Number of the day: 65 million

In Martinique, rioting and looting cause at least “65 million euros” in damage to businesses

  • Le Monde, October 18, 2024 (excerpt)

Supermarkets, warehouses, car dealerships and rental companies, electronics stores, catering establishments… The list of Martinique businesses robbed and set on fire during the nights of rioting is long and varied.

“We counted 115 businesses, for a total estimated loss – in terms of inventory and buildings – of between 65 and 75 million euros”, sums up Philippe Jock, President of Martinique’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). Up to 950 employees could be affected by short-time working, according to CCI estimates, and “more than 300 jobs are at risk; some will be lost”, continues Mr. Jock. This is bad news for this island of 350,000 inhabitants, where 11% of the population was unemployed in 2023, according to data published by Insee in June.

In addition to these direct losses, many businesses have suffered from the major traffic problems caused by the roadblocks erected by the rioters and the repeated traffic slowdowns organized by trade unions in support of movement against the high cost-of-living. School closures and the curfew – in force until October 21 – are further reasons for Martiniquais to stay at home.

“Fort-de-France shopkeepers are reporting a drop in sales of between 50% and 70%”, reports the president of the chamber of commerce, who is already worried about “major cancellations in terms of holiday tourism” and lower visitor numbers, just as the tourist season is about to get underway. The Zilea association, which brings together tourism professionals, has said it does not wish to communicate on this subject at this time. For local authorities, too, the slate is high. “For street furniture alone, we estimate [the bill] at several hundred thousand euros”, explained Didier Laguerre (Parti progressiste martiniquais), the mayor of Fort-de-France, following the first wave of riots at the end of September.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!