Hamburg/Germany: Wild demonstration for Kyriakos, against militarism and all authority

On Saturday, 16th November 2024, several dozen angry people marched unannounced and masked through the St Pauli district of Hamburg.

For this day, the was a call for an international of day of action and in memory of the anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris.

They took their anger at the ongoing militarisation, genocides and the celebration of the 69th anniversary of the german army to the streets.

At the sides, numerous leaflets were distributed against militarisation, the german army and in memory of the deceased anarchist comrade Kyriakos Xymitiris who lost his life in an explosion on the 31stof October in Athens – as well as calling for solidarity with the anarchist comrade Marianna M., who was injured in the incident and is now in prison, and the anarchists Dimitris P. and Dimitra Z., who were also imprisoned in connection with the explosion.

Slogans were sprayed, fireworks set off, barricades were built and an office of the socialdemocratic party was attacked.

When the cops turned up, the crowd dispersed into the night – according to the press, three people were stopped on the street in the course of the evening.

Against any war – against any militarism.

The german army is nothing to be celebrated.

Revolutionary hearts burn forever!

Uncondiational solidarity to the comrades imprisoned in Athens.

More information on the situation in Athens:



Here the texts of the leaflets distributed:

Leaflet 1:

Against all militarism, against all war! From Hamburg to Athens – Revolutionary Solidarity!

Today we are taking to the streets to express our anger at the celebration of the 69th anniversary of the Bundeswehr.

We see the ever escalating wars, the genocides, the rise of the weapon industry.

We see an offensive orientation of society towards militarism.

We see this accompanied by an authoritarian formation internally and brutal, murderous isolation externally.

We want to counter this with an attack on all borders, all states – all authority.


In raging memory of the anarchist comrade-in-arms Kyriakos, who died in an explosion in Athens on 31 October.

Those who die fighting for freedom live forever – in the heart of social revolt.

All strength to Marianna, who was seriously injured in the explosion and is in hospital in the hands of the cops.

Marianna – strong like our passion for freedom!

In solidarity with Dimitra and Dimitris, who were arrested after the explosion and are in prison.

No rebel alone in the hands of the state!


Second leaflet:

We took to the streets to commemorate our fallen comrade Kyriakos Ximitris. He died in October 31st through an explosion in an Athens appartement. He dedicated his life to the international struggle against state and capitals – and his unbridled solidarity with the exploited and love towards his friends & comrades.

Kyriakos – forever in out hearts! Grief and anger!

Revolutionary solidarity with Marianna, which ist hospitalized and imprisoned since the incident, and the other imprisoned comrades.



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