All posts by Act for freedom now!


For Kyriakos Xymitiris.

December 2024

“Arm yourself and be violent, beautifully violent, until everything explodes. Because, you must remember that any violent action against these promoters of inequality is clearly justified by the centuries of infinite violence they have subjected us to.”
Mauricio Morales

Words are sometimes hopelessly inadequate to describe the state of affairs. There is no word that accurately describes the mental pain that revolutionaries feel when fellow travelers, who together traveled miles in the struggle against the barbarity of power and exploitation from person to person, lose their lives violently. Especially when the thread of life is cut in the most tragic way, in the process of less visible or even completely invisible risks, risks that prepare the ground for an imminent attack on the world of power. But if this one word existed, it should carry in turn the words

Pain, Rage, Revenge…

This October will forever remain in history as another star that went out early, shooting thousands of black arrows into the depths of our souls.

Since October 31, after that cursed explosion on Arcadia Street in Ampelokipi, the world of struggle has been left once again in ruins. Anarchists, communists, fighters, we are reliving the pain of violent separation. We are reliving the sudden shock of realizing that there are fewer of us left in this difficult struggle, losing a bright smile and a tireless and sparkling gaze, which we must realize we will never see again in any amphitheatre, in any demo, in any solidarity bar.

Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it

To the comrades of Carrara, who will honour the memory and struggle of anarchist revolutionary Alfredo M. Bonanno at the Circolo Culturale Anarchico ”Gogliardo Fiaschi” on December 8th 2024.


By raising our insurgent fists from the Greek metropolis, we welcome your initiative to honour the memory of the comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno. A few kilometres away from you, the answer to the question “Why is it necessary to highlight the historicality of the work of the comrade Alfredo”, lies in the simplest of concepts: the constant need of a free person to revolt against misery and the constant necessity for the world of poverty to be completely destroyed.

At a time of political retreat and reform, it is our collective duty to undo the natural death of a comrade, giving breath and vibrancy to the propositions that characterized his life and his passing from every field of struggle. To fight radically and with a point of aggression, to sharpen the conflict in all the fields of social antagonism. To fight to win, not moments, but the totality of freedom.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it

winter bbq for kpn -amsterdam (Netherlands)

Night of the 16th to the 17th december
electric van of kpn torched
neighbourhood amsterdam nieuw-west

firestarters (the white non-bio ones)
create a break line in the middle and don’t take out of plastic
place whole pack on either front tire
light with storm lighter through plastic packaging
enjoy your bbq from a safe distance

against kpn and its network of control and surveillance, its AI war technology and everything it does and stands for



actforfree note : KPN is one of the main mobile phone and telecommunications operators in the Netherlands. See the previous attack against them on 25 November here.

Berlin (Germany): attack on the arms company ThyssenKrupp

ThyssenKrupp grows rich on war and genocide

Many are angry. Angry at the genocide in Gaza. Angry at the bombs falling on civilians, schools and hospitals. Against global military rearmament. Against the bloodshed and forced displacement of millions. Against propaganda for “war capacity” and a Germany “ready to defend itself”. Against arms supplies and arms industry profits, and against plans to reintroduce compulsory military service. Against automated assassination through AI-directed drone attacks.

Too much anger.
That rage was unleashed yesterday.
Against the arms company ThyssenKrupp.
Yesterday, three trucks were set on fire at the ThyssenPlastics plant in Berlin, and a warehouse was set on fire.

Why ThyssenKrupp?

Through its subsidiary ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), Thysenkrupp makes billions building warships of all kinds. These include submarines, corvettes and frigates produced in Hamburg, Kiel and Emden. Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems (TKMS) is Germany’s sole supplier of submarines.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): attack on the arms company ThyssenKrupp

Carrara, Italy: Incendiary attack against three heavy vehicles at a marble quarry in the Campocecina area (Carrara, 3 November 2024)

Carrara, Incendiary attack against three heavy vehicles at a marble quarry in the Campocecina area

Lingue di fuoco [Tongues of fire]

In the night between Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November a fire lit up a moonless night on the Apuan mountains destroying three heavy vehicles in a marble quarry in the Campo di Cecina area near Carrara.

Continue reading Carrara, Italy: Incendiary attack against three heavy vehicles at a marble quarry in the Campocecina area (Carrara, 3 November 2024)

Brissac (Hérault): a hot strike against extractivism (France)

Near Montpellier. Brissac quarry: metal conveyor belts destroyed by fire, October 24, 2024 (excerpt)

Fire alert at 6:45 a.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at the Brissac quarry in the Gangeois region, north of Montpellier: metal conveyor belts used to transport ore were completely engulfed in flames at the CMSE (Carrières & Matériaux Sud-Est) extraction site operated by Colas, at Le Devois de la Vernède, on the Notre-Dame-de-Londres road.

