We take responsibility for the placement of a low powered
incendiary device in the early hours of 03/12
at the ΕΦΚΑ office in Kypseli, located on Kefallinias
Although the device, fortunately for you, did
not ignite, the message remains the same.
Rest assured that with the same operational ease, we can
target any location of our choosing at any time, with a
similar device.
The reason we selected this specific target, among the
many offered by the metropolis, is that it is a key
structure of the state mechanism, one that promotes
destitution, subjugation, and consequently, the
manipulation of the majority of society. The Social
Insurance Agency (ΕΦΚΑ) operates under the
supervision of the Ministry of Labour, which in capitalist
terms means it acts as an executive organ of the
ideological orientation promoted by the current
To clarify, ΕΦΚΑ is responsible for distributing pensions
of a mere €426.17, withholding contributions from
workers, freelancers, and farmers, and combating tax
evasion. Taxes for farmers exceed 50%, and for
freelancers, they surpass 75%. In summary, ΕΦΚΑ
serves as the state’s tax collector, playing a pivotal role in
financing its political agenda and legitimizing its
existence. But when words fail, numbers speak.
Revenues for the years 2024 and 2025 (approximately)
amounted to about €51 billion, while expenses for social
security funds were around €50 million. This means only
0.1% of the revenue is returned to society.
ΕΦΚΑ is the hand that gives a pittance to the beggar’s
outstretched hand—a currency whose value is dictated
by the state and government, within the predefined
trajectory imposed on the modern wage slave, who
defines themselves based on how productive and
disciplined they have been within the capitalist machine,
perpetually chasing class advancement and social status
validation. Moving beyond the confines of sterile class
analysis, which solely blames the state and capital while
ignoring the responsibility of those consciously trapped
in a condemned life—a life determined by others from
birth, bound by servitude, shackled, and surrounded by
the glitter of capitalist showcases.
In opposition to the world of social consent and
submission, complacency, inertia, and defeatism, against
any logic of delegation and waiting, we choose the path
of direct action, responding with attacks on the world of
power, navigating through the flames of its total
destruction. Every call for attack is a proposal for social
disengagement, a rupture with all forms of authority, a
call for the destruction of the existing order.
With armed hands and words, with a broken heart, and
the name of a street etched in memory, we carried out
this attack in memory of the armed revolutionary
Kyriakos Ximitiris and in solidarity with the anarchist
comrade Marianna M., who is held captive in the
dungeons of bourgeois democracy. Walking the path of
insubordination, dispute, and attack—a path stained with
the blood of those who, unrepentant, chose frontal assault
on the state and power—every step we take remains
unwavering in its purpose.
For every comrade who bore the heavy cost of revolutionary prospects and insurgent action, we promise that with each passing day, as long as our feet tread this earth, we will cut off the heads of our oppressors and dismantle everything they have built with
their filthy hands. Comrade, may you have good
incursions in the valley of eternal silence.
Strength to imprisoned comrade K.K., accused of arson
on a police service van in Mesolongi.
Solidarity to all those prosecuted in the Ambelokipi case.
Freedom for the revolutionary Nikos Maziotis, member
of Revolutionary Struggle
Cells of Offensive Solidarity
from : Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame”