From Berlin to Bolzano in Italy (Germany)

From Berlin to Bolzano (Italy)

Solidarity action with comrades affected by repression

On Sunday, September 1, people in solidarity gathered in front of the Carlo Giuliani monument in Berlin to express solidarity with the prisoners in northern Italy (Bolzano) and to draw attention to the authoritarian developments there. Background information:

BOZEN. They showed solidarity with the prisoners in Bolzano prison when they protested against the inhumane prison conditions, they campaigned for feminist self-determination rights and showed solidarity with the people in Gaza. The consequences: city expulsions, bans on demonstrations, charges, possibly dismissals and special surveillance.

In March of this year, Paolo Sartori took over the job of police quaestor in the tourist region of South Tyrol, with much encouragement from the far-right “Brothers of Italy”. Since then, authoritarian measures and inhuman repression have been hailing down. Right from the start, Sartori promised to ensure law and order with preventative measures, targeting left-wingers, migrants and the homeless in particular.

Two anarchists were banned from the city with a so-called “foglio di via”. Those affected are no longer allowed to enter the city in which they are active and organized for two to three years. A city ban follows an interpretation by the police, e.g. if a person is classified as a “social danger”. There is no possibility of a real appeal, and non-compliance can result in a prison sentence.

Sartori also banned political events in many places, such as a bicycle demonstration against tourist congestion, and issued verbal warnings that could result in so-called “special surveillance” (sorveglianza speciale). This fascist-era law isolates individuals socially and politically, prohibiting them from moving freely or organizing with others.

Sartori thus fits in with the application of enemy or author criminal law, according to which the penal system and the repressive apparatuses no longer pursue what one does, but the identity of the subject, his political path.

We must fight these developments before they spread. Many people go on vacation to South Tyrol, tell people about it, boycott the region, support the local comrades!

via: Kontrapolis