Some fifteen conveyors were destroyed and twenty damaged, and may still be out of use. The offices, other adjoining buildings and the fleet of Colas vehicles were spared. The fifteen or so employees could find themselves out of work, while the provisional loss is estimated at 6 million euros. Fire detection experts and technicians from the criminal identification unit of the Hérault Gendarmerie are on the scene.

Continue reading Brissac (Hérault): a hot strike against extractivism (France)

Update from Cassavetias prisons demo , and from the gathering at Korydallos prison in Athens 12/12/24

On Thursday, 12/12/24, approximately 40 comrades from different cities, gathered outside the Kassavetia prison to support our comrade K.K., who is imprisoned in this particular “correctional” facility.

The aim was for Dinos K. on his 18th birthday and being a prisoner of the social war, not to feel alone, not to feel that our solidarity, our practical political/material/moral and psychological support for him, will not accompany him  UNTIL FREEDOM

(Athens) Update from the gathering at Korydallos prison Thu. 12/12
Today, Thursday 12/12 in the afternoon, a gathering was held at Korydallos prison against mandatory DNA collection, for which an order had been given a few days before, but also in solidarity with our comrades who were about to be subjected to this torture process.
The gathering remained for a while at the basketball courts opposite the male prison then headed opposite the women’s prison, where we heard the imprisoned comrades. Slogans were shouted and fliers were thrown.

text given out:


On 31/10/24, after a device exploded in an apartment in Ampelokipi, our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris fell in the battle for social and class liberation. Our anarchist comrade Marianna M., who was also in the apartment, ended up severely injured in the “Evangelismos” Hospital. The well-known witch hunt followed, resulting in the arrests of comrade Dimitris, anarchist comrade Dimitra Z., anarchist comrade N. Romanou and A.K.
Continue reading Update from Cassavetias prisons demo , and from the gathering at Korydallos prison in Athens 12/12/24

“Fire, struggle, Intifada”: action against a Carrefour in Rome (Italy)


On the 23rd of November, during the national demonstration of the NUDM [Non Una di Meno, Not One Less] in Rome, as women, queers and non-conforming subjectivities, we decided to reappropriate violence by punishing the Carrefour in via Labicana.
“Sisters destroy and burn everything” will not remain a slogan emptied of all meaning, that is why we must apply it in reality. To break a window and set on fire is the expression of our rage and refusal of the feminisation of passivity.

Continue reading “Fire, struggle, Intifada”: action against a Carrefour in Rome (Italy)

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): fire to the trucks collaborating with the A69 (France)

Charred trucks, explosions, anti-A69 tags: what we know about the violent fire in Toulouse
ActuToulouse/Ouest France/La Dépêche, October 21, 2024
Several explosions ripped through the night, rousing many Toulousains from their beds. On Monday, October 21, 2024, at around 4 a.m., a violent fire broke out on the premises of Spie Batignolles, located in the Gramont district of Toulouse. When firefighters arrived on the scene, seven trucks were engulfed in flames. An eighth was only just saved. The explosions heard by local residents were none other than the tires of the trucks, which were subjected to temperatures too extreme for them to withstand.
Specialized in construction work, Spie Batignolles is involved in two major projects in the Toulouse region: line C of the Toulouse metro, and the A69 highway between Toulouse and Castres. This project has been the subject of fierce protests from environmental militants for many months.
The police are investigating the incident as a crime, and the Toulouse public prosecutor’s office has opened an inquiry for “deliberate damage to private property by dangerous means”. Damage is estimated at 2 million euros.

Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): fire to the trucks collaborating with the A69 (France)

Sabotage of Ottawa factory producing parts for Israel’s F-35 warplanes (Canada)

Earlier this week a group of people sabotaged Gastops’ factory in Ottawa, the only place in the world where engine sensors are produced for Lockheed’s F-35 combat jets — including the ones dropping 2,000 pound bombs on Gaza. We cut the wiring inside all of the heat pumps on the Gastops roof, locked them out with official Ministry of Health and Safety lock-out tags, shut off the gas, broke the handles for their systems, and cut the lines to their backup communication system on the way out.

The following letter and photos were left on site:

Continue reading Sabotage of Ottawa factory producing parts for Israel’s F-35 warplanes (Canada)