As part of the call for “international days of action against militarism and nationalism” between 1 and 10 October 2024, by the balkan anarchist solidarity network gathered in Pristina during the 16th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (5-7 July 2024).]
[In greece, israel, russia, ukraine
Fire to conscription centers and military courts
Solidarity to army objectors and deserters]
[war is made with the enthusiasm of those who want it…
…and with the desperation of those who deny it
No soldier ever and anywhere
Communes and revolts in every neighborhood]
[They create a desert and they call it peace
Total army refusal upon war and peace of the dominants]
[In greece, turkey, albania and everywhere
Sabotage to war plans and to the war industry]
[In the balkans, the middle east, the eastern europe and everywhere
No nation unites us – No border divides us]
[Migrants are the damned of the earth
In Fortress-Europe we are all foreigners]
[In palestine, ukraine and the red sea
the greek state actively participates in wars
In evros, the aegean sea, pylos and military camps
the greek army murders migrants and refugees]
[The military armaments and the war preparation of the greek state
are (also) targeting its subjects
Total army refusal upon war and peace of the dominants]
[Solidarity to every oppresed, resisting, displaced in palestine
Solidarity to army refusers and anyone resisting within israel]
[In the balkans, the middle east, the eastern europe and everywhere
Let’s tear down the walls of nationalism, of racism, of patriarchy, of war]