Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens, N.Philadelfeia :Taking Responsibility for an incendiary attack against ATM at National Bank from Insurrectional Conspiracy “Kyriakos Xymitiris” (Greece)

Taking Responsibility for an incendiary attack against ATM at National Bank from Insurrectional Conspiracy “Kyriakos Xymitiris”

K.X. was an anarchist fighter dedicated with all his heart in every field of struggle against the state, capital and every form of authority. His contribution to the revolutionary case was decisive in the battle for the overthrow of the Existent. In this context, K.X. fought in many fronts and by different means. He was non-negotiably a part of the multiformal struggle. We met with him, as well as with anarchist comrade Marianna, on the street through a wide range of different struggles such as the ones against the repression and gentrification of Exarcheia, against fascism, in solidarity with imprisoned fighters, in solidarity with migrants as well as in centers of struggle and squats.

On 31/10, comrade K.X. stormed the heavens fighting with cost his own life. At the same time comrade Marianna had been seriously injured in the apartment of Arcadia Street. This day for the people of the movement is a day of significant loss, while at the same time life and the choices of comrade Kyriakos are a flame of inspiration to the minds and hearts of every anarchist fighter. For the same case were detained comrade Marianna M. while she was heavily injured, as well as anarchist comrade Dimitra, comrade Dimitris, anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos and A.K.
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Dimitra Z. And Marianna M. : With Kyriakos until the end (Greece)

With Kyriakos until the end

Call for support for two days of action 7 & 8/02

Commemorative Demonstration, 7/02, 20:00 (placing of a plaque on Mesologgiou st)

Panhellenic March in Memory & Struggle, 8/02, 13:00 (meeting at Propylaia)

“The true defeat is not that you have lost.

The true defeat is having made yours the idea of defeat.

That you cannot win and change things”

The comrade Kyriakos was one of us. He was one of those who believe there is a deep dividing line between the bourgeois justice of the powerful and true justice. The justice of those whose children were killed at Tempi by the state – murderer. The justice of those who participated in militant strikes. Of those who expropriate the accumulated wealth from the bank safes. Of those who turned the knife on their rapists and abusers. The justice of the tiger that hunts its hunter. The justice of the fast-flowing current that breaks through the dam. Of those armed indigenous peoples who took vengeance on their conquerors. Those who bombed their settlers. The justice of those who burnt down the modern concentration camps. Those who escaped from prison for a breath of freedom. Those who doubted the state monopoly on violence. Those who struggled with every means. The justice of those who refused selfishness. Those who thought of us and not me. Those who, during the course of history, took positions of battle next to the oppressed. As the comrade Kyriakos did.

A comrade that chose the path of revolutionary responsibility. That was consistent with his self. Participating indiscriminately in all fields of struggle. A child of 2008 and the December insurrection, the burning barricades, the enraged consciousnesses, the vows for vengenace in teenage conversations. And then a protester of ’11 and ’12, the era of austerity, of the IMF and the Troika, the revolts and clashes, the day-long demonstrations and the hand-to-hand battles. From there, an anarchist in the Berlin of gentrification and social isolation, of the militant defence of squats and the solidarity with persecuted fighters, with busy hands, full nights and an open heart. Returning to Athens now, a decided militant of the anarchist movement. Participating indiscriminately in all fields of struggle. An anarchist of the squats, of antifascist and feminist patrols, of antiracist struggles and strike mobilisations, of struggles against prison and touristification. He stood firmly within the convictions of the anarchist struggle, with immense camaraderie, with sensitivity, solidarity and perceptiveness.
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Claim Arson Attack at the real estate company Ellika, by Fire Estate (Athens,Greece)

At the early morning of Monday, December 23, we decided to leave a little gift in anticipation of the holidays at the real estate company Ellika, at its store on Irakleidwn Street in Thisseio. The otherwise police-controlled neighborhood of Thisseio was the perfect spot for us to contribute, fairly easily, our own sparkle enriching this way the already so glittering decoration of the Athenian center.

This real estate company has 2 branches, one in the center and one in Glyfada, it has been active since 2004 and, in addition to the classic activities of a real estate agency, it deals with auctions and Golden Visa, providing lawyers and accountants to complete the procedures that interested parties need to join the program.

The Golden Visa offers a 5-year residence permit to non-European
citizens with the purchase of a property (usually some wrecked property in the center) with a minimum value of 250,000€ and the possibility of permanent residence. Interested parties usually want the Golden Visa for their access to the Schengen countries, Greece offers the most favorable conditions compared to other countries.
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Greece: Taking responsibility- Intervention against the murder of migrants in Rhodes and Thessaloniki

January 2025

Each day we witness the war against immigrants in every way. From their over-exploitation as cheap labour and their countless imprisonments in detention centres, to their torture in the A.T. police stations, the mass murders in detention centres, the pushbacks and drownings in the Aegean sea, these murderous anti-immigrant policies are an integral part of the Greek state’s agenda for its capitalist reproduction.

