Category Archives: ALF. ELF. E.T.C.

Animal Liberation and Insurrection – Public Discussion Tuesday 10th January 2023, 7pm. (South London,UK)

Animal Liberation and Insurrection – Public Discussion

This society is nothing but a row of tightly monitored cages. Non-human animals have been, and continue to be, at the sharp-end of the scientific-industrial system. Locked up, experimented on, artificialised and domesticated – and yet their revolt continues, in escapes, in violent reactions against their capture and on their jailors.

Against this daily misery, what does an insurrection which finds connection with the revolt of non-human animals look like?

What wild horizons of freedom lie at the point where smashed cages meet severed networks of social control, and sabotage and expropriation spreading through the temples of work and consumption?

Tuesday 10th January 7pm

Touchpaper Anarchist Library

385 Queens Road, New Cross

SE14 5HD

Croix Daurade, charging station on fire, if we don’t burn them, we’ll have the LEZ (Low Emission Zone)! (France)

Croix Daurade, charging station on fire, if we don’t burn them, we’ll have the LEZ (Low Emission Zone)!

At the end of December 2022, while some are driving Teslas and are warm at home, we don’t have the money to pay our bills. To keep warm we made a good fire with a charging station for electric cars in Croix-Daurade.

The LEZ will prevent the poorest from accessing Toulouse under an ecological pretext. Driving an electric car will only stop pollution in your dreams. The LEZ excludes the poor, the poor want to exclude the LEZ.

Statist ecology goes goes in the direction of electricity for everything, in particular with nuclear power, which is an industry of death. The death of the proles colonized in the uranium mines, the death of the production and management of waste, in short the death of the living which would be only a collateral damage.
Continue reading Croix Daurade, charging station on fire, if we don’t burn them, we’ll have the LEZ (Low Emission Zone)! (France)

Event with vegan Kitchen and distro of financial support for the four imprisoned Chilean comrades. (Athens,Greece)

Event with vegan Kitchen and distro of financial support for the four imprisoned Chilean comrades.

In September, an action is carried out with arson attacks on refrigerators and trucks of a meat processing plant, the responsibility of which is taken over by the “ANIMAL RESPONSE GROUP”.

In November four Anti-Speciesists comrades are arrested and since then they remain in custody with the prosecutor asking to serve ten years in prison and their case will be reviewed in January.

Continue reading Event with vegan Kitchen and distro of financial support for the four imprisoned Chilean comrades. (Athens,Greece)

Frankfurt (Germany): Fire on the A66/A661 construction site. Fecher resists!

Frankfurt: Fire on the A66/A661 construction site. Fecher resists! / Tuesday 15 November 2022
On Sunday night we carried out a big attack on several excavators working on the construction of the tunnel under the Riederwald*.
We did this in solidarity with the occupation of the Fechenheim forest, which has been going on since autumn 2021, and with all other comrades.

Continue reading Frankfurt (Germany): Fire on the A66/A661 construction site. Fecher resists!

France,Houdelaincourt (Meuse): sabotaging the ANDRA atmospheric station

Houdelaincourt (Meuse): sabotaging the ANDRA atmospheric station

When Andra offers toys to scientists, we also want to play
Indymedia Lille, October 31, 2022

In the spring of 2022, three months before the results of the declaration of public interest (DUP), the National Agency for the Management of Radioactive Waste unveiled an “excellent” atmospheric station in Houdelaincourt, near Bure (Meuse). The most modern in France.

In its constant search for ideas to gain acceptance for its radioactive waste project, Cigéo, and always in its drive to buy acceptance, to give itself a good image and support on the territory, Andra has offered the national and European scientific community an atmospheric station at the cutting edge of the latest technologies.

Continue reading France,Houdelaincourt (Meuse): sabotaging the ANDRA atmospheric station

Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

Atlanta: burning the movie studio to defend the forest

In Atlanta, Georgia, the city council voted on September 8, 2021 to allocate 34 acres of the South River Forest to a $90 million police militarization training center project, known to locals as “Cop City.” The facility includes a reconstructed city for cops to train in, as well as a helicopter landing pad, new firing ranges and more. Its development is led by the Atlanta Police Foundation and two-thirds of the funding comes from “philanthropic” and corporate donors, sending the rest of the bill back to the public.

