Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)

Here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere

Against borders, states, homelands, armies

War is everywhere. Without ever having been absent from the capitalist world, the world of homelands, armies and borders. It has always been present, except that nowadays every “war episode” tends to acquire global dimensions with different levels of transnational involvement: from the war in Palestine, Ukraine, Yemen, to the “tension zones” that presage a future conflict (e.g. Taiwan, Guyana, Red Sea, etc.), the world map seems to be shaped by a continuous geography of war “fronts” and “rears”.

And war takes many forms: from the famous trade sanctions that create “inflationary phenomena” in primitive societies and “food crises” in the capitalist periphery, to the Western States’ war on immigrants, the military-style management of “states of emergency” (be it viruses or floods, fires, etc.), the management of social policy in police terms. What the rulers cynically call “era fluidity” is on the one hand the other name for systemic contradictions reaching a limit point and on the other, it is a clear statement to subjects: in “fluid times” our lives are sadly expendable and survival is defined in terms of probability, risk, risk. And whoever lives through it… Then comes the famous “love of country”, the need for “national unity”, to form a “national body” in danger, with the State and the army defined as its “natural protectors”. Continue reading Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)


A closed prison is also a closed account with Tyrranny. It is neither a sight nor an architectural work of art, but the mass grave of thousands of bodies that were imprisoned, tortured, deprived and burned to death not ever seeing the sun again without the bars or a break. When you look at a prison, think of how many people were subjected to the violence of isolation, how many were buried alive in solitary confinement, how many were deprived of their families, their people, their self- evident right to freedom. How many marched in sections through the wing courtyards, turning into each wall again and again, how many lost what was most

beautiful in themselves and became alienated, emotionally humiliated and cold.

In these cells the Greek state once imprisoned people who fought for the freedom of this country, people who resisted decay and misery, people who could not reconcile themselves to a life of submission and rebelled. In these cells, the Greek state murdered fighters who did not cooperate, who did not repent and whose death became a symbol of resistance and freedom. Today, the Greek state is still murdering people in its prisons because they are claiming, outside of bribes and favours, their self-evident rights. Because they do not bow down to their captors, but they demand better conditions of detention, they demand better lives, and they not sign their death in silence.

Perama Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim

Perama Athens, Responsibility claim

On Friday, June 9, in the neighbourhood of Perama, we set fire to polling booths of multiple party choices on the occasion of the European election process, an act of defiance against the party apparatus and the oppressors of our lives. We want to send a message to Yiannis Lagoudakos, New Democracy politician, newly appointed mayor of Perama. When he vents his fascist anger against vulnerable minorities such as the Roma he should not forget the recent incident when the water hose rained down on the mother while he was making threats to kidnap her children, and that in the face of fascist violence nothing will be left unanswered.

From what it seems, the mirror of electoral delusion has been cracked. The mechanism of the elections and the entire Euro-parliamentary mafia is given meaning in the social conflict. The high rates of abstention from the European election process represent the maximum amount of dissatisfaction from society as a whole. At least in the Greek axis, right and left together and their ends have collapsed in the eyes of the youth and not only. What remains is the strengthening of self-organized social forces on the basis of radical formation, the creation of informal direct action groups and the cooperation between persons with the characteristics appropriate to the circumstances. Beyond the difficulty of the times and the hardening of State control over our lives, the anarchist struggle must examine the rebuilding and reconstitution of the insurrectionary process as well as its strategic framework for preparing and restarting new battle structures.

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[From Greece] Update about the the special “state of exception” for the anarchist Nikos Maziotis, convicted comrade of Revolutionary Struggle

We would like to send you some news about the imprisonment of anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis -who is in Domokos prison for his actions in Revolutionary Struggle- and the special “state of exception” for him.

as a summary:

The Lamia Misdemeanors Court Council recently rejected the comrade’s request for conditional release. This is the sixth time his request has been rejected (five rejections by the first-instance council and one by an appellate court where he appealed only once). Three of the six requests Nikos Maziotis has submitted for his release were rejected by a council presided over by the same judge. And in all three instances, his request was accompanied by three consecutive positive prosecutorial recommendations.

