Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens, Greece: ‘Direct Action Cells’ – Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the house of MEP Eliza Wozemberg

“Dead children don’t go away. They stay at home

and have a separate preference for playing in the closed hallway

and every day they grow in our hearts, so

that the pain under our ribs is no longer from deprivation

but from growth.”

Giannis Ritsos

The Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the placing of an incendiary device at the entrance of the house of Eliza Wozemberg in the Varkiza area in the early morning hours of 26 February. We visited this piece of trash to place our small piece in the mosaic of acts of revenge against those who have cynically stained their hands with blood in the murder of 57 people in Tempe and have tried to cover each other’s asses in a coordinated manner. The chronicle of the crime and its cover-up is pretty much known. The vanguard to save the shattered government’s reputation is made up of some shit-sucking mouthpieces of the right-wing bloc, whether they are MPs and ministers or journalists (like an old acquaintance of ours, Portosalte, who doesn’t seem to have a brain) or even “simple and humble” executives and party members who in the social media also reproduce the party’s main line of laundering the money of those directly involved and attacking the victims’ relatives.

Wozenberg could not stand back and keep a low profile. She stood out from this shitty crowd and attacked Karystianou, the mother of one of the victims and president of the Association of Relatives of the Tempi victims, accusing her of deceit, of slandering the country internationally and of having no right to accuse Kostas Karamanlis. For our part, we responded to Wozenberg as she deserves. We answered her because the dead in Tempi could have been us, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our friends and comrades. We ask no one for an account to avenge our dead. This is our answer to Wozemberg. With fire, as she deserves.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: ‘Direct Action Cells’ – Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the house of MEP Eliza Wozemberg

“Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday, by Anarchists (February Athens Greece)

“Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday




Tradition, customs and traditions are an informal framework of values that are still observed in modern culture. In Greek tradition in particular, the killing and mass consumption of non-human animals according to the Christian calendar is deeply rooted. One of these days is Tsiknopesthuy, on which countless animals are tortured and murdered on the altar of human profit and entertainment. While it has been translated as a day of celebration, it is nothing less than the human species’ tendency to dominate, dominate and torture other species. Ash Wednesday is yet another point in the capitalist system in which man, industry and corporations enrich themselves at the expense of non-human animals in the most cannibalistic way. On that day and beyond, millions of animals are taken to slaughterhouses because of demand. Massively people tend to uncontrolled consumption of carcasses because of tradition.
Continue reading “Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday, by Anarchists (February Athens Greece)


Actforfree received  and spread:

Text by Polla roupa and Nikos Maziotis


In all revolutionary social-liberation movements, the fighters who lose their lives fighting for a free society become a political reference point not only for those who lived and fought with them, but – mainly – for those who come after them, for the new generations of fighters. However, for a fighter to remain alive over time, the responsibility lies with his contemporaries. To have honored him as he deserves, to keep him with them in the struggle, to refer to him. This is achieved by honoring the struggle he himself participated in, the political struggle for which he lost his life, his political values, his political-social goals and their historical timelessness.

2010 was a year of political milestones for the whole of society and for those involved in struggle. It was the year that the country plunged into an unprecedented – in its modern history – crisis. A crisis that began as a financial crisis triggered by the collapse of subprime mortgages in the USA in 2007, expanded into a global financial crisis and brutally hit this country as a financial and debt crisis. The PASOK government under the auspices of G. Papandreou, since late 2009, was preparing to hand the country over to the long-term supervision of supranational economic and political institutions (the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission, the European Central Bank), in order to avoid the admission that bankrupt Greece had not gone bankrupt and thus to save the domestic Greek banking system and by extension the European one. The price for this would be a series of loan agreements with the most abominable terms for the people. The social base would bear the entire burden for the restoration of the economic regime and the survival of the political system, which had passed into complete social delegitimization.

Continue reading Fifteen years on, COMRADE LAMBROS FOUNTAS LIVES

“A better world, better for all” – Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van – Kyriakos X. always present by Anarchists (Athens,Greece)

“A better world, better for all” –
Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van -Hellenic (Telecommunications Organisation S.A)
Kyriakos X. always present

Technology plays a primary role in shaping the modern dystopia. Human contact has been replaced by online interaction, which is based on the construction and promotion of a self-image aimed at strengthening fragile self-confidence, which ends up being ephemeral and dependent on an insatiable need for reassurance. Personal relationships have degraded completely and total alienation is prevalent. At the same time, technology, as a pillar of capitalism, creates artificial needs through systematized advertising propaganda, which is becoming increasingly effective with the use of profile personalization tools. It promotes consumption of material goods as a purpose in itself and as an idea of personal fulfillment.

Beyond the alienation and degradation it brings, technology, being a
loyal servant of the states’ interests, strengthens their repressive
mechanisms. Europe, citing the fear of invisible and visible enemies
that it itself has given birth to and nurtured, implements emergency
policies and fortifies the war and “defense” industry (army, police,
telecommunications and surveillance software manufacturing companies, artificial intelligence cameras, geolocation devices, etc.). Thus, the OTE Group, as an offshoot of the “defense” industry, has contributed in practice to the shielding of Fortress Europe, by designing and developing the technological infrastructure of Frontex and eu-LISA, making it an accomplice in the murders of immigrants at the borders and the strengthening of anti-immigration policy. At the same time, it participates in the normalization of surveillance, collecting and generously offering our data to the state mechanism, thus fulfilling the role of the ruffian.

