All posts by Act for freedom now!
Text of Alfredo Cospito from Ferrara prison: A Contribution About the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto”
A Contribution About the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto”
Let me preface this by saying that living in a “bubble” (a high security section) it was only today, April 2021, that I received the “Reflections on the contemporary informal, insurrectional and internationalist anarchist substrate. For a new anarchist manifesto“, written back in February–April 2020.
Although I don’t know how this has evolved, I would still like to have my say, by giving my contribution on what I believe is the real and concrete essence of what is sometimes called “the new anarchy”, sometimes “the black international”. I would like this writing of mine to circulate as much as possible outside the Italian borders and so I hope that some comrade will translate these words of mine into the various languages. My intention is simply to clarify a few points, I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes, mine are just slightly different points of view… The first thing I noticed in this document is that the Federazione Anarchica Informale – Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale (Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front) and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are never mentioned. This lack from my point of view is quite surprising and indicative because we are talking about experiences of armed struggle that, with all their limitations, gave the start to this phenomenon. These two experiences have bequeathed to us a concreteness that we only dreamed of before, a concreteness that was the product of a real “international”. An international that has allowed anarchists to communicate through actions without organizations and coordination of any kind. A force that has made itself recognisable by presenting itself to the world through acronyms. Acronyms behind which there were nothing but anarchists of action who related to each other through the words that followed the actions. Comrades who had only one aim in that specific field: the concrete and factual destruction of the existing and not recognition or self-representation within an assembly. In your writing (which, if I understand correctly, would have among many other beneficial purpose to “mitigate the discrepancies” between the so-called “social” and “anti-social” struggles) the real essence of this “new” anarchy is brought back on the tracks of traditional insurrectionalism. I say this because basic concepts that are foundational to this “new” anarchy in your words are distorted if not overturned. Words that would seem an attempt to give an organic, a structure to a phenomenon that by its nature is ethereal, unstructured and that finds its strength precisely in this its intangibility and unpredictability.
In Europe in past years, among more or less informal anarchists, attempts similar to yours were tried. Attempts of more or less successful international assemblies. Attempts that beyond the initial intentions did not lead to anything but books, documents prepared in common and various posters, reducing in fact to the usual scene for the usual known comrades. At this point I must reiterate what are (according to my lonely point of view) the founding concepts at the base of the new informal anarchist practices:
– Overcoming the assembly “instrument”, only the actions speak, only the anarchists who risk their lives by striking hard; communication takes place through the claims. Continue reading Text of Alfredo Cospito from Ferrara prison: A Contribution About the “Proposal For a New Anarchist Manifesto”
Leaving the SPVM Behind to Attack a High-Tech Hub: A Promising Anti-Capitalist May Day ( Montreal,Canada)
This May Day, Montreal’s annual anti-capitalist demonstration organized by the CLAC gathered in Jarry Park under the theme “No old normal, no new normal”. It was a sunny late afternoon, and the energy was high amid the banners and black flags as the demo began to snake through the residential streets of Villeray.
Heading west on De Castelnau, fireworks were set off, and construction cones were used to block the road behind us. The cops seemed confused about the route we were taking, which meant that there were less of them in our near vicinity. Dropping south onto Jean-Talon, the demo continued west through the viaduct beneath the St-Jérôme commuter rail line.
Leaving the Police Behind
Turning south on Parc Avenue from Jean-Talon, the demo excitedly entered a second viaduct under the same rail line. This time, a surprise was in store for the police vans and bike cops waiting for the crowd to pass to the other side before continuing to trail the demo: smoke bombs were set off in the viaduct, and crow’s feet were deployed on the road to puncture the tires of any cop vans that might brave the smoke-filled passageway. These actions effectively blocked the viaduct, a chokepoint in the area, to all traffic.
