In the early hours of 30.21.24, we visited the Greek residence in Bern. (Switzerland)

In the early hours of 30.21.24, we visited the Greek residence in Bern.

On October 31 of this year, an explosive device detonated in an apartment in Athens. It killed fellow anarchist Kyrikaos Xymitiris. Fellow anarchist Marianna, who was also in the apartment, was seriously injured in the explosion. Despite her serious injuries, she is currently in prison in Korydallos without adequate medical care (see more at:

In addition to Marianna, Dimitra, Dimitris, Nikos and A.K are in custody in connection with these events. They are all accused of the same thing: Founding and membership of a terrorist organization, possession and manufacture of explosives, and damage to private property.

We stand in solidarity with all those affected by the repression and have decided to contribute to the action days from 30.12. – 01.01.: In memory of Kyriakos X and in solidarity with those persecuted in the Ampelokipoi trial (see more:

For this reason, we visited the Greek residence at Jungfraustrasse 3 in Bern and marked it with paint. This residence serves as the home of Greek diplomats and ambassadors in Bern.
The Greek state, which imprisons those who fight against the prevailing order, also has its henchmen in Switzerland. These people have names and addresses.

Kyriakos unforgotten!

Freedom for the five detainees!

Freedom for all prisoners!

Some anarchists