Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station (Chile)

Claim for the Precision Incendiary Attack on Red Bus Outside of the 58th Police Station

August 29, 2024

Received by mail 29/08/2024

Faced with the daily discomfort of inhabiting this world full of injustices and violence, we gather our time, our strength to, if only for a moment, topple the passivity that subjects the rhythms of exploitation. We make our anger and sense of vengeance a flare that ignites the alarms of their police and carceral security system, burning a Red bus of the I04 line under the noses of the 58th Police State in the Alessandri neighborhood, located at Antártica and Jaime Larraín Ave.

This is the station where the cops left from to assassinate the Vergara Toledo brothers in March 1985. At this very place, comrade Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda spoke out against the empty-headed cops, proclaiming the revolutionary bravery of her sons and family.

This is an action faced with the systematic impunity that the State/Nation of $hile has formed and covered up through repression and monitoring carried out throughout its historic development. Today it finds itself at its smelliest point of democracy, crying over the death of the three “only good cops” of Cañete who ran with the same good luck of the Luchsinger-Mackay family.

We chose the date July 25 as the name for this affinity group’s signature, since on that very day during the morning of the year 2019, two packages arrived at the office of ex minister of the Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter: a powerful package composed of dynamite that wasn’t opened, and another package composed of black powder that police major Manuel Guzmán did open, exploding in his hands and wounding another eight cops of the 54th Station of Huechuraba. The action was claimed by the group Seditious Accomplices/Faction for Vengeance; and some time after, preceded by the repressive raid against Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the latter assumed responsibility for these acts.

We bring these types of actions here because they should be treated as a victory for anarchy. That the comrade Francisco Solar has been sentenced for this doesn’t say anything to the contrary. The action succeeded at its aim: attacking the powerful. And for us, attacking them without a doubt represents an act to celebrate, laugh and vindicate. Also to learn and be replicated in the best ways possible, going for more and returning the harm received with antagonistic and subversive force; Not staying with our arms crossed, but arming ourselves with bravery.

To feel the harmony between the street and the prison

This action is a greeting for those who sleep without rest in the sophisticated constructions of confinement and isolation with those who intend to separate us from those who feel like our kin. With fire in solidarity with comrades Aldo, Lucas, Monica Caballero, Joaquín García, Panda, Ru, Tortuga, Tomás and all those arrested on the dawn of July 6 on the day of commemoration of the death of Luisa Toledo.

For Claudia López, Emilia Bau, Macarena Valdés, Mauricio Morales, Sebastián Oversluij, Matías Catrileo and Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti assassinated in the electric chair August 23, 1927. The memory of our own that we carry into the present in their ideas, in their street struggle, in their discourse and subversion that nourishes us and strengthens our path. Health is within you! We adhere to the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners from August 23-30.

Tortuga: this goes out to you! You’ll live on eternally in the anarchist fire. Despite the forces of power and their journalistic carrion that they vomit about your history, anarchist memory will know how to fight with vitality. The indomitable hearts will remain active, ensuring that anarchy lives. Luciano Pitronello is with us!

Arming ourselves with bravery and attacking authority is our victory!
Any action against it is totally valid!
Belén Navarrete is with us in chaos and anarchy!

Affinity Group July 25 – New Subversion

via: informativoanarquista
Translated by Act for freedom now!