Position of the anarchist prisoner K.K. from the prisons of Kassavetias (Greece)

Our life is

pointless panting

at pre-programmed strikes

stooges and patrol cars.

That’s why I’m telling you.

Next time they’ll let us have it

we shouldn’t run. We should hold our line.

Let’s not sell our asses so cheap, man.

Don’t. It’s raining. Gimme a smoke.

Katerina Gogou ( Κ. Γώγου)

Voices and screams resound from inside the cells, behind the walls and barbed wire. Flocks of birds and warplanes fly over the prisons. No matter how much the morbidity of the times wants us to bow down, there will always be something stronger, the ability to respond with sparkling eyes, the stubbornness of those who fight for a more beautiful world, the fire that burns inside us and refuses to go out.

On 11/10 an explosive device is placed in a police investigation van. Local and not only media shoot with relevant articles. At the end of October, I am informed by my friends that there is a strong and constant presence of plain clothes police in the area where I live. At the same time, information about a 16-year-old boy being beaten up by a student fascist group in a neighbouring village is circulating. I was out of Messolonghi at that time and I returned with the aim of meeting the boy in person, to open up the matter and find ways to face it.

On 7/11 at noon, 100 metres from my house, I was arrested by eight plain clothes police. From the first moment I persistently asked the reason for my arrest. Instead of an answer, I received abuse and sarcasm. They put me in one of the two unmarked vehicles, while they confiscated the bicycle I was riding. They took me to a remote area near my neighbourhood, and there the abuse continues for about an hour and a half until they take me to my house, where two other unmarked vehicles were already waiting. A thorough search is carried out, during which all the electronic devices belonging not only to me but also to my siblings are confiscated, which made it impossible for them to communicate with our parents, as they were out of town for work, and also caused difficulties in my sister’s studies, for which she needs a computer. In addition, various objects that were considered incriminating were confiscated, such as spray cans, paints, brushes, books and printed material from the anarchist space. When they completed the search, they took me to the A.T. (police station)  where I was held for many hours in the police station handcuffed behind my back, without being allowed the one phone call I was entitled to and without having contacted a lawyer despite my insistence.

Later, having finally managed to contact a lawyer and my parents, I was taken to the detention centre and remained there until Tuesday 11/12, where I was expected to go through a prosecutor and an investigator. During my stay, there were constant police patrols on all sides of the section, as well as security guards around the perimeter of the area. On Tuesday morning, a huge horror show was set up with two mat riot cop vans, guardrails in front of the courts and cameras recording the ridiculous spectacle. At the end of the procedure, my pre-trial detention was decided, and on the morning of Wednesday 11/13 I was transferred to Kassavetia Prisons.

We live in morbid times, where even books are morally criminalized. This is something that we have observed in many similar cases, as well as something that I experience inside the prison given that any book sent to me has never come into my hands, under the pretext of disrupting the order and security of the establishment.

The plain clothes police  and counter-terrorism regulations are well-known, so they do not surprise anyone. The obscene communication circus they are going to set up, the dirty work the media is doing in close cooperation with the cops, the ironies, the threats and the thumping do not terrify me. I owe this in large part to the people I have met along the beautiful trails of the struggle. Their warmth accompanied me during the cold nights in the detention centres of A.T. (police station) Messolonghiou, accompanies me in the prisons of Kassavetia and will accompany me in every dungeon of the republic. I have my head up and I intend to keep that attitude.

The social war is here and it is widening day by day, it is our duty to open wide the social relations and the values ​​of self-organization. Foci of struggle everywhere from Messolonghi to Chile, from theory to practice and back again. Nothing is lost, nothing is over, we continue to march against state, capital, fascism, patriarchy, exploitative relations until our last breath… for a free world.

The support I have received really moves me. No matter how many lackeys they recruit to bend resistance, solidarity will crush them. Our anger is a river and it will drown them.





K.K., December 2024, Kassavetia Prisons


via: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1633183/

Translated by Act for freedom now!


actforfree notes:  ( Messolonggi city Southern Greece ) Explosive Attack on Police Interrogation Van by (Α)

Katerina Gogou (Greek: Κατερίνα Γώγου; 1940–1993) was a Greek poet, author and actress, she lives in Exarcheia area,Athens.