Continue reading “A better world, better for all” – Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van – Kyriakos X. always present by Anarchists (Athens,Greece)

Athens: Greece: Smashing front windows in multiple supermarkets ,and 1 ATM Bank in Athens by Next door sledgehammers.

Smashing front windows in multiple supermarkets in Athens
By Anarchists

Monday I get something, Tuesday I can’t stand it, Wednesday I’m bored, Thursday I can’t wait, Friday morning… fuck the bosses.

What is a broken window doing on the pavement early in the morning? What does the anti-theft in the honey have to do with the control and shaping of our desires? Why aren’t discount offers another solution?

When the questions increase, sometimes you need to break down the wall that separates you from the necessary answers. And if the wall is made of glass, all the better.

Continue reading Athens: Greece: Smashing front windows in multiple supermarkets ,and 1 ATM Bank in Athens by Next door sledgehammers.

The memory of anarchist Lambros Foundas, member of Revolutionary Struggle murdered in an armed conflict with the cops, on 10th of March 2010 in Dafni area in Athens , will always accompany us in the struggle.

In life thunder

Charged with genuine anguish for the choices, the future, the comrades, the struggle.
With sharp thoughts, forged in your own personal effort and the movement.
With decisive acts, firm, flaming.
You showed with your life that the way of the revolutionary is to say little, to act with rage and devotion. With rage and conscience.
In your memory fists tighten…
Tears become weapons…
The choice becomes more imperative.

And in death a wolf

One breath was enough for you, one decision and iron will.
With the weapon in your hand and freedom in your eyes you chased your dreams to the end.
As you lived, that is how you left. Wild and free.

When revolutionaries die
they are not lost

They ride a star and draw courses of freedom in the indefinite.
They draw with their blood what each one of us dreams but is afraid to dare.

They are fireflies in the darkness of inertia.
They are the fire, the struggle, the street.
Lets all take the fire from their fire…
lets not forget – lets act.

Honour to anarchist
Lambros Foundas

The struggle continues.

On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone. (Athens,Greece)

[8/3 18:30 Women’s Prisons in Korydallos]

March 8th and every day we stand beside the imprisoned

On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone.

March 8th is yet another reason to take to the streets and fight against patriarchy and every form of power. For us, mechanisms of oppression, such as class exploitation, racism, transphobia, and others, cannot be seen or fought separately from one another. We expect nothing from the judiciary and any institutional authority, as they perpetuate the complex of class, racist, and gender-based oppression. Instead, we fight to expose the injustice that “Justice” imposes. This year, in a context where struggles against trafficking, the crime in Tempi, and the genocide of Palestinians are filling the streets with rage, we decide to send a signal of solidarity to all those who have been or are imprisoned within the cells of democracy.

It is a fact that patriarchy, class inequality, and racism are what lead women, femininities, trans, and non-binary people to prison. Moreover, life in prison is a mirror, a reflection of society itself, where oppression, insecurity, inadequate healthcare, and lack of freedom are experienced at their extreme. The situation in prisons attests to this. Most prisoners fight for their survival within prison, while often continuing to care for the survival of those outside, as the care for children, family, friends, and comrades does not cease to socially burden women, even after they are imprisoned.
Continue reading On March 8th, we will gather in front of the women’s prisons in Korydallos at 18:30 to send a message of solidarity beyond the walls and show those inside the cages that they are not alone. (Athens,Greece)

Athens,Greece: Text from Korydallos Women’s Prison -SPRING STOPPED AT TEMPI

SPRING STOPPED AT TEMPI – Korydallos Women’s Prison

On Friday 28/2/25, with the participation of all 183 prisoners in Korydallos women’s prison, we held a symbolic protest, refusing the noon locking of the cells and the closure of the yard. We also hung a banner in the yard with the words ” I CAN’T BREATHE. 28/2/23 SPRING STOPPED AT TEMPE “. We all co-signed the following text:







Korydallos Women’s Prison


Athens 28/2: Law & Order lost control for few hours (Greece)

May be 500.000 people followed calls from leftist, communist, anarchist groups, student collectives, the relatives of the Tempi victims, the calls for general strike from unions, the calls from organized football hooligans, to join a gathering at Syntagma Square in the center of Athens. see one of the many calls Biggest gathering since long time. The crowd took over the surrounding avenues from 9 o clock in the morning until early evening. Also participating, voters of ND government, nationalists and few nazis, which got beaten up in between.

Continue reading Athens 28/2: Law & Order lost control for few hours (Greece)

City of Giannena,Greece: Attack Barrage: KYRIAKOS XYMITIRIS PRESENTE ,by anarchist cell for the diffusion of hostilities

On the occasion of the international calls for action for the anarchist
comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris, we carried out the following actions in the city of Ioannina.

On November 16, destruction of the Piraeus ATM outside the Tax Office.
On November 21, destruction of the facade of the “Hotel Kallari”, now a property of the Kahrimanis family, purchased with 800 thousands, initial capital from the wondrous fortune of the Regional Governor Alexandros Kahrimanis.
On New Year’s Eve, vandalism/painting at the ATMs of the National Bank and Piraeus Bank at the Mosque area
Continue reading City of Giannena,Greece: Attack Barrage: KYRIAKOS XYMITIRIS PRESENTE ,by anarchist cell for the diffusion of hostilities