Motte-Servolex (Savoie): Another downed electricity pylon! (France)

Motte-Servolex (Savoie): Another downed electricity pylon!

On the night of June 25 to 26, we sawed off the legs of a 225kV electricity pylon in the vicinity of La Motte-Servolex, on the outskirts of Chambery.

We followed the protocol described in Claim for the sabotage of an electric pylon, which we reproduce below:

1) Saw the transversal bars.
Note: These are the bars that connect the legs together.
2) Saw with oblique cuts on the two legs in the direction of the fall.

Note: The pylon must fall perpendicular to the cables.
3) Saw with straight cuts on the same two legs about 30 cm above the previous cuts.
Note: Saw all the way to the end to have a fully detachable piece.
4) Strike the sawn pieces still held in place by the gravity of the pylon with a battering ram.
Note: a small tree trunk can be used
5) While the pylon is falling, move away with small steps in the opposite direction.
Note: hacksaws and oil are sufficient to perform this action.

A few more comments:

There’s no point in rushing: if you’ve chosen your spot carefully, you’ve got the whole night ahead of you! The cleaner the cuts, the easier it is to work with the ram. Count on one, two or three hours, depending on the pylon and how many of you there are. And a dozen or so saw blades (not all tooth qualities and sizes are created equal!).

Having someone to keep an eye on the structure’s movements during the final saw strokes can be reassuring, as can having bleach on hand to clean up the work areas before the final assault (the battering ram).

The moment of the fall is certainly impressive, but we emerged unscathed, like dozens of saboteurs before us!

And a little tune to hum in your head, to keep the rhythm and give you courage…

… And if we all saw, it will fall
It can’t go on like this
It’s got to fall, fall, fall
See how it’s already leaning
If I saw hard, it has to move
And if you saw by my side
It’s bound to fall, fall, fall
And we’ll have freedom.

Let the attacks against the encaging of this world fly like sparks, and thank you to those who inspire us, by their actions or words!

[Note of translator: For a similar method with more details, see Insurrection Magazine #4, page 26]

via: sansnom.translated by Act for freedom now!