A call of solidarity for Anarchist prisoner marcelo villarroel in Chile.

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call solidarity for marcelo villaroel


Comrade Marcelo has been in prison for more than 16 years straight, and they haven’t managed to break his will nor defeat his indomitable spirit.

Shot, tortured, isolated- but whole and dignified, unredeemed. Detained for the first time at 14 years old, subsequently passing nine months in prison, being the youngest political prisoner on the continent, after he would suffer another long imprisonment, from 1992 until 2005. Of his 51 years, he has spent thirty incarcerated.

A revolutionary given that, among many other daring actions, he robbed banks to finance the struggle, which he risked, and is paying dearly for his commitment and courage.

He participated in the expropriation of the Security Bank in October of 2007 in Chile, during which a police officer died. They didn’t charge Marcelo as being responsible for this death, but he was convicted of two sentences of 7 years for bank robbery, sentences which were completed in December 2023. In fact, he should have gotten out on parole in 2019..

Today, he is being kept in prison in accordance with sentences which emerged during the years of Pinochet’s Military Court, the Military Prosecutor, which intends to expend 46 years of incarceration…

Under the Military Dictatorship, political prison never exceeded 12 years in any case, from ’78 through ’90.

Marcelo represents everything that the System hates, a persistent revolutionary, indefatigable, inaccessible to dismay, the worst of examples… for this they use him to teach a lesson.

Now he needs us… a possibility of legal litigation has opened for his sentences coming from the military court fall and he could be wrenched from jaws of the enemy. Only lawyers can undertake this, and we are launching this urgent campaign to collect funds for these expenses.

We turn first of all to anarchist comrades and revolutionaries, and by extension to all those who abhor the infamous Capitalism, including those who only act in terms of defense of human rights.

We ask you for a contribution of 100 euros. One hundred people, and the expenses of the process will be covered.

If you read this, don’t let it pass and send the money as soon as possible.

This initiative is part of “La Contratertulia” [Counter Talk Show], a modest long-running anarchist radio program. Among the current guests are comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, indefatigable revolutionary, another courageous one who knows, unfortunately, what it is to pass 30 years in prison, and that without lawyers, he could still be there.


-By Western Union (at any post office). Put “Family help”, and bring your ID and cash. And you’ll have to forward us an email with the confirmation and the code and full name of the sender for them to be able to withdraw it.

To Daniela Andrea Zapata Silva 15.356.522-8

-Only if it’s impossible to send by the above method
transfer to the account  ES 13 0049 0244 5026 1018 4975 concept PEDIDO M.

In this case, you don’t put anything more.

WE ASK YOU, please, and at Marcelo’s request, that if you can, send a confirmation of payment to our email to confirm that everything arrives. (with the second option, direct bank transfer, this isn’t necessary).


AND, WE ASK that you replicate, resend and spread this communique by all means available to you.


Video about the history of the Kamina Libre collective of prisoners of the Chilean region in struggle:

