via:informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!
Received by mail
It’s been more than two years since that 22nd of December in 2022, the day of various raids orchestrated by the Metropolitana Sur High Complexity Prosecutor. Six households were raided, five of these in the Metropolitan Region and one in the Valparaiso Region, all registered by police groups OS9, GOPE and LABOCAR, resulting in six arrests, four of which led to pre-trial prison. Two of these were brothers and comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández, who throughout the following months remained under investigation for the explosive attack on the National Police Headquarters of Chile. Aldo is accused of having placed the device, as well as facing violations of the Arms Control Law, and Lucas is also accused of various violations of the arms and explosives control Law.
Months later, the comrades were asked to attend a hearing to be re-formalized, and both were charged with the manufacture of weapons and explosive devices for various items found in the home raided in Pedro Aguirre Cerda.
In this process we have seen how the prosecution has used trickery and dirty games to attempt to harm and intimidate those surrounding the accused with imprisonment, seeking information and even denunciations in order to complete the investigation and to be able to prove their accusations. The result of the harassment has been negative, since all the detainees after the raids have remained dignified and trustworthy faced with the mediocre attempts of the Prosecutor Claudio Orellana, demonstrating complicity and loyalty to the principles of anti-authoritarian comradeship in practice.
Across the months, the comrades have lived various and different realities of prison, since from the beginning they were separated, trying to break their family ties, depriving them from having contact and sharing the same physical space for more than two years.
Now the comrades await the preparation audience of the oral trial, which has already been postponed on two occasions for legal reasons. After awaiting trial for over two years, the comrades remain unable to reunite for reasons of security, violating their rights of conserving the family ties that bond them.
In this trial, they risk being given exemplary sentences; for Aldo the prosecution requests a 90 year sentence and for Lucas a 26 year sentence. We call these exemplary because this excessive quantity of years only aims to intimidate the environment and those who decide to return blow with blow without turning the other cheek, nor awaiting illusive and idealized opportune moments to go for our enemies. The comrades maintain intact their integrity and impetus to continue contributing to strengthening the anarchic path outside and within prison. They cling fiercely to their ideas and values, bringing along various comrades who have been deprived of their freedom just like they have, making their ideas a real threat for the range of nefarious conducts inside prison and practicing carceral solidarity, remaining strong against prison and its jailers within their own houses (prisons).
Power continues to deal blows; reprisals are part of the daily life/captivity of our brothers. The last update was Aldo’s transfer to unit 2 of maximum security in “La Gonzalina” prison, on December 24 of last year, changing the carceral regime for him. Currently he is being kept with a schedule of 21 hours of lockup and 3 hours on the range, this added to restrictions such as the prohibition of electronic apparatuses (TV, kettle and radio). This transfer resulted from a raid carried out in unit 12 (unit in which Aldo was held for 2 years) on December 18 during which the personal information of the 16 national police wounded in the attack on the headquarters carried out on December 27, 2021 was found inside Aldo’s cell. This information which was found contained in the respective investigative files of the case, was the motive for which the high authorities of La Gonzalina decided on his isolation.
Violentist practice is more valid than ever, and it is blood to pump the hearts of our brothers in prison. Each unerring action, propaganda gesture, reveals the vulnerability of a predatory system that sustains itself through a false security that’s no more than a mask that can be burnt off, in reach of our hands full of conviction and courage.
Actions such as attacks with arms-bombs on institutions-police-machines that protect the interests of power and the rich are only one demonstration of this, so that the fear is felt by those who capture us, the bullets have names and addresses. May our energies be capable of creating what our imagination once thought, so that each idea in the minds of those who see the violentist struggle as possible overflows.
Fire and death to the spectator, the scavenger, the martyr and the vulture.
Freedom for all those who remain convinced, true and courageous against domination!
Freedom for anarchist, subversive and mapuche prisoners!
We dare to create the forbidden!
Make ideas a real threat!
Freedom for Aldo and Lucas Hernández!
February 2025.