Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

ANTISISTEMA 3 – Paper beyond good and evil SUMMER 2024



  • On the Anarchist Capacity to Act: A Response to the Text “Waiting for the Anarchist Guerrilla…”
  • Anarchism and Creativity
  • Undreamable Abysses
  • Some Thoughts on the Brenner Trial in Italy
  • The Visceral Viewpoint

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Greece: Position letter from Agios Stefanos prison, of Sofoclis Toutziarakis for the case of 1/18/2023 in Patras

Position text of prisoner Sofoclis Toutziarakis for the case of 1/18/2023 in Patras

Ever since my teenage years I have been active in the anarchist space. The case for which I was remanded on January 18, 2023 concerns acts of robbery, theft, and possession of explosives. The 7 robberies attributed to me are in 3 banks, 3 EL.TA. (Post offices), 1 supermarket.

The first thing I would like to touch on with this text is the obsession with which I was treated by the court and which resulted in my sentence of 23 years’ prison. An obsession that has to do with the fact that I’m an anarchist. The magnitude of the mock trial that initially convicted me and a co-accused of all the robberies, is such that various negative elements for our persecutors – which strengthen our position of non-existent evidence – were thus simply and without logic bypassed.

At the same time, some other important absurd events happened:
a) The legal passport of the husband of the owner of the house I was renting for a few days was confiscated during the police raid. Apparently, this had been forgotten there. Although that became clear, the president managed to judge it illegal and even impose a penalty on me.

Continue reading Greece: Position letter from Agios Stefanos prison, of Sofoclis Toutziarakis for the case of 1/18/2023 in Patras

Athens, Greece – A dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station following a beating.

Dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station after a beating.

This particular police station is known for torture and sexual and racial harassment within the police station. Let us recall that in this particular department a 46-year-old Bangladeshi man died after a beating. On the document’s blog there are photos of the beating of the immigrant of Pakistani origin. The case is important and the Greek police is exposed. 1) why was the immigrant missing for a week and was being transferred from police station to police station 2) why does it state that the immigrant was homeless and had no papers, when this is not the case?

The fact that the man’s body was found in the only place of the AT Agios Panteleimonas where there were no cameras is sensational. The immigrant also passed through the Omonia police station known for the many murders and torture of immigrants. There are articles on the internet about the disgraceful things that have happened in this section. The oldest murder mentioned above was in 2013.
Continue reading Athens, Greece – A dead immigrant at the Agios Panteleimonas police station following a beating.

Patras, Greece: Taking responsibility in solidarity with hunger striker Thanasis Pikasis.

Thanasis Pikasis has been on hunger strike since 8/7, fighting for his return to Korydallos prisons so that he can continue his studies and receive visits from his family.

On 9/11, while he was in the Korydallos prison hospital trying to contact a doctor, he was physically attacked by a bodyguard with threats such as, “strikes do not pass here”.

As a minimal act of solidarity in his just fight and resistance to his vengeful transfer, his torture and the State’s attempts to exterminate him, on the morning of Friday 13/09 we carried out an intervention with paint, tricks and sprays in the political office of the ND (political party) deputy and Deputy Minister of Culture, Iasonas Fotila, in front of the Patras courts.
Continue reading Patras, Greece: Taking responsibility in solidarity with hunger striker Thanasis Pikasis.

Athens, September 26, 2024, reflective march on the same day by hundreds for the dead immigrant from Pakistan, Mohammed Kamran Asik after a brutal beating at the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station.

The march for the state assassination of Mohamed Kamran Asik moved around the square of Agios Panteleimonas. At the end of the march after clashes, the cops arrest  4 people, 2 of which turned into arrests with heavy charges  .

Last Saturday morning, an immigrant from Pakistan, who had been missing for about a week, was found dead inside the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station. 37-year-old Mohammad Kamran Ashiq, who worked as a delivery man, was found with multiple injuries on his body, which is also reflected in shocking photos.
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From domokos prison, Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors” 23/9/24 (Greece)

Whether outside or inside prison the struggle for us is a matter of honor and dignity and will continue.

The revolutionary struggle continues.  NIKOS MAZIOTIS

July 2014

Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors”

The quality of those encharged with persecuting us through the pursuit of Revolutionary Struggle and myself, a wanted person with a bounty on their head, i.e. the security forces, the so-called “citizens’ protectors”, proves in the end that they are really the ones who are a danger to citizens by committing heinous social crimes.

