Chile) Words of Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

Words of Francisco Solar for the Week of International Agitation Against Isolation

It’s important to understand that Power is applying isolation as an intra-prison regime to combat anarchism of action in different parts of the world, utilizing the most severe measures the penitentiary systems can think of to annihilate the ideas and practices that are enemies of all forms of authority once and for all. This is not new. There have been many moments across history in which States have decided to put an end to anarchism, but they haven’t managed to.

Now it’s up to us, not only to stop authority from accomplishing its purpose of annihilation, but managing to leave this stronger, creating the conditions and the moments that make the powerful tremble.

In this sense, revolutionary solidarity plays a decisive role to the extent that it knows that striking against Power and creating autonomous instances of struggle, in some way, breaks the isolation.

Revolutionary solidarity that doesn’t see the prisoner as an inactive individual with whom you should unquestioningly show solidarity, but rather as a comrade who continues being part of the struggle and who, therefore, is active in exchanging visions of the different initiatives that are carried out.

I send an embrace charged with complicity to all the groups and individuals who carry revolutionary solidarity embedded in their daily struggles. Those who, each and every moment, persistently and obstinately confront this society that needs prisons, control, degradation and exploitation to perpetuate itself. Who are conspiring and devising new forms of spreading anarchist propaganda, carrying out attacks and acting in solidarity with prisoner comrades. A strong hug for all of them.

With Luciano Pitronello in our memory. Comrade, warrior who never surrendered. Who struggled tirelessly and obstinately with all means to construct spaces of freedom and to destroy authority.

Freedom for anarchist and subversive prisoners!

Luciano Pitronello lives in each attack!

May the prisons burst!

Long live anarchy!


Francisco Solar

La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison

August 2024

via: informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!