Postcard from Clandestinity, Greetings from an Anarchist on the run.

Dear comrades along the way,

An annual greeting is not easy to write, it is exhausting; as it tries to express in a few sentences thoughts, feelings and experiences of a whole year – and beyond. A task whose failure, however, has something beautiful inherent in it: the concentrated attention on this one moment of verbalized devotion. It is beautiful to carry you in my chest, eight years after my departure into clandestinity.

The last few days were rather cloudy, as I had to think about my old life and the loss that came with it. Fortunately, this gloom does not predominate, but only spreads from time to time. For the most part of my time, I am in good spirits, happy and proud of my decision to have chosen my free feet on constantly new adventures to the chains on a few square meters of dreariness. If you are unfortunate to face such a decision – take the risk. It is worth it!

It’s the eighth summer on my journey and I still remember how I used to send postcards to my friends every year during the summer holidays as a little boy. The little space on the postcard format and my inability to write lines that did not resemble a branch of a weeping willow, limited me in telling my experiences. At that time, however, it was not about content for me and my friends, but simply about “staying in touch” during these five weeks of vacation, which felt like an eternity. This “staying in touch” by means of a digital postcard is also my motive here, and not the telling of my experiences. After all, you (never) know who is reading along…

Dear stones along my way,

Watch your ears…

Everyone else should feel hugged – see you again!

Your friend and comrade from nowhere, July 2024