On February 22, 2025, a demonstration took place in Berlin in solidarity with Daniela Klette, who is currently imprisoned in Vechta prison awaiting her first upcoming trial.
On this occasion, the anarchist comrades Dimitra Z. and Marianna M., who are currently in Korydallos prison, sent speeches that were read out.
Statement of Dimitra Z.
On the 26th of February, last year, and after 3 decades of being in underground, Daniela Klette was arrested in the center of Berlin and was transferred to the Vechta prison. The accusations that the comrade has to face in the trials are the participation in armed bank robberies as well as the participation in some of the attacks with the armed organization RAF. It is worth to mention the way of the arrestment of Klette, that some journalists played the role of the cop and with the help of artificial intelligence they used an old photography of her and assimilated how she could look like today with the result to detect her in a random picture on facebook. The whole operation of the arrestment of Klette was reminding the manhunting of the 70s and 80s and it came to the front the myth of RAF. The state propaganda played a huge role in all the mainstream media by reliving the narratives of the past by mirroring the personalities of the fighters, depoliticized their actions and calumniated them.
However the comrade Klette (as well as the comrades Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkard Garweg, who are still in underground) managed for 34 years to live free in the heart of the beast being unobserved from the radar of repression. Their life is a proof that the so called powerful german state is a narrative that comes from their own propaganda and is nothing more than a house of cards. Even though the high developed technologies of surveillance, the uncounted of specialized units of repression, LKA, BKA, specialized scientists and technocrats and the militarized equipment, the comrade managed in these three decades to humiliate them by living in the center of Berlin, in Kreuzberg, one the most surveilled neighborhoods of the city.
The comrade with her life managed not only to proof the weakness of german repression, but also the fact that today there are still the means and the people who can ensure a life in underground.
The ridicule of the german cops was continued with the fact that the comrades of Klette, Ernst and Burkhard escaped from the arrestment beside the tremendous measures that were taken from the repressive mechanism the next days and the case of the three comrades is not the only example. The last years many accused Antifas, have chosen the road of outlaw and they do not negotiate their right to freedom and life.
Statement of Marianna M.
The level of the whole operation, the state of emergency which was prevailed during the first days of her arrestment and the perseverance that the german state preserves all these years in order to locate the „terrorists“ are leading to one main conclusion. The western anti imperialist armed guerilla which was active during the decades from the 60s until the 80s still constitutes an open „round“ for every state, especially the german which declares that it never forgets.
And that’s because all the armed formations which were active those years, as RAF, managed to exert polemic critique, to attribute responsibilities and to put on the table matter of revolutionary perspectives. During a period when people were revolting against their colonists, the western movements practically stood next to them, preparing for the battle, transferring the war back to the „belly of the beast“, creating an open front internally. A front strong enough to create obstacles to western imperialism. Today, 50 years later in a period of social and political contempt and retreat, the arrested anti-imperialist struggle consists one of the political tools that radical movements dispose. The transgression of the ruling laws is a fighting strategy wich continues to surprise and frighten them, a dynamic condition where emancipatory perspectives could arise.
Exept the timelessness, the necessity of this mean of struggle, even the slogans of the past could inspire the present fights. The international place in local fights and the ant-imperialistic confrontation in western metropolis connect the struggles of the past with the contemporary fights and offers revolutionary perspectives at resistance. The greedy ambitions of the west should find obstacles in the places from where they emanate the west centers. Comrade Klette was a member of the 80s movement, of the international movement.
She fights against exploitation and oppression, against patriarchy and capitalism, war and militarism. Comrade Klette from her early age decided to dedicate her life in the revolutionary struggle with unlimited commitment which accompanied her during her life managing to fight the repressive mechanism of the german state. She constituted parts of the radical movement and even now, from the cells of democracy she continues to fight and inspires us with her stance.
It is her consistent cause, her commitment and her determination, her not reconciliation and her uncompromised fight which reminds us why we should still fight, why we should still struggle. Even during our most difficult moments, when the system takes the life of armed fighters like Georg von Rauch, Petra Schelm and many more, as it took the life of the armed guerilla, our comrade and friend Kyriakos Xymitiris four month ago we must continue the fight.
We should stand next to our dead comrades, those wonderful people, the consistent, the sensitive, the ones who gave their lifes for the revolutionary cause. Those who understood themselves as part of the western revolutionary history, those who took their responsibility and debouched into the battle as the armed Guerillero Kyriakos Xymitiris who felt the same agony with the 80s Guerilla, the same rage, the same commitment, who was one of the few fighters who chose to grasp the threat of armed struggle and 2024, when the fight in the western metropolies is wavering between alternativism and conventions.
Even if the walk keep us apart, even if the struggle took our closest comrades we are together as we keep fighting. Together with Daniela, Monika, with Alfredo and Francesco, Mumia, Abdullah and all the political prisoners.
Together with Kyriakos, Wolfgang, Margerita and all those armed Guerillas who fall in the battle for a better world. Together with Holger, Helin, Bobby and all those who were murdered in the cells of democracy. Because revolution says: I was, I am, I will be again.“
Solidarity with Daniela Klette!
Strengths to the people in Underground
Kyriakos Xymitiris Present