Central Greece : Αgainst the destruction of central Evia


Αgainst the destruction of central Evia

At this moment, the State and investors are planning the looting of the last piece of green in central Evia. In particular, Ellaktor of Vardinogianni and the Portuguese multinational EDP Renewables are planning to place 86 wind turbines in the mountainous green areas of Dirfyos, Xerovouni, the Kotylaia Mountains and the Euboean Olympus. In fact, following the recent rejection by the ΑΠΕ of the appeal made by residents and associations of Evia, the implementation of this project is just around the corner.

Mountains of Euboean Olympus

Green Repower, the company of the forestor – sometimes also investor(!) – Eleftherios Karapidakis, is a company preparing environmental impact studies of Development & Evaluation of RES Projects. The specific subject has signed studies for a series of disastrous “green” investments throughout the Greek region, such as Evia, Agrafa, Boeotia, serving his personal benefit as well as those of his bosses.

The bosses’ argument that capitalism can also have “green exits”, over the years has begun and is occupying more and more space in the public discourse. It is presented as the only compatible solution to balance the ever-increasing issues of planet degradation and economic growth. In fact, it is the perfectly controlled institutional outlet promoted by States and capitalist giants so that the current system of exploitation and plundering of nature survives, even in different forms. But for there to be any possibility of stopping this reality, we should first of all come into confrontation with the existing political-economic system, and the way it deals with the environment, questioning the sovereignly imposed way of life as a whole.

Central to the core of the ideas-practices of green capitalism is the replacement of part of the current energy model with renewable energy sources being, according to the official establishment discourse, a panacea for any environmental problem (from global warming to the increase in the frequency and intensity of weather events such as floods and hurricanes). Neither ΑΠΕ (Development & Evaluation of RES Projects) technologically can replace fossil fuels, but neither can they support the economic model of ever-increasing global consumption. Especially in the way they are being used by State and capitalists, they are tools that contribute to the further plundering of nature (huge industrial facilities that destroy important habitats, hydroelectric dams that stop the flow of rivers, altering ecosystems, etc.).

The most important part that green capitalism artificially avoids addressing is not the mixed sources of energy, but how much energy we actually need, how much of it is directed to social needs and how much to the production of profit for States and capital.

As anarchists, we have no illusions about whether statists and capitalists of every hue care about the sustainability and well-being of natural ecosystems. It is their structural characteristic to plunder nature through the overexploitation of raw materials, with the result that, among other things, they deprive non-human beings of their natural space.
Whatever colours it changes into, capitalism is fundamentally an exploitative, oppressive system that accelerates the plundering of nature and our lives


Initiative of anarchist collectives against the plundering of nature
