Lyon, France: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

 Down with DETS, long live housing for all

Indymedia Lille / Friday May 24, 2024

On the night of May 22, the windows of the DETS were shattered in support of all the people on the streets.

DETS is the state organization that finances emergency accommodation and housing for homeless people.
It is they who, in conjunction with the prefecture, chose to leave 14,000 people on the streets. In Lyon, you have to wait 5 years for social housing, 3 years for emergency accommodation.

On May 22, 2024, the solidarités femmes a la rue [solidarity between women sleeping rough] collective occupied the Chanfray gymnasium, evicted the same evening by the police at the request of the town hall, like 2 weeks before at the Dargent gymnasium.

We cannot remain passive when they send the police to clear out children and women who just wanted to organize themselves to no longer sleep outside.
We can no longer accept that so many people are on the streets.

we decided to organize and attack the state in support of the people expelled from the Chanfray gymnasium, the squatters expelled or at risk of being evicted and all the homeless people.

We broke the windows of the DETS and sprayed “housing for all”, just to remind them that accommodation is a right.

a roof is a right or we break the windows!

via: attaque

Translated by Act for freedom now!