

Call for solidarity at the court of appeal for the apologies/political statements of the anarchists D. Hatzivassiliadis and V. Stathopoulos on Tuesday 22 November, at 9.00, at the Court of Appeal (Loukareos), room D70A (1st floor)

And In view of the court’s decision, a nationwide day of solidarity actions with anarchists Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis, on Saturday 26 November,solidarity gathering at Syntagma, 14.00 in Athens



Solidarity Initiative