According to recent media reports, a retired “protector of citizens”, who during the expropriation of Piraeus Bank in Kleitoria in 2014 was injured and disarmed by me and decorated for his zeal in saving the bank’s money, was recently arrested as a member of a criminal organisation that deceived elderly people and specifically, for fraud against an elderly 70-year-old woman by extorting 40,000 euros from her.

Continue reading From domokos prison, Nikos Maziotis: The Quality of the “Citizens’ Protectors” 23/9/24 (Greece)

End of the hunger strike of prisoner Sakis Pikassis (Greece)

End of the hunger strike


Today, 20/9/2024, I have decided to stop the hunger strike that I started on 8/7, demanding my return to Korydallos prison so that I can continue my studies at the university as I am entitled and participate in the examinations of the electronic engineering department of PADA and IEK Korydallos.

So I decided, fearing permanent neurological damage, to end the hunger strike without knowing whether my request would be granted.
Continue reading End of the hunger strike of prisoner Sakis Pikassis (Greece)

Text by hunger striker Thanasis Pikassis, and emergency update on the hunger strike, from 8/7/24 (Greece)

Emergency update on the hunger strike, from 8/7/24 Thanasis Pikasis

Today 11/9, and while the fighter prisoner Thanasis Pikasis is going through the 61st day of hunger strike, he developed chills, fever temperature and severe body pains. In repeated attempts to call for a doctor by both himself and another prisoner who heard the shouts no one responded immediately. He tried to get up and fell down unable to get up again. Then came a guard-torturer who kicked him and stomped his head on the floor saying “I don’t understand hunger strikes”.

From the service, he was given 3 reports about this incident, as a result of which the warden visited him, saying that the cameras would be checked. When the nurse came and because of the shivering and the very intense pains especially in the bones of the legs, she gave him 2-3 dextrose injections, a sedative and painkiller injection so that he could recover and calm down.


Assembly of Solidarity to the imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted militants


Text by hunger striker Thanasis Pikassis

Today having reached 55 days of hunger strike, and lost 55.8 kilos, I declare from the prisons of Agios Stefanos Patras, that the rightness of my struggle is clearer than ever, I will continue this struggle against the degradation of my rights as a prisoner to the end and now being at a limit point, the only thing that will stop me is either death or justice.

There are moments where if you turn the other cheek to a blow, you are not the only one who gets hit, but you give space to arbitrariness, fascism in the legalisation of prisons becoming the property of corrupt guards, politicians and managers.

The right to education is sacred. Not one step back. To the end.

Thanasis Picassis on hunger strike from 8/7

Greetings to those in solidarity outside the walls and the supporters prisoners who keep me strong!



Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

 We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Your grief over your damaged “property” is a source of amusement to us. You are not businessmen, you are murderers of millions of animals. Thousands of animals die every day in squalid conditions for the taste of their flesh, offering incalculable profits to the bosses. Sentient beings who can feel every emotion that we feel are treated as the raw material of capitalist production.

In a world where the extermination of the defenceless (animals) is the norm, we refuse to be a part of it. We refuse to stand by, we fight with fire.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: We take responsibility for the burning of the egg production company of the TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Serres, Greece: Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.

Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy

In the early hours of Friday, August 23, we visited the Piraeus Bank branch on Gr. Rakintzi Street in the centre of Serres and doused its facade and the nearby ATM with gasoline. Although the bank alarm went off at the time of the ignition, by the time the clueless cops realized what had happened we had already left the area long ago. We might as well just have left the scene and stopped for a drink on the way instead of taking the time to come up with a good escape plan. The action had little success since we did not manage to completely destroy the ATM as we originally planned. We’ll make sure it’s not like that next time.

We are in a situation which leaves us with nothing to do nothing but attack head-on and destroy. We seek no moral justification from the masses to act violently. Political tactics which aim at the gradual building of a mass anarchist movement with social characteristics to finally reach the revolution, permanently postponing the attack to an indefinite future, leave us extremely disappointed. We believe that counter-proposals and theories about how a better society could be are extremely secondary in front of the total destruction of the existing one. Here we want to emphasize that we do not reject mass movements in general and vaguely. Besides, we believe that guerrilla (without characterizing this specific action as such) works ideally in conjunction with a mass militant anarchist movement. The struggle will always be diverse. Arson, bombings and executions are not enough. But peaceful marches, bicycle rides and occupations are not enough either, many of which, as others before us have rightly observed, have ended up as alternative entertainment centres for young people. . Rebellion is ALWAYS HERE AND NOW.
Continue reading Serres, Greece: Taking responsibility for an arson attack on a bank by Conspiracy to Increase Entropy.