Continue reading Leaving the SPVM Behind to Attack a High-Tech Hub: A Promising Anti-Capitalist May Day ( Montreal,Canada)
Rome, Italy – 5G antenna on fire
We receive from anonymous mail and spread:
Against the technological system and advancing control we can only oppose destructive action. For this in the night between 14th and 15th April a 5G WindTre antenna was set on fire in Via Tor tre Treste, Rome.
Fiery thoughts for Juan and the brothers and the sister on hunger strike in Chile. Freedom for Marcelo Villaroel!
Long live anarchy!
Translated by act for freedom now!
May the solidarity, heterogeneous and insurrectionary, spread over many regions
Received by email:
“Last March 22nd different anarchist and subversive partners from the revolt, kidnapped in many prisons of the Chilean state, have begun a hunger strike demanding the repeal of the article 9 and the restitution of the article 1st from the decree of the law 321.
The retroactive character of this law modifies the request’s periods of conditional release, which directly harms mates with long sentences, and thousands of prisoners across the region
Continue reading May the solidarity, heterogeneous and insurrectionary, spread over many regions
Thessaloniki, Greece: SOLIDARITY ATTACK CLAIM by Arsonist Troublemakers groups
Technology has always been a strong ally of domination. Today, however, one could say that it is one of its most important weapons. So technology has flooded every corner of our daily lives. “Smart phones”, “Smart watches”, “Smart homes”, even “Smart cities”. Everything ready and arranged for our convenience. Behind this apparent convenience we have been given, there is huge business. A massive collection of information on each individual. Mobile phone companies clearly have their place of honour in this situation. Always available to hand over conversations, messages and any other information they have, they have proved their good cooperation with the institutions of power many times.
One of these times was the dystopian period 2020-2021. At the first warning of “mass imprisonment”, these companies hurried to comfort the people with packages of offers to gild the pill of each person, who had to stay home at all costs. Still, they have been and are one of the most basic means of social control, as movement is allowed mainly by sms, while at any time the civil protection have the ability to send out messages, with ridiculous sirens blaring.
Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: SOLIDARITY ATTACK CLAIM by Arsonist Troublemakers groups
Italy – A pamphlet in solidarity with Juan Sorroche, anarchist prisoner of the Italian State :it
Download the pamphlet Contro venti e maree [Against winds and tides], a “collection of texts by Juan Sorroche, anarchist prisoner of the Italian State, on trial following an explosive attack against the Northern League”.
Edizioni Sole Nero issue 008
PDF for reading and printing:
Solidarity with Juan on hunger strike!
Translated by act for freedom now!
Chile: NI OBRERX NI PATRON -Apuntes para una critica actual al mundo del trabajo-
Compartimos un texto de CONfRONTACIÓN contra el trabajo y sobre el 1 de mayo. Gracias por la lectura y la difusión!
Buenos Aires (Argentina) : Car on fire in solidarity with the hunger strike in the Chilean prisons
via: Attaque
Contra Info / Saturday 24 April 2021
“Coercive measures cannot but sow the seeds of hatred and vengeance. It is a deadly circle. Moreover, since you have been slicing off heads and populating the prisons and penal colonies have you prevented hatred from showing itself?» Alexandre Marius Jacob*
In the night of Sunday April 18, while out walking in the street under the curfew restrictions, we set fire to a bin and a high-end car, a Volkswagen Polo 1.6. The theatre of this liberation by flames is 4000 Yerbal Street, in the Flores district.
Continue reading Buenos Aires (Argentina) : Car on fire in solidarity with the hunger strike in the Chilean prisons
Altsasu (Spain) ATMs sabotaged in solidarity with prisoners
via: Attaque
Contramadriz / Sunday 25 April 2021
Wednesday 21st April, we destroyed 3 automatic cash dispensers of the Caixa, in Altsasu (Euskal Herria).
We broke the first for freedom for subversive, anarchist, mapuche prisoners and those of the revolt in Chile; in solidarity with those on hunger strike since 22nd March and those who have ended their strike for health reasons.
Continue reading Altsasu (Spain) ATMs sabotaged in solidarity with prisoners