All posts by Act for freedom now!
March 29: Communiqué of Pablo Bahamonde Ortiz “Bear,” subversive prisoner on hunger strike from Santiago 1 jail.EN/ IT/ ES/ FR
March 29: Communiqué of Pablo Bahamonde Ortiz “Bear,” subversive prisoner on hunger strike from Santiago 1 jail.
On days like today are many brothers and sisters that come to memory… Time has passed, but at every moment of my life they are always present in my being, picking up all the experience and wisdom of their Steps. To mention each one would make for an extensive list, the diverse circumstances of their falls shows that times are not so different in how much the blows that power executes those who challenge the comfort of the powerful.
Blood, pain and rage is transformed into a path of destruction and creation that has no end. From this humble reflection, I take air and continue irreducibly.
Understand that imprisonment is just a probable scenario of the Life, for those who choose to break the normality and legality of power.
Punishment and isolation as a method of achieving repentments will be the result they will find for our undominated bodies and minds.
The continuity of the fight is a permanent construction, infinite and Multiform with insurrectionary and insolent character that confronts oppression, Misery and exploitation.
From this place, the call will always be for the exacerbation of the conflict, preparation, feeling and living subversive praxis, breaking the old, dogmatic, moralistic, patriarchal, authoritarian and toxic logics that only cause damage and mistrust inside collectives and conscious individuals.
Always, the struggle of our Brothers and Sisters kidnapped by the Status will be the task that complements the fight that daily thousands of You contribute to in the various spaces of offensive resistance.
It is urgent to multiply and strengthen complicity networks, generating various actions for demanding freedom without conditions for thousands of us that find ourselves behind these walls. Solidarity must give that exquisite offensive and combative jump that historically reflects Steps of thousands who have fallen in this fight.
The enemy day by day is lurking and it is time to return the blows… It’s time to put into practice that the control mechanisms will be unusable for those who assume the roads of total liberation with conscience and heart.
An embrace of complicity and insurrection to the Brothers and Sisters that Today are on strike, today we put our bodies as weapons facing once More against the State and its laws.
Combatant Youth, Permanent Insurrection!!! For the repeal of Article 9 and the Restitution of Article 1 ° Of Decree Law 321!!!
Release to the Street Comrade Marcelo Villarroel and All Political Prisoners, Subversive Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Mapuche Liberation Prisoners and Prisoners of the Revolt!!!
As long as there is misery, there will be rebellion!!!
Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz “Bear”
Subversive prisoner of Villa France
Jail-company santiago 1
Maximum module
March 29, 2021.
via: amwenglish
Comunicato di Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz, prigioniero sovversivo in sciopero della fame nel carcere di “Santiago 1” (Cile, 29.03.2021) [it, es]
6 Months Undead. Liebig is Everywhere! (Germany , Berlin)
Six months since Liebig 34, as the constellation of the haus on the corner of Liebigstrasse and Rigaerstrasse, ceased to exist. Six months since years of struggle culminated in an eviction in the morning, a riot in the evening, countless other acts of solidarity -including an attack on the ringbahn which left it out of service for days- and ultimately the loss of a global symbol of anarcho-queer-
But six months on and Liebig lives; in Bristol where last week a demonstration -following the kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard by a Metropolitican police officer- against gendered violence and a new authoritarian policing bill escalated into a night of violence against the police; in London where the same struggle resulted in the occupation of a disused police station; in Mexico City on International Women’s day, where militant feminists broke down the fence surrounding the National Palace and set fire to the riot cops‘ shields; in the last week in Berlin where the eviction of Meuterei and the ongoing threat to Rigaer 94, Potse, Koepi Wagenplatz and other projects saw demonstrating and attacks. With the haus gone Liebig is at once nowhere and everywhere.
Continue reading 6 Months Undead. Liebig is Everywhere! (Germany , Berlin)
Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado público de inicio de huelga de hambre por parte de compañerxs subversivxs y anarquistas [Es/Fr/It/Pt/En]
via: es-contrainfo
Comunicado público de inicio de Huelga de Hambre.
A los pueblos, individuxs, comunidades y territorios en lucha y resistencia.
A quienes se rebelan ante este presente de opresión y miseria.
A nuestras manadas, familias, amigxs, complicidades, compañerxs y amores repartidos por el mundo.
A todxs!!:
Hoy lunes 22 de Marzo, siendo las 00.00hrs en Santiago de Chile, lxs prisionerxs de la guerra social:
– Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda en la cárcel femenina de San Miguel.
– Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda,
– Joaquín García Chanks,
– Juan Flores Riquelme y
– Juan Aliste Vega (en la C.A.S. adhiriendo más no en huelga dada su situación médica) todos en la cárcel de alta seguridad.
– Francisco Solar Domínguez en la sección de máxima seguridad.
– Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz,
– José Ignacio Duran Sanhueza,
– Tomas González Quezada y
– Gonzalo Farias Barrientos en los módulos 2 y 3 de la cárcel empresa de stgo 1, damos por iniciada una movilización con características de Huelga de Hambre Líquida e indefinida por:
– La Derogación del art.9 y la Restitución del art.1 del Decreto ley 321!!!
– Salida a la kalle del kompañero Marcelo Villarroel y de todxs lxs prisionerxs subversivxs, anarquistas, de la liberación mapuche y de la revuelta!!!
De modo simple es que no haya retroactividad en la modificación de la ley que regula la «libertad condicional». Y que ésta vuelva a ser un derecho adquirido de la persona presa y no un beneficio como hoy lo estipula la ley transformada permanentemente en función de la razón de estado para mantener secuestradxs a quienes luchan contra la normalidad de lo existente.
Chile – Words from anarchist comrade Marcelo Villaroel
25th March 2021
On the constant struggle against reclusion and the war to the death against the prison society and those who support it
To live resisting reclusion for days, weeks, months, years, whole decades is a constant and millimetric struggle against those who keep us behind bars, strengthening our will to persist and keep going. These caged days are not a simple picture of reclusion but rather the everyday struggle of a prisoner where there is no real resistance without concrete praxis, no matter how words embellish falsified reality with the skills of a scriptwriter.
A long inalienable path of conflict against every authority, inside and outside the conflict, continuing a practice of combat written in rebel and subversive blood, insurrectional and autonomous, warrior blood of word and action. Because by sustaining a constant confrontation with the world of power and merchandise, authority and borders, State, prison and capital, we give continuity to the memory of attack of the libertarian autonomous subversive resistance of the last 25 years.
Continue reading Chile – Words from anarchist comrade Marcelo Villaroel
received anonymously via encrypted email:
“In the early hours of the 4th of April we paid a visit to the butchers shop in Hanham, Bristol. Every available shutter,door and wall was painted with slogans such as “scum” “ALF” “go vegan” and “meat kills”.
A small side window was also gleefully smashed! We can’t fully comprehend the pain and suffering animals go through on farms and in slaughterhouses so instead we take action for them. Together we can bankrupt animal abusers and create a better world.
Action dedicated to the Bristol rioters – hurt cops not animals!
abril 6, 2021
Ante la represión contra lxs compañerxs del servidor anarquista, varios proyectos se vieron afectados por el momento. Act For Freedom Now! ha decidido volver en un nuevo alojamiento en autistici/inventati. El nuevo link es:
Anarchist Leonardo Landi released from Sollicciano prison (Italy, March 25, 2021)
Every now and then a good news: yesterday, March 25, 2021, our comrade Leonardo Landi was released from Sollicciano prison (Florence) for the end of his sentence. We embrace him again with affection, and with unchanged anger against all prisons!
As long as even one is behind bars, we will never be free!
Anti-Repression Fund of the Western Alps [Cassa AntiRepressione delle Alpi occidentali]
Note: Anarchist Leonardo Landi was arrested on February 26, 2019 following a cassation sentence related to a trial for a robbery that took place in 2007, for which some anarchists were arrested and investigated in the context of the “Ardesia” repressive operation. He was convicted to a residual sentence of 2 years and 8 months. The other convicted defendants served their sentences. During these years he was imprisoned in Lucca, Vibo Valentia and Sollicciano (Florence) prisons.
[Translated into english by].
Athens Greece: Viktoria area has a new squatted social center-Ζιζάνια on Fylis and Feron ( ELLINIKA/ ENGLISH/ FRANÇAIS/ TURKISH/ فارسی/ اردو/ عربى/)
original text from :athens.indymedia.
and updates: 4.4.21
The first day of zizanio has come to an end! The corner of Fylis and Ferron was filled with life by solidarians who supported the projects, neighboors who came to meet and greet and bypassers who contributed to our effort to gather first need products. The attendance and participation of the people invited as well as of the people who spontaneously approached the space was of great practical and sentimental value to each and everyone of us! The need to support the project continues especially during the first days which are crucial for both its progress and in terms of repression. Our rendez-vous is renewed for (today) 4/4 from 10.00 for collective works in our new space.
P.S. Our most immediate need is furniture(tables, chairs, carpets, cushions)