Athens, Greece: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Forward, everyone!
Both with arms and with heart,
word and pen,
knife and gun,
irony and blasphemy,
theft, poisoning and arson,
let us wage… war on society!

~Josheph Dejacque (1821-1864), libertarian anarcho-communist

In a world of constant impoverishment, class inequalities, oppression and exploitation, social fascism advances through the dictates of the state apparatus, capital and its mouthpieces, leaving room for more and more impoverishment and repression. The reformist compromises of the once more radical sections of society, together with stupidification, selfish individualism and worship of oppressors, make it no longer able to conceive of conflict with all of the above.

Our anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris and anarchist comrade Marianna M. are an example of selflessness, revolutionary ethos and political commitment in all aspects of the struggle. From anarchist assemblies, to solidarity with prisoners, to struggles in defense of immigrants, labor gains, to the struggle against gentrification and repression, our comrades gave “body and soul” keeping the flame of the revolutionary cause always alight. The events of October 31st froze our hearts but at the same time convinced us to continue the struggle of Kyriakos and Marianna and so many other comrades over the years who gave their lives or were imprisoned in the battle for individual and social liberation, revolution and anarchy.

In the aftermath of the October 31st accident, we watched the media snitches try to portray the struggle of our comrades, to sell them as amoral bloodthirsty terrorists thirsting for the blood of innocent civilians, while at the same time selling death politics by showing videos from the destroyed apartment on Arcadia Street in order to increase viewership figures and satisfy their far-right audience. Naturally, a new cycle of persecution followed in the political and social circle of the comrades but also against people who had nothing to do with them.

In the intervening period, solidarity actions were carried out for the comrades accused of the Ampelokipoi case and for the memory of comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris worldwide. Marches, microphones, solidarity movements and direct action strikes from Greece to Chile and from Germany to Indonesia.

We know that the real terror is the constant abolition of labour gains, price increases in supermarkets and evictions of the lower social strata for the sake of the banks. Terrorism is the cover-up of state crime in Tempe, as well as trafficking rings in which a large part of the state and para-state apparatus participates (see the Greek police mafia case). Terrorism is the thousands of migrants drowned in the Mediterranean and the wars that push them to displacement, such as the genocidal war in Palestine.

For our part, we come to declare that the revolutionary-insurrectionary thread that connects generations and generations will not be broken. There will always be movements that challenge the monopoly of state and capital violence and return a percentage of it to those who carry it.

We assume responsibility for the following arson attacks between 18/12 and 28/12 on the following targets:

      • HEDNO van vehicle in Elliniko,
      • car dealership in Patisia,
      • police car in Holargos,
      • state SUV vehicle in Kypseli,
      • the study center of New Democracy MP G. Kallianos in Glyfada,
      • cop car in Zografou.

We call on comrades here and everywhere to raise the flame of direct action and insurrectionary prospects.

Kyriakos Xymitiris always present!

Solidarity with anarchist comrade Marianna M.

Immediate release of the anarchists Dimitra Z., Dimitris, Nikos Romanos and A.K.

Solidarity with comrade K.K. in pre-trial detention

Solidarity with former RAF member Daniela Klette in pre-trial detention and wanted former members Burkhard Garweg and Ernst-Volker Staub

night slalom / commando Kyriakos Xymitiris


via: darknights