Since April 2021, a struggle has been underway to oppose this “Cop City” project, with regular attacks and sabotage and an occupation of the wooded area to the east, which has reverted to its former name of Weelaunee Forest. And since the Hollywood film studio on the edge of the forest, Shadowbox Studios (formerly Blackhall Studios), also planned to expand by destroying another 80 hectares on the same side as the “Cop City” project, it became another target from the start. This summer, on July 31, when workers intervened accompanied by cops to try to clear the land needed for its expansion, they were, for example, pelted with stones, a backhoe was smashed and a company pickup truck set on fire, after other identical attacks (see brief chronology below).

Continue reading Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

When the car jack cracks the rail (France)

via: lille.indymedia

When the car jack cracks the rail

ANDRA fuck off, we’re on the right track!

To our friends, the mischievous kids, we wanted to recount… one of those beautiful starry nights.

In small crew, we left at night. We walked, we crawled a little bit, we wandered around. Given that we were a little prepared, the reconnaissance had spotted everything well. We laughed, though not too much humming, maybe we were a bit stressed. But even if we hardly saw each other, we promise you that that there were smiles.

And we found on our way… a railroad track. By the greatest of the chances! Then, with the tools we had, one of the rails was… somewhat damaged. Oops! Very patiently, quietly and with all the precautions, we waited little by little … that the car jack cracks the rail! And then we left quietly, without leaving any trace.
Continue reading When the car jack cracks the rail (France)


18th September.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of the report, Unoffensive Animal would like to once again repeat that we are a media platform and do not promote the published actions, nor we know the authorship of the reports.

translated by a comrade and supporter:

“Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing to the conscience of the room, because if this system had a conscience I would not be here, in my place would be all the butchers, vivisectors and fur farmers around the world.”
Peter Young, vegan straight edge warrior of the Animal Liberation Front.

We send this report to claim responsibility for the action of assault and fire that affected the main refrigerator of the company that distributes dismembered corpses “Susaron” and its trucks, in the commune of Quilicura on the night of the national September 18.

We located the target in advance, verify entry and exit. And no… Do not believe what the press says regarding the supposed suspects, which, apparently, leaves us as careless and unwary. Obviously we weren’t interested in meat, much less looking for monetary returns. We didn’t hit the guard either (not because we were unwilling, but because he understood he was at risk and didn’t do anything stupid). Do not be so easily deceived by chewing on any product that the television channels and their media deliver to you.


Graz (Austria): anti-militarist attack against a Mercedes supplier

Graz, anti-militarist attack against a Mercedes supplier

Translated from German via Sozialer Zorn, 18 August 2022
(via Autonomous Blättchen #50)

On August 18th we sabotaged the factory of Magna Steyr, supplier of Mercedes in Graz. To do this, we opened the cable shafts next to the railroad tracks leading to the company’s site, and then we set fire to them. Mercedes G-class SUVs are assembled at this site.

Mercedes-Benz sells its jeeps to the super-rich as well as to state armies. Mercedes is part of the dual civil-military industry and profits from the continuous destruction of the ecosystem. This action is an encouragement to attack the war industry as well as those responsible for the destruction of the earth.

via: sansnom

Commercy (Meuse): identify the collaborators of the nuclear disaster and attack them (France)

Commercy (Meuse): identify the collaborators of the nuclear disaster and attack them

Indymedia Lille, September 25, 2022

We claim political responsibility for the arson attack on the private vehicle of ARCHILOR company owner Michaëll Barrois in Commercy on the night of September 22.

Our goal was to cause as much material damage as possible to the company. We decided not to attack directly the isolated office building of the company to avoid harming to people, because we have the impression that Mr. Barrois occasionally uses the second floor of the building privately at night. We do not know Mr. Barrois personally, although we have been able to get a fairly clear picture of his habits and daily routine over the past few months. He may be a nice guy. We don’t know and we don’t care. What matters to us is this:

With the progressive realization of the CIGÉO atomic waste disposal center project, the militarization of the area around Bure is becoming more and more concrete. In the direct vicinity of the ANDRA dump, a huge Gendarmerie barracks is being built, with the objective of controlling massive interventions in the future. (The reactivation of the Montiers-sur-Saulx barracks failed in 2018, after the building was completely destroyed by fire). In addition, the prefecture requested a building permit at the beginning of the year, in order to build permanent buildings in place of the 20 portable offices used by the Gendarmes on the ANDRA laboratory site. At present, 75 mobile guards are permanently present at the laboratory, a militarization directly financed by ANDRA. The contract for the realization of the project, worth 99.000 €, was awarded to the architecture and planning office ARCHILOR, 61 RUE DE ST MIHIEL, 55200 COMMERCY.

Continue reading Commercy (Meuse): identify the collaborators of the nuclear disaster and attack them (France)