We are watching you: Leonardo Bristol, UK

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Bristol is a city which hides its dark past and present behind a veneer of subversive culture and liberalism.

The history of exploitation and oppression that the cities wealth was
built upon is thriving today in the area of Filton. Home to the
Ministry of Defence and many arms companies, this is a part of the city that tries to stay hidden. Elbit have been the target of many actions, and have finally had their Bristol lease terminated when it is next due for renewal (to be replaced with another monstrosity we are sure).

We wanted to higlight the role of another company: Leonardo. Leonardo is one of the world’s largest arms manufacturers, making arms sales of $11.2 billion in 2021.

Leonardo has extensive ties to the Israeli regime, supplying M-346
aircraft and components for its Apache attack helicopters. It recently completed a merger with Israeli defence company RADA Electronic Industries.

Leonardo UK applied for 26 arms export licenses to Israel between 2008
and 2021. 150 people work in their Bristol office. They have had a base in Bristol since 2011 and this is the location of their main cyber
secuirty team. In addition to all the tools of murder listed above, they have a new horror on the horizon….

‘Tempest’ is a £250 million contract for the MoD and RAF, and is a
“sixth generation fighter jet” combining AI and cyber security in new, terrfiying ways. Leonardo are running the project. The pinnacle of this is the invention of a “Virtual Wingman” , an AI bot who will assist the pilot of this death machine in all ways, replacing a human and providing unprecedented streams of data and surviellance. It will also give theAI pilot a new level of autonomy and control in controlling weapons.

The physical building is difficult to access, so we turned our sights to
the staff and area surrounding it. Watching people come and go, we have collected number plates of those who work for this grotesque company
(see below).

We conducted a simple exercise in surviellance to show Leonardo that you don’t need to be a billion dollar cyber firm to keep an eye on peoples activities….

We are watching you, and everyone in Bristol Business Park who profits from murder and militarism.

For anarchy, disorder, and the continued struggle against surveillance and domination.

430 Bristol Business Park
Bristol BS16 1EJ


Some further details…
Ms. Paula Ferreira
Office Manager

“Vice President of Capability and Chief Technology Officer at Leonardo
Cyber and Security”
Max Wigley