Category Archives: ALF. ELF. E.T.C.


from the anarchist wall newspaper in Agrinio city .

The hydroelectric dams in the lower reaches of the Achelou River – Kremasta since 1966, Kastraki since 1969 and Stratos since 1989 – as well as the concrete encasing of the river bed, as major interventions in the natural ecosystem of these areas, have brought already a significant alteration, degradation and change of use in the lower Paracheloite land, with devastating consequences for both the environment and its people.

Entire villages were uprooted and swept away by the waters; arable lands, extremely fertile due to the river’s input and centuries of human labour on them, found themselves at the bottom of man-made lakes, along with the culture and history they housed.


Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity

[In Canada, a struggle has been underway for several years on Wet’suwet’en territory against the Coastal GasLink pipeline project, being punctuated by numerous sabotages, occupations and incendiary attacks. During a raid in Calgary on the site of the company responsible for drilling under the Wedzin Kwa River, anarchists were able to make public in June 2022 the names of the two German manufacturers of the huge drilling machines used on site (Herrenkencht and Bauer). On August 3, 2022, Bauer construction machinery, including an expensive drilling rig, went up in smoke in the Bavarian region. And on the night of Sunday May 5 to Monday May 6, two more Bauer drilling machines were set alight on a construction site in the Wedding district of Berlin, in solidarity with the struggles of the Wet’suwet’en people, and more broadly against extractivist projects. Below is a translation from the German of the communique published the same day on]

Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!

Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic fracking, deforestation and pipelines. In the territory occupied by the Canadian state, for example, a huge project is currently under construction: the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, designed to transport gas extracted by hydraulic fracking. This project not only destroys entire regions, but also threatens the Wet’suwet’en indigenous way of life. The pipeline is to be built on their territory, crossing the Wedzin Kwa River, which is essential to their way of life as a source of water and fish. That’s why the Wet’suwet’en have long opposed this project with fierce resistance, defending their land. Their resistance is met with strong repression, but also benefits from great solidarity.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): drilling machines set ablaze in solidarity

A Call to action against the North Bothnia Line – Northern Sweden

Actforfree: receive and spread:


AUGUST 11th – 17th 2024



Why aiming at this beast?

This is a call to action against the North Bothnia Line, a railway just beginning to be built along the coast of Swedish-occupied Sápmi. This project is a continuation of several hundred years of brutal colonization of the peoples and lands in Sápmi. Extractive industries are thriving on the increased demand for raw materials following the so-called “green transition”. This makes them continually stress the importance and urgency of the train line. So do the Swedish State and the European Union.

The track will be used for both passenger and freight trains. But the true reasons behind the project becomes quite obvious when reading the list of financiers, and also by reading the North Bothnia Line Group’s project leader Elisabeth Sinclair’s statement that “[a]lthough the passenger traffic between the coastal cities is important, it is the goods that are the basis of the North Bothnia Line”.
Continue reading A Call to action against the North Bothnia Line – Northern Sweden

Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich, ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday night, April 4, Munich firefighters were alerted to a major blaze in the Meillerweg district, just a few hundred meters from the Maximilianeum, the historic seat of the Bavarian State Parliament. On the scene, they discovered four pieces of construction equipment being consumed by flames: a backhoe, two wheel loaders and a Unimog (a small Mercedes all-terrain utility truck).

Except that this is not just any old place, because in addition to being a stone’s throw from the Palace of the Rulers of the Kingdom of Bavaria, it’s also the construction site for the second main line of the capital’s S-Bahn subway system. To be more precise, it involved relocating a district heating pipe to build a relief shaft from the railway tunnel. The four machines, located far apart, were completely destroyed, with damage running into six figures. The Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) and the “Raute” investigation group were on the scene with sniffer dogs and forensic police.

Fortunately for them, the minions of law and order have a serious lead, as revealed by a major regional newspaper a few weeks later (Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 10): it’s probably ghosts, perhaps escaped from Ludwig II’s famous castle at Neuschwanstein (but on this last point, the cops are less formal).Let’s be the judge, since with this latest sabotage against the subway construction site, investigators are now attributing some 30 destructive attacks to Munich’s ghosts, causing at least 20 million euros worth of damage: “They set fire to power lines and construction equipment, telecoms antennas and electric vehicles; railroads are also the target of their attacks, as are geothermal pipelines. The identity of the perpetrators and their origins remain a mystery. Like ghosts, they leave no exploitable trace and no statement claiming the action. Who has an interest in attacking the critical infrastructure of Greater Munich? This is the question security services have been asking themselves since the series of attacks began at least three years ago.The damage caused so far is approaching the €20 million mark.”
Continue reading Munich (Germany): ghosts continue to haunt the night    

Sainte-Soline, France: Regarding Sainte-Soline

Many of us returned home dejected following the demonstration of Sainte-Soline on March 25th 2023.

And yet, upon seeing the media coverage and then the official response of Les Soulèvements de la Terre [The Earth Uprisings Collective], despondency turned to anger.

All the demonstrators had been depicted as victims of police violence, we had been denied any power of initiative, any organization, any offensive violence,

We refuse this image that they want to give of us. We reject the victimist media strategy.

