On New Year’s Eve, a moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society. – Hamburg,Germany

On New Year’s Eve, around 50 people gathered outside the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg to celebrate the New Year with the prisoners.

Unannounced and undisturbed by the cops, the prisoners were greeted with fireworks and slogans.

The prisoners responded with applause, shouts and fires at the windows of their cells.
A moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society.

In this context, the anarchist comrade-in-arms Kyriakos Ximitiris, who died two months ago, was also remembered and our solidarity with the prisoners of the Ampelokipoi case Marianna, Dimitra, Dimitris, Nikos and A.K. was emphasised.
They are with us in our struggles, in the small and the big moments – despite the borders and the walls.

Freedom for all prisoners!