With the recent conditional release of the Nazi Michaloliakos, the above was proven once again. According to journalistic, legal, and judicial circles, this decision was signed by Christina Papagianni as president of the Lamia Misdemeanors Court Council. Thus, with the decision No. 121/30.4.2024, the specific one was released, while his first release request was accompanied by a negative prosecutorial recommendation. From the very beginning, there was not only political cover but also a concerted and coordinated effort by state (and judicial) authorities to keep the name of the council president who released the Nazi. This attempted cover-up did not succeed. The president’s name was immediately revealed through leaks from journalistic (and not only) offices. And despite the fact that the Nazi is now back in prison (after an appeal was filed against his release by an appellate prosecutor), the selectively biased stance of far-right elements within the “justice system” who release Nazis, yet are the same ones like this particular judge who keeps comrade Nikos Maziotis imprisoned, can no longer remain hidden.
Continue reading [From Greece] Update about the the special “state of exception” for the anarchist Nikos Maziotis, convicted comrade of Revolutionary Struggle

GR-EL: Σκότωσε τον μπάτσο στην τσέπη σου -Kill the Cop in Your Pocket

Σκότωσε τον μπάτσο στην τσέπη σου

Η αποτελεσματική κουλτούρα ασφάλειας και η επιχειρησιακή ασφάλεια εμποδίζουν τις δυνάμεις καταστολής να γνωρίζουν για τις συγκεκριμένες εγκληματικές μας δραστηριότητες, αλλά και για τη ζωή μας, τις σχέσεις μας, τα μοτίβα μετακίνησής μας και ούτω καθεξής.

Αυτή η γνώση είναι ένα τεράστιο πλεονέκτημα για τον περιορισμό των υπόπτων και τη διεξαγωγή στοχευμένης παρακολούθησης. Αυτό το άρθρο θα περιγράψει μερικές στρατηγικές για να σκοτώσετε τον μπάτσο στην τσέπη σας

Η τοποθεσία του τηλεφώνου σας παρακολουθείται ανά πάσα στιγμή και αυτά τα δεδομένα συλλέγονται από ιδιωτικές εταιρείες, επιτρέποντας στην αστυνομία να παρακάμψει την ανάγκη έκδοσης εντάλματος. Τα αναγνωριστικά υλικού και οι πληροφορίες συνδρομής του τηλεφώνου καταγράφονται από κάθε πύργο κινητής τηλεφωνίας στον οποίο συνδέεται το τηλέφωνό σας. Υπηρεσίες hacking, όπως η Pegasus, θέτουν τον πλήρη συμβιβασμό των τηλεφώνων σε απόσταση αναπνοής ακόμη και από τις τοπικές αρχές επιβολής του νόμου και είναι “μηδενικό κλικ”, που σημαίνει ότι δεν εξαρτώνται από το αν κάνετε κλικ σε έναν σύνδεσμο ή ανοίξετε ένα αρχείο για να χακάρουν το τηλέφωνό σας. Από την άλλη πλευρά, αφού περισσότεροι από 30 εμπρησμοί σε μια μικρή πόλη της Γαλλίας έμειναν ανεξιχνίαστοι, οι ερευνητές παραπονέθηκαν ότι «είναι αδύνατο να χρησιμοποιηθούν δεδομένα τηλεφώνου ή οχήματος επειδή λειτουργούν χωρίς τηλέφωνα ή αυτοκίνητα!»

Κρυπτογράφηση και γεωεντοπισμός

Σε μια πρόσφατη κατασταλτική επιχείρηση εναντίον ενός αναρχικού, η αστυνομία παρακολούθησε τη γεωγραφική θέση του flip phone του υπόπτου σε πραγματικό χρόνο και έφτιαξε μια λίστα με όλους όσους είχε καλέσει ο ύποπτος. Είναι γνωστό ότι τέτοιες παρακολουθήσεις δεν είναι ασυνήθιστες, και όμως πολλοί σύντροφοι έχουν μαζί τους ένα κινητό τηλέφωνο όπου κι αν πάνε, ή κάνουν μη κρυπτογραφημένες κλήσεις σε άλλους αναρχικούς. Πιστεύουμε ότι και οι δύο αυτές πρακτικές πρέπει να αποφευχθούν. Ας μην κάνουμε τη δουλειά της αστυνομίας και των υπηρεσιών πληροφοριών τόσο εύκολη, παραδίδοντάς τους τα κοινωνικά μας δίκτυα και το ιστορικό γεωγραφικού εντοπισμού σε ασημένιο πιάτο.
Continue reading GR-EL: Σκότωσε τον μπάτσο στην τσέπη σου -Kill the Cop in Your Pocket

The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been some fix correct on the PDF file so is here: Blessed-Is-The-Flame-Issue-2.pdf

The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame”, originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, we hold the ambition that this newspaper can become an international effort, bringing together all the direct action reports, statements and texts of comrades, …

Intervention at the consulate of Kenya | Solidarity with the rebels (Athens,Greece)

On Friday, 12th July, an intervention with banner and flyers took place at the consulate of Kenya in solidarity with the rebels.

During the last weeks, there have been ongoing and massive protests in Kenya against a new tax bill, which will hit the poorest classes of society even harder. The increase in taxes, voted as part of the approval of the draft state budget, have sparked an intense political confrontation. The peak of the mobilizations and demonstrations against the bill, were the mass demonstrations in the capital of Kenya, in Nairobi on June 25th (the day the bill was passed), where groups of protesters managed to break the police stranglehold and set fire to the parliament, from which MPs (members of parliament) and ministers fled through a tunnel. That day, at least 30 protesters were killed by the murderous state supression. The ferocity of the protests even forced the government to back down and withdraw the budget.
Continue reading Intervention at the consulate of Kenya | Solidarity with the rebels (Athens,Greece)


from the anarchist wall newspaper in Agrinio city .

The hydroelectric dams in the lower reaches of the Achelou River – Kremasta since 1966, Kastraki since 1969 and Stratos since 1989 – as well as the concrete encasing of the river bed, as major interventions in the natural ecosystem of these areas, have brought already a significant alteration, degradation and change of use in the lower Paracheloite land, with devastating consequences for both the environment and its people.

Entire villages were uprooted and swept away by the waters; arable lands, extremely fertile due to the river’s input and centuries of human labour on them, found themselves at the bottom of man-made lakes, along with the culture and history they housed.


Call of Gathering in solidarity with the anarchist Andreas F. (Athens,Greece)

On 22/4/24 the anarchist comrade Andreas F. is kidnapped by the State security and anti-terrorist forces, armed cops invade his house in the city of Patras for a second time for investigation.

From petty supermarket theft… to  ”terrorist organization” in the second act of the police terrorist cell of the E.L.A.S. [Greek police headquarters] the comrade is transferred to Athens, interrogated and, according to the anti-terrorism law (187A), accused of being a member of “ conspiracy of revenge” and the natural instigator of its action. Finally, on 26/4, the investigator and the prosecutor decide to keep him in custody in the prison of Amfissa.

In the face of the fear that tries to spread through vindictiveness in the face of Andreas, but also in the face of his comrades, our response has always been and will always be the same: non-negotiable support for his political stance and his anarchist identity, solidarity in this difficult struggle that begins, this time from within the walls of the prison. Until we meet again in the next struggles we will fight. Andrea, strong, until freedom.

Gathering in solidarity with the anarchist Andreas F. who is called for additional interrogation.

Athens, Evelpidon Courts (building 10) – Friday 12/7 9:30 a.m.


The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been translated in English + call for international collaboration and translation in more languages (Greece)

(Original text with formatting:

The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper”Blessed Is The Flame”, originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, we hold the ambition that this newspaper can become an international effort, bringing together all the direct action reports, statements and texts of comrades, and news about the struggles of anarchist prisoners that are scattered across the world, divided by language and communication barriers.

We make a call to any willing comrades around the world to assist us in translating the newspaper in other languages as well and diseminate it both digitally and physically; the document was designed to be easily printable as a A5-size booklet. Ideally, we would like to suggest an international collaboration between counter-information projects from all corners of the world, defying the recent repression efforts of various states who want to put an end to the diffusion of the ideas and practices of the anarchy of action.

The link for the PDF file:
Continue reading The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been translated in English + call for international collaboration and translation in more languages (Greece)