If you find yourself in it, we hope you will like this little video.

A propos de Sainte-Soline from Ron Priot on Vimeo.

via: attaque Translated by Act for freedom now!

Against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine)

Here’s the English translation of the pamphlet against extractivism and the world that needs it (The Devastating Megamachine), available for download! The first  .pdf file is the cover, the second one is the text.

Printing and distributing is encouraged, as well as sending comments, critiques and general feedbacks to our mail: bencivengaoccupato -at-

cover pdf

pamphlet pdf


Lacroisille/Appelle (Tarn), France: The series of attacks against the A69 continues

The series of attacks against the A69 continues

via: attaque  May 25 update:

When the world of concrete catches fire again and again

IAATA / Saturday May 25, 2024

On the night of May 23 to 24, a new bonfire sparkled on this grey horizon
The IPCC aims to show its presence with the destruction of construction equipment at the French national level in order to counter the lack of ecological justice.

The concessionaires and project managers feel their project threatened, whether legally, from public opinion or from citizen opposition. They are trying to impose it by force so as not to lose a crumb of the juicy profits that land-grabbing promises them.

Continue reading Lacroisille/Appelle (Tarn), France: The series of attacks against the A69 continues

Pößneck (Germany): “It’s better to make a disorder…”.

“It’s better to make a disorder…”.

The small town of Pößneck, some thirty kilometers south of the city of Jena (in the Thuringia region), is not known for its mischief, to say the least.

Unlike its little sister, Jena’s walls have, over the centuries, endured the fury of peasant rebels who, between 1524 and 1526, destroyed and pillaged hundreds of castles and religious buildings in the Holy Roman Empire. This insurrection, dubbed the “Uprising of the Common Man” (Erhebung des gemeinen Mannes) or more simply the “Peasants’ War” following Engels’ study, even aroused the ire of the Pope of Protestantism, Martin Luther, who advised the nobility to slaughter the 300,000 insurgent beggars to the last man. In his pamphlet entitled Contre les hordes de paysans voleurs et assassins (May 1525) (Against the hordes of thieving, murderous peasants), Luther wrote: “Let all who can, strike, kill and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that there is nothing more poisonous, harmful or diabolical than a rebel. It’s like when you have to kill a rabid dog: if you don’t hit it, it will hit you, and a whole country with you.”

But today, the good city of Jena is best known in the textbooks of domination as having been one of the cradles of German Romanticism, whose university saw Goethe and prestigious teachers such as Fichte, Schiller and Hegel pass through, not to mention a famous student, Karl Marx, who completed his doctorate in philosophy there in 1841. A little later, it was also here that Ernst Haeckel, patent eugenicist and inventor of the term “ecology” in 1866 (the anarchist Elisée Reclus preferred the term “mesology”), made his career. However, it would be a pity to remain in the academic sky of bourgeois ideas in 19th-century Jena, without mentioning another, lesser-known revolt that brought the city down to earth.
Continue reading Pößneck (Germany): “It’s better to make a disorder…”.

Quebec,Canada : Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Let the axe
Strike at the root, the poison-tree will fall

On Sunday, May 5th, five incendiary devices were placed at the Northvolt construction site in Quebec. This action was taken to damage machinery and reduce the project’s ability to continue. Unfortunately, these devices failed to ignite. If there is one takeaway to share, when choosing materials consider how weather (high humidity or rain) might decrease the chances of a device igniting. The longer the timer, the longer the device will be exposed to environmental factors thereby decreasing the window of success.

Why choosing to attack and damage property? While Northvolt, a transnational corporation, sells themselves as the leader of the green transition, they are in fact its headstone. The electric vehicles the company plans to provide with their batteries are a false solution to the environmental destruction caused by industrial society; rather this expension of the automotive industry is only allowing the devastating impact of car infrastructure to continue. With this project, Canada’s insatiable appetite for natural resources will only grow. Lithium mining, which is essential in the process of producing Northvolt’s “green” Lithium Ion batteries, is poisoning human communities and entire ecosystems across the land. Lithium is already being extracted from unceded Indigenous territories here in “Quebec”, with many new mines planning to start operating in the next few years. With this kind of mega project, lakes, forests and wetlands will disappear under new roads and pit mines.

Continue reading Quebec,Canada : Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall

Bassecourt (Switzerland): arson of deep geothermal energy sensors (+ additional information)

Sensors used for geothermal energy were stolen, then set on fire
Le Quotidien jurassien/Le Temps (Switzerland), April 19, 2024

Residents of a neighborhood south of Bassecourt had a restless start to the night on Wednesday April 17. Shortly after 11 p.m., they were disturbed by the sound of an explosion. “There was a fire in the middle of the road,” says one resident. While the fire lasted for many minutes and gave off thick smoke, this witness later discovered that the fire had been started on a pile of electronic equipment.

“My first reaction was to think that someone had set fire to a box of fireworks”, confides the man who called the local council the following morning. On the contrary, it was a number of geophones currently being used as part of a geophysical measurement campaign in the valley.
Continue reading Bassecourt (Switzerland): arson of deep geothermal energy sensors (+ additional information)