Athens, September 26, 2024, reflective march on the same day by hundreds for the dead immigrant from Pakistan, Mohammed Kamran Asik after a brutal beating at the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station.

The march for the state assassination of Mohamed Kamran Asik moved around the square of Agios Panteleimonas. At the end of the march after clashes, the cops arrest  4 people, 2 of which turned into arrests with heavy charges  .

Last Saturday morning, an immigrant from Pakistan, who had been missing for about a week, was found dead inside the Agios Panteleimonas Cop Station. 37-year-old Mohammad Kamran Ashiq, who worked as a delivery man, was found with multiple injuries on his body, which is also reflected in shocking photos.

Asik had been missing since September 13, while his family could not locate him through his mobile phones. Later it became known that the immigrant had been arrested by the Omonia Police Department for damaging an exterior door of an apartment building.

During his detention, he was transferred from department to department and was found in 5 different police stations until September 21, when he was found dead at the Agios Panteleimonas Cop station with obvious and severe injuries all over his body.the cops informed the family’s lawyer that Mohamed was not located in the detention center, but in a temporary detention room of the department, where, as the officers claimed, there are no security cameras.
The immigrant had been living in Greece since 2004 and had obtained a residence permit in 2017. He spoke Greek fluently, had a lease in his name and always carried the necessary identification documents.

However, the police Incident Report describes him as a homeless man who did not speak Greek and mentions that he had been beaten by others before being taken to the station on September 18.

Οne more time a person murdered in a cops station. One more time a migrant person beaten to death by the cops. This is not a exception, it is one more stage of the racist state mechanism, that starts at the borders and continues in the bureaucratic processes, in the labor market and in our neighborhoods.