Touch the Sky, Film Screening and Discussion
After Michael Brown was murdered by police with his hands in the air, some of the excluded and oppressed population of ferguson touched the sky. The revolt of the agonised and enraged suburb – previously known for its quietness during the 1992 unrest – led to an uprising that spread across the city of St Louis and far beyond. The participants were not deterred by self-appointed or media-groomed experts, with repressive or socially-conscious programmes for getting back in line.
Instead, they actively posed the question of freedom and dignity against the daily murderers and violators, in destructive confrontations against the enforces, urban architecture, commerce and circulation of control. This found-footage film takes up those questions which remain vital, even if they can’t be answered on a screen.
Tuesday 18th February
Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road SE14 5HD