The social and class war of the Greek state has two aspects. On the one hand, it proceeds to create large surplus populations which, as the most impoverished part of the working class, are at times exploited by domestic capital. Other times, it uses the state itself, which with its rhetoric creates the necessary “internal enemy” that threatens the local proletariat.

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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the attack on the television station ACTION 24


On 25/01/2025 at noon we chose to intervene with sledgehammers and paints at the television station ACTION 24 on Skiathou Street. Our movement was a minimal act of opposition to a medium that systematically reproduces the dominant discourse, consciously supports any decisions of the state, constantly kills characters at the discretion of the authorities, systematically incriminates and denounces victims of trafficking.

The reason for this event was the appeal of the cop-rapist Bougioukos in the case of the 19-year-old girl from Ilioupoli. The channel in question hosted Bougioukos last year after his conviction, in an interview of the rapist-pimp laundering, attempting firstly to recreate his character and reverse reality by incriminating the 19-year-old survivor and abusing her once again. The status of the cop who arrested the bastard seems to have been enough for the channel to placate him as the wrongdoer in the case.
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Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim by the Cells of Offensive Solidarity for the placement of an incendiary device at Kypseli’s ΕΦΚΑ (National Social Insurance Agency)

We take responsibility for the placement of a low powered
incendiary device in the early hours of 03/12
at the ΕΦΚΑ office in Kypseli, located on Kefallinias

Although the device, fortunately for you, did
not ignite, the message remains the same.

Rest assured that with the same operational ease, we can
target any location of our choosing at any time, with a
similar device.

The reason we selected this specific target, among the
many offered by the metropolis, is that it is a key
structure of the state mechanism, one that promotes
destitution, subjugation, and consequently, the
manipulation of the majority of society. The Social
Insurance Agency (ΕΦΚΑ) operates under the
supervision of the Ministry of Labour, which in capitalist
terms means it acts as an executive organ of the
ideological orientation promoted by the current

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Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been released

PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3

(For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.)

The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame” has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and trials that were published in November and December 2024 in ten different languages across various parts of the world, or were sent to us via email and are being published for the first time. (Some of the texts published for the first time will also be uploaded as standalone posts on our blog,

Our goal is not only to break down the linguistic barriers that hinder information, solidarity, and the dissemination of propaganda by the deed on an international level but also to give counter-information a printed form. We believe it is crucial for counter-information to transcend the limits of the digital realm.
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Athens,Greece: Intervention of Nikos Maziotis at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by Pola Roupa (Panteion University, 31/5/2024)

Intervention of Nikos Maziotis at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by Pola Roupa (Panteion University, 31/5/2024)

The following text is a transcript of comrade Nikos Maziotis’ telephone intervention at the book presentation event of “State against Commune” by comrade Pola Roupa, organised by the Solidarity Assembly for the convicted members of the Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupa and N. Maziotis on 31/5/2024 at Panteion University): “[…] … None of them are recognised as political prisoners, but their discriminatory treatment is obvious. We have similar deteriorating conditions in Greece, towards keeping political prisoners longer in prison. E.g. the multi-lifers convicted for Revolutionary organization 17 November who have completed more than 22 years as is my case as I am not a lifer, yet I have far exceeded the parole limit but they do not release me because I refuse to make any statement of disavowal, “correction” and repentance … [Nikos Maziotis, convicted member of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, captive in Domokos prison (Greece)]”

“Comrades, I greet you. I wish you all strength.

The truth is that the book presentation of “State against Commune” by comrade Pola Roupa should have taken place two years ago and more, when the comrade was still in prison.
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Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis


State and capital are the only terrorists – Solidarity with the armed rebels

On Thursday 16 January ‘25, we held a solidarity gathering for the imprisoned comrade – sentenced to several years imprisonment for his participation in the Revolutionary Struggle organisation – at Lamia court.

Comrades from Athens, Lamia and Chania, with loud pulse and slogans, we stood outside the courthouse of Lamia, which, as a mechanism of state and economic domination, applies tactics of political extermination, inspired by the tradition of counter-revolutionary terror courts.
Continue reading Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

From Paris to Athens from the depths of our hearts. (France)

On the 31th of October, a bomb exploded in an apartment in Athens, blowing the apartment up, killing our companion Kyriakos and injuring another companion, Marianna, who is now in hospital, out of danger. We wish to her that she will recover quickly and without after-effects. We are with her in thoughts. With Kyriakos the movement lost a companion and some lost a friend, a loved one.

But in its war, the State never allows a ceasefire : Kyriakos was hardly gone for a few hours when it started already to attack our mourning companions, unleashed its henchmen against the ones it already called “terrorists” and “guerilleros” as a reference to the guerillas of the 2000’. Many persons, M. among them, are thus targeted by a counter-terrorist investigation and prosecuted for 8 charges.

Continue reading From Paris to Athens from the depths of our hearts. (France)