More on the house searches in Brussels and Amsterdam

Act for free receive and spread:

Early in the morning of 23 May 2024, three residences of comrades in Amsterdam and Brussels were raided. As a reminder: digital devices (computers, telephones, hard drives, usb keys, cameras), tools, and anarchist publications were seized. No one was arrested on that occasion.

According to the first documents of the investigation, three comrades are the targets of a procedure issued by the prosecutor’s office in Munich for: “participation in a criminal organization (§129), arson, disruption of public works, and anti-constitutional sabotage.”

More precisely, the comrades are suspected of forming a so-called
“left-extreme anarchist group” “who committed the following offenses in Germany”:

– “on 25.07.20 * arson of cable spools, trucks, and construction
equipment in Munich”;
– “on 03.08.02 * arson of construction equipment in Schrobenhausen (Bavaria)”;
* An internet search suggests that these acts are dated 25.07.2022 and 03.08.2022.

Several European Investigation Orders issued since at least September 2023 indicate collaboration between the prosecutor’s office in Munich and their Dutch, Belgian and French counterparts.

Any